Electrical resistivity methods are one of the powerful methods for the detection and evaluation of shallower geophysical properties. This method was carried out at Hit area, western Iraq, in two stages; the first stage involved the use of 1Dimensional Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) technique in three stations using Schlumberger array with maximum current electrodes of 50m. The second stage included the employment of two dimension (2D) resistivity imaging technique using dipole-dipole array with a-spacing of 4m and n-factor of 6 in two stations. The 1D survey showed good results in delineating contaminated and clear zones that have high resistivity contrast. Near the main contaminated spring, the 2D resistivity imaging technique was applied in four sections length (100 m) using a dipole-dipole array position coincided with the three points VES. We compared the results of the interpretation of imaging the techniques 2D and VES. We found that the 2D imaging resistivity technique was better than VES survey in determining the distribution of pollution under the surface in the area surveyed. It was also found that the polluted water is located about 5 m below the surface. The largest amount of leakage was found towards the northeast and coincided with the direction of the groundwater movement. Spring water has leaked from outside the region through the Kubaisah area. Most of this water is contained in quaternary deposits and karst gypsum fractures.
The 2D imaging survey was conducted across an unknown K- 3 cavity that is located in Haditha area-Western Iraq.2D measurements are collected along two intercrossing traverses above the cavity with 105m length of each one. Dipole-dipole array is performed with n-factor of 6 and a-spacing equals to 5m. The inverse models of 2D imaging technique showed clearly that the resistivity contrast between the anomalous part of cavity and background resistivity of rocks is about 800:100 Ωm .In addition, the invers models showed that the depth from ground surface to the upper roof of cavity approximately equals to 11m near the cavity operator. So, the K-3 cavity is well defined from 2D imaging with Dipole –dipole array in comparison with the actua
... Show MoreThe resistivity survey was carried out by using vertical electrical sounding (VES) and 2D imaging techniques in the northern Badra area, Eastern Iraq. Eleven VES points distributed on two parallel profiles and six 2D imaging stations were applied using long survey lines.
In general, two types of aquifers are recognized in the study area. The first is the Quaternary aquifer, which appears in all geological sections and inverse model of 2D imaging stations (2DS).This aquifer can be divided into upper and lower aquifers as shown in (2DS1), (2DS3), and (2DS4). Generally, the thickness of this aquifer ranges between (30-200 m) which occurs at a depth of (10-30m) according to geological sections, while its thickness ranges between (35-180m)
The study area is located within the Hit area, western Iraq. The measurements of Graphical Bristow’s method were carried out by using Pole-dipole array, to delineate the anomaly of apparent resistivity caused by a known cavity target. The survey was applied along two traverses: traverse in W-E direction and traverse in S-N direction above Um El-Githoaa cavity. Data interpretation of the traverse trending W-E, with a-spacing equal to(2m)identified the anomaly of the cavity at a depth of (2.6m), (1.6m) height, and( 9.5m) width, while the actual dimensions of depth, height, and width were (3.80m),( 2.2m), and (12.30m) respectively, with variations of depth equal to (1.2m), high (0.8m), and width( 2.8m). The data interpretation with a-spac
... Show MoreThe content of redox sensitive trace element (V, Co, Ni, and Mo) in the bituminous limestone of the Euphrates Formation (E. Miocene) and bituminous gypsum of the Fatha Formation (M. Miocene) in the Hit Abu-Jir village area, Anbar governorate were determined using Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS), in order to infer the origin of the hydrocarbon and the depositional conditions of the organic matter. Hydrocarbons species by using FTIR technique was identified as aliphatic, aromatic compound, hydroxyl acids, hydroxyl group, sulfoxide and sulfur. Bitumen occurrences in these formations is a result of the hydrocarbon seepages that moved up under high pressure along the Abu-Jir fault Zone, and then were intruded in the lime
... Show MoreBasal breccia unconformity layer between Anah and Euphrates Formations in Al-Haqlaniyah area, Western desert, include enormous sinkholes and cavities usually cause severe damages to any kind of engineering facilities built over it. Two-dimensional resistivity imaging has been applied to detect the depth and extent of the subsurface caves at five stations. The dipole-dipole array is chosen with an electrode spacing of 2 meters. 2D Dipole-dipole imaging inverse models show the resistivity values have a big variation between the anomalous background resistivity of rocks and part of cavities. These models showed shallow cavities at 1 to 3 m depth and others at 5to 6 m depth and extending to a depth of 23 m. The unconformity layer
... Show MoreThe study area intendes for agricultural investment and establishment stations of water pumping for human use to the nearby areas, southwest of Samawah city. Twelve Two-Dimension (2-D) survey points were performed by using Wenner-Schlumberger array configuration to take the measurements. The inverse models of two survey point appear the effect of the saline groundwater that raises from Rus Formation, which caused a significant reduction in resistivity of the groundwater-bearing zone within middle Dammam Formation along the fault plane.
The 2D resistivity imaging technique was applied in an engineering study for the investigation of subsurface weakness zones within University of Anbar, western Iraq. The survey was carried out using Dipole-dipole array with an n-factor of 6 and a-spacing values of 2 m and 5 m. The inverse models of the 2D electrical imaging clearly show the resistivity contrast between the anomalous parts of the weakness zones and the background resistivity distribution. The thickness and shape of the subsurface weakness zones were well defined from the 2D imaging using Dipole-dipole array of 2 m a-spacing. The thickness of the weakness zone ranges between 9.5 m to 11.5 m. Whereas the Dipole-dipole array with a-spacing of 5 m and n-factor of 6 allocated
... Show MoreThe presence of natural voids and fractures (weak zones) in subsurface gypsiferous soil and gypsum, within the University of Al-Anbar, western Iraq. It causes a harsher problem for civil engineering projects. Electrical resistivity technique is applied as an economic decipher for investigation underground weak zones. The inverse models of the Dipole-dipole and Pole-dipole arrays with aspacing of 2 m and an n-factor of 6 clearly show that the resistivity contrast between the anomalous part of the weak zone and the background. The maximum thickness and shape are well defined from 2D imaging with Dipole-dipole array, the maximum thickness ranges between 9.5 to 11.5 m. It is concluded that the 2D imaging survey is a useful technique and more
... Show MoreA 5-traverse 2D resistivity survey and 20 Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) points were carried out on Ile Epo Dump Site with a view to inferring the extent of migration of leachate plumes in the subsurface for possible contamination of groundwater. The surveys were carried out with Omega model resistivity meter. The Schlumberger configuration was employed for the VES while Wenner configuration was employed for the 2D resistivity survey (Constant Separation Techniques). The obtained VES and CST data were interpreted using WinResist and DIPRO respectively. The integrated results revealed three to four geo-electrically polluted materials as highly saturated fills (15 Ωm, 1.9 – 27.4m), saturated fills (15 - 30 Ωm, 3.6 – 29.9m) and un
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