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Interpolation and Statistical Analysis for Evaluation of Global Earth Gravity Models Based on GPS and Orthometric Heights in the Middle of Iraq
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The regions around the world need to perform their results based on the local geoid. However, each region has different ground topography based on the amount of gravity in this region. Nowadays, the recent global Earth's gravity model of 2008 is successfully used for different purposes in geosciences research. This research presents an overview of the preliminary evaluation results of the new Earth Gravitation Model (EGM08) in the middle of Iraq. For completeness, the evaluation tests were also performed for EGM96 by examining 31 stations distributed over four Iraqi provinces. The national orthometric heights were compared with the GPS /leveling data obtained from these stations. This study illustrated that the GPS /leveling based on EGM08 data was better than that based on EGM96 data in terms of reducing the root mean square error (RMSE) of the differences between the orthometric heights and GPS/leveling data.  The standard deviation (SD) values for the national orthometric heights and GPS heights were about 4 and 26cm, respectively. The results also show that there is a small difference in hight ranged (0.0013 - 0.1333 m) in Karbala, (0.0023 – 0.0062 m), in Najaf and  (0.0173 – 0.0703 m), in Babylon. Due to the flat area, better results were obtained in Karbala and Najaf than Babylon. The EGM08 geoid method has shown to yield very close results to reality for various projects, thus its accuracy is acceptable.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using ISSR markers to build a phylogenetic of Barley Genotypes
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This study is attempts to build a phylogenetic between nine Iraqi barley
genotypes based on ISSR-PCR analysis by determine the level of genetic similarity
among them. Nine issr primers used in this study produced 41 bands across nine
studied varieties. Of these bands, 28 bands were polymorphic and the remaining
monomorphic bands were 13. The average polymorphic rate was 70.5% ranged
between 25%-100% , and average of polymorphic bands /primer was 4.5.The size
of the amplified bands ranged 140-1600 bp. It was generated a 5 unique bands in
this study, these bands can be used as a DNA profiling of all studied genotypes. The
results were showed Genetic distances ranged between (0.0854-0.9897) among
barley varieties.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons Contaminated Soil using Bio piles System
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This study was focused on biotreatment of soil which polluted by petroleum compounds (Diesel) which caused serious environmental problems. One of the most effective and promising ways to treat diesel-contaminated soil is bioremediation. It is a choice that offers the potential to destroy harmful pollutants using biological activity.

Four bacterial strains were isolated from diesel contaminated soil samples. The isolates were identified by the Vitek 2 system, as Sphingomonas paucimobilis, Pentoae species, Staphylococcus aureus, and Enterobacter cloacae. The potential of biological surfactant production was tested using the Sigma 703D stand-alone tensiometer showed

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Biosorption of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution Using Mixed Algae
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A mixture of algae biomass (Chrysophyta, Cyanophyta, and Chlorophyte) has been investigated for its possible adsorption removal of cationic dyes (methylene blue, MB). Effect of pH (1-8), biosorbent dosage (0.2-2 g/100ml), agitated speed (100-300), particle size (1304-89μm), temperature (20-40˚C), initial dye concentration (20-300 mg/L), and sorption–desorption were investigated to assess the algal-dye sorption mechanism. Different pre-treatments, alkali, protonation, and CaCl2 have been experienced in order to enhance the adsorption capacity as well as the stability of the algal biomass. Equilibrium isotherm data were analyzed using Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin models. The maximum dye-sorption capacity was 26.65 mg/g at pH= 5, 25

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Allelopathic potential of Myrtle, Myrtus communis L. Upon some crops
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Many experiments were achieved to determine the allelopathic potential of the plant Myrtle parts in which it may affects other plants, like: volatile substances which released from the Myrtle leaves , and its effect examined on the germination (GE) and growth (GR) of the selected crops ; Chickpea ( C ) , Wheat(W) , and Lentil (L)., the aqueous extract of the leaf and the root of the plant examined to test its effect on the (GE) and (GR) of the selected crops ; (C) , (W) , and (L)., also plant residue of (M) and its effect tested on the (GE) and (GR) of the selected crops ; ( C ) , (W) , and (L) . Experiments proceeded on Spring 2007 in the greenhouse conditions , and main results which found were that; the effect of the volatile s

