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Elucidative Histopathological Study in Female Cancer Patients: Histopathology in Female cancers
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Aims: Because of the high incidence of cancer in females, we need to identify an accurate therapy to deal with the treatment of different types and stages of cancer. Histopathology acts as an important step to foresee the stage in which the cancer is present, its risk of metastasis, and the health outcomes after completion of treatment. Histopathology grading acts as an important criterion to determine the treatment pattern to be adopted, the prognosis in patients and other possible future risks. Hence conducting novel histopathologcial studies in major female cancers is necessary in determining the treatment plan to be chosen for the patient.

Study design: Retrospective Observational study

Place and Duration of Study: St. Ann’s Cancer Hospital, Warangal, Telangana, India. The patient’s histopathological reports were collected between March and August 2018.

Methodology: The study sample included 275 non-pregnant female patients aged above 20 years and diagnosed with different cancers based on histopathology. Histopathological observations were taken by collecting parameters that included specimen submitted, lymphadenopathy specimen, macroscopic appearance, macroscopic tumour site, coexistent pathology, histological tumour grade, lymphovascular invasion, and distant metastasis.
Results: The histopathologcial study concludes that regional lymph nodes (55.2%) were more common than other lymph nodes. Mostly, tumours demonstrated swollen and ulcerative appearance (48%), with grading as G0 stage (57.45%) having better prognosis and good quality of life. The most commonly observed types of tumours were as follows; In Breast Cancer: infiltrating ducal carcinoma (61. 9%), in Cervix Cancer: squamous cell carcinoma (83.92%), in Ovarian Cancer: mucinous cystadenocarcinoma (53.84%), in Vaginal Cancer, and in Vulvar Cancer: squamous cell carcinoma (100%).
Conclusion: Knowing the type of tumour to develop, the threat it poses to health, and the mechanisms that mediate its development are important factors in the management of the disease. This detailed information may aid the implementation of more accurate preventive measures in a population by selecting the proper treatment plan and understanding the risk of future chances of reoccurrence and metastasis.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Numerical Analysis of SnO2/Zn2SnO4/n-CdS/p-CdTe Solar Cell Using the SCAPS-1D Simulation Software
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This research includes the use of CdTe in the design of a solar cell. The SCAPS-1D computer program was used to simulate thin cell capacity of CdTe/CdS by numerical analysis with the addition of a buffer layer (Zn2SnO4) to enhance cell efficiency. The thickness of the window layer (n-CdS) was reduced to 25nm with the inclusion of an insulating layer of 50 nm thickness to prevent leakage towards the forward bias with respect to the lower charge carriers. As for the absorber layer thickness (p-CdTe), it varied between 0.5µm and 6µm. The preferable thickness in the absorbent layer was 1.5µm. Different operating temperatures (298K-388K) were used, while the highest conversion efficiency (η=18.43%) was obtain

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 06 2024
Journal Name
Moroccan Journal Of Chemistry
Green Synthesis, Characterization, Antimicrobial and Anticancer Studies of Zirconium Oxide Nanoparticles Using Thyme plant Extract
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In this work we used the environmentally friendly method to prepared ZrO2 nanoparticles utilizing the extract of Thyms plant In basic medium and at pH 12, the ZrO2 NPs was characterized by different techniques such as FTIR, ultraviolet visible, Atomic force microscope, Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Energy dispersive X-ray. The average crystalline size was calculated using the Debye Scherres equation in value 7.65 nm. Atomic force microscope results showed the size values for ZrO2 NPs were 45.11nm, and there are several distortions due to the presence of some large sizes. Atomic force microscope results showed the typical size values for ZrO2 NPs were 45.11 nm, and there are several distortions due to the presence of so

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Military Medical Science Letters
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Cancer disease has a complicated pathophysiology and is one of the major causes of death and morbidity. Classical cancer therapies include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy. A typical treatment is chemotherapy, which delivers cytotoxic medications to patients to suppress the uncontrolled growth of cancerous cells. Conventional oral medication has a number of drawbacks, including a lack of selectivity, cytotoxicity, and multi-drug resistance, all of which offer significant obstacles to effective cancer treatment. Multidrug resistance (MDR) remains a major challenge for effective cancer chemotherapeutic interventions. The advent of nanotechnology approach has developed