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Second Harmonic Generation of 266 nm Laser Beam Using BBO Nonlinear Crystal
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Second harmonic generation (SHG) is a phenomenon observed in nonlinear optics that leads to frequency duplication for a high intensity laser incident on nonlinear crystal using BBO crystal. The SHG yield is achieved when the photons interact with a nonlinear optical material and effectively combine to form new photons with double frequency, and therefore double energy and half wavelength. This paper is concerned with the establishment of an SHG experiment to govern the process of producing half-wavelength laser beam from the input one. The theoretical effort was extended to compute the efficiency by using MATLAB software based on mathematical relationships. The values of the conversion maximum efficiencies, which were computed as a function of the input and output powers of the theoretical computations, were 15.6% and 16%  at input and output power values of 0.6 and 0.1, respectively. The experimental results of the laser source of 532nm wavelength (fundamental frequency was 0.563x1015s-1) gave a half wavelength of 266nm (double frequency was 1.126x1015s-1). The conversion efficiencies, computed as a function of the input and output powers of the experimental measurements, were 14.32% and 12.97%, respectively.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 15 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Effect of 410 nm Diode Laser Irradiation on the Growth of Burn Wounds-associated Bacteria, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Staphylococcus Aureus
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The effect of 410nm with 100 mW output power and one centimetre spot size (0.128 W/cm2 power density) Diode laser irradiation at different exposure times on the growth of Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus was evaluated. Seventy swap samples were collected from burn and infected wounds of 35 patients admitted to the burn-wound unit in Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital in Baghdad during the period from December 2014 to February 2015. These bacteria were isolated and identified depending on their growth on selective media, cultural characteristics, Gram stain morphology and biochemical tests and finally were confirmed by Vitek 2 compact system test .Susceptibility of bacterial isolates to 15antibiotics

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Properties of Ground-State of 17,19,20,24,26F using the Wave Functions of Harmonic-Oscillator and Spherical Hankel Functions
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     The nuclear size radii, density distributions and elastic electron scattering charge form factors for Fluorine isotopes (17,19,20,24,26F) were studied using the radial wave functions (WF) of harmonic-oscillator (HO) potential and free mean field described by spherical Hankel functions (SHF) for the core and the valence parts, respectively for all aforementioned isotopes. The parameters for HO potential (size parameter ) and SHF were chosen to regenerate the available experimental size radii. It was found that using spherical Hankel functions in our work improved the calculated results quantities in comparison with empirical data.   

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Honeyword Generation Using a Proposed Discrete Salp Swarm Algorithm
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Honeywords are fake passwords that serve as an accompaniment to the real password, which is called a “sugarword.” The honeyword system is an effective password cracking detection system designed to easily detect password cracking in order to improve the security of hashed passwords. For every user, the password file of the honeyword system will have one real hashed password accompanied by numerous fake hashed passwords. If an intruder steals the password file from the system and successfully cracks the passwords while attempting to log in to users’ accounts, the honeyword system will detect this attempt through the honeychecker. A honeychecker is an auxiliary server that distinguishes the real password from the fake passwords and t

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 11 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Control on a 2-D Wing Flutter Using an Adaptive Nonlinear Neural Controller
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An adaptive nonlinear neural controller to reduce the nonlinear flutter in 2-D wing is proposed in the paper. The nonlinearities in the system come from the quasi steady aerodynamic model and torsional spring in pitch direction. Time domain simulations are used to examine the dynamic aero elastic instabilities of the system (e.g. the onset of flutter and limit cycle oscillation, LCO). The structure of the controller consists of two models :the modified Elman neural network (MENN) and the feed forward multi-layer Perceptron (MLP). The MENN model is trained with off-line and on-line stages to guarantee that the outputs of the model accurately represent the plunge and pitch motion of the wing and this neural model acts as the identifier. Th

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
In vitro Investigation the Antifungal and 940 nm Diode Laser Effects on Inhibition of Candida Albicans Isolated from Oral Cavity
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Background: Candida albicans is a prevalent commensal that can cause severe health problems in humans. One such condition that frequently returns after treatment is oral candidiasis. Aim: the goal of this research is to evaluate the efficiency of 940 nm as a fungicidal on the growth of Candida albicans in vitro. Material and Methods: In vitro samples (fungal swabs) were taken from the oral cavity of 75 patients suffering from oral thrush. Following the process of isolating and identifying Albicans. The samples are divided into four groups:(Group 1): Suspension of C. albicans was put in a solution of saline as a control group. (Group 2): Suspension of C. albicans that had been treated with nystatin. (Group 3): Suspension of C. albica

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
In vitro Investigation the Antifungal and 940 nm Diode Laser Effects on Inhibition of Candida Albicans Isolated from Oral Cavity
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Background: Candida albicans is a prevalent commensal that can cause severe health problems in humans. One such condition that frequently returns after treatment is oral candidiasis. Aim: the goal of this research is to evaluate the efficiency of 940 nm as a fungicidal on the growth of Candida albicans in vitro. Material and Methods: In vitro samples (fungal swabs) were taken from the oral cavity of 75 patients suffering from oral thrush. Following the process of isolating and identifying Albicans. The samples are divided into four groups:(Group 1): Suspension of C. albicans was put in a solution of saline as a control group. (Group 2): Suspension of C. albicans that had been treated wit

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Direct method for Solving Nonlinear Variational Problems by Using Hermite Wavelets
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In this work, we first construct Hermite wavelets on the interval [0,1) with it’s product, Operational matrix of integration 2^k M×2^k M is derived, and used it for solving nonlinear Variational problems with reduced it to a system of algebric equations and aid of direct method. Finally, some examples are given to illustrate the efficiency and performance of presented method.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Active Vibration Control of Cantilever Beam by Using Optimal LQR Controller
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Many of mechanical systems are exposed to undesired vibrations, so designing an active vibration control (AVC) system is important in engineering decisions to reduce this vibration. Smart structure technology is used for vibration reduction. Therefore, the cantilever beam is embedded by a piezoelectric (PZT) as an actuator. The optimal LQR controller is designed that reduce the vibration of the smart beam by using a PZT element.  

In this study the main part is to change the length of the aluminum cantilever beam, so keep the control gains, the excitation, the actuation voltage, and mechanical properties of the aluminum beam for each length of the smart cantilever beam and observe the behavior and effec

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2019
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Behavior of Plain Concrete Beam Analyzed Using Extended Finite Element Method
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In this study, plain concrete simply supported beams subjected to two points loading were analyzed for the flexure. The numerical model of the beam was constructed in the meso-scale representation of concrete as a two phasic material (aggregate, and mortar). The fracture process of the concrete beams under loading was investigated in the laboratory as well as by the numerical models. The Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) was employed for the treatment of the discontinuities that appeared during the fracture process in concrete. Finite element method with the feature standard/explicitlywas utilized for the numerical analysis. Aggregate particles were assumedof elliptic shape. Other properties such as grading and sizes of the aggr

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Single Particle Level Density in a Harmonic – Oscillator Potential Well
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The purpose of this paper is to study the properties of the
partial level density ( ) l g and the total level density g ( ),
numerically obtained as a l sum of ( ) l g up to 34 max l  , for
a Harmonic – Oscillator potential well. This method applied the
quantum – mechanical phase shift technique and concentrated
on the continuum region. Also a discussion of peculiarities of
quantal calculation for single particle level density of energy –
dependent potential

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