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flow Characteristics Of Tigris River Within Baghdad City During Drought
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The main source of water supply in Iraq is the surface water, especially Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and their tributaries. In the recent years there was a great drop in the water levels of Tigris River within Baghdad City which had affected the operation of twelve water supply projects located on the banks of Tigris River in Baghdad City, due to significant climate changes, and the expansion of hydraulic construction (dams) and implementation of new irrigation projects in Turkey, these factors have greatly reduced the water flowrates of river by about 46%. In the present study the flow characteristics of Tigris River within Baghdad City was studied, the reach involved was about 49km in which it represents the urban zone

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Strengthening of RC Beam with Large Square Opening Using CFRP
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The use of essential services in modern constructions, such pipes, and ducts, became important, placing these pipes and ducts underneath the soffit of the beam. They made a ceiling sandwich, and that causes to reduce the height of the floor, so the presence of the opening in the beam saves the height of the floor.  In this paper, the investigation of the beam response of reinforced concrete simply supported rectangle beams with square web openings is presented, including a number of the web openings (two, four, and eight), in addition to its use in strengthening the member at the openings (when the beam is planned before casting, internal deformation steel bar is used, and in case of the opening is existing in the b

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Biomaterials
A Novel Coating of Orthodontic Archwires with Chlorhexidine Hexametaphosphate Nanoparticles
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Statement of the Problem. The use of orthodontic fixed appliances may adversely affect oral health leading to demineralizing lesions and the development of gingival problems. Aims of the Study. The study aimed to coat orthodontic archwires with chlorhexidine hexametaphosphate nanoparticles (CHX-HMP NPs) and to evaluate the elusion of CHX from CHX-HMP NPs. Materials and Methods. A solution of CHX-HMP nanoparticles with an overall concentration of 5 mM for both CHX and HMP was prepared, characterized (using atomic force microscope and Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy), and used to coat orthodontic stainless steel (SSW) and NiTi archwires (NiTiW). The coated segments were characterized (using scanning electron microscopy

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 04 2022
Journal Name
Trends In Sciences
Asymptotic Stability of 3D Stochastic Positive Linear Systems with Delays
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The article emphasizes that 3D stochastic positive linear system with delays is asymptotically stable and depends on the sum of the system matrices and at the same time independent on the values and numbers of the delays. Moreover, the asymptotic stability test of this system with delays can be abridged to the check of its corresponding 2D stochastic positive linear systems without delays. Many theorems were applied to prove that asymptotic stability for 3D stochastic positive linear systems with delays are equivalent to 2D stochastic positive linear systems without delays. The efficiency of the given methods is illustrated on some numerical examples. HIGHLIGHTS Various theorems were applied to prove the asymptoti

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal For Re Attach Therapy And Developmental Diversities
Challenges of Developing Communicative Competence among Iraqi EFL Undergraduate Student
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Research in the field of English language as a foreign language (EFL) has been consistently highlighted the need for communicative competence skills among students. Accompanied by the validated positive impact of technologies on students’ skills’, this study aims to explore the strategies used by EFL students in enhancing their communicative competence using digital platforms and identify the factors of developing communicative competence using digital platforms (linguistic factors, environmental factors, psychological factors, and university-related factors). The mixed-method research design was utilized to obtain data from Iraqi undergraduate EFL students. The study was conducted in the Iraqi University in Baghdad Iraq. EFL undergradu

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 06 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Some Wavelet Transformations to Estimate Nonparametric Regression Function
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The purpose of this article is to improve and minimize noise from the signal by studying wavelet transforms and showing how to use the most effective ones for processing and analysis. As both the Discrete Wavelet Transformation method was used, we will outline some transformation techniques along with the methodology for applying them to remove noise from the signal. Proceeds based on the threshold value and the threshold functions Lifting Transformation, Wavelet Transformation, and Packet Discrete Wavelet Transformation. Using AMSE, A comparison was made between them , and the best was selected. When the aforementioned techniques were applied to actual data that was represented by each of the prices, it became evident that the lift

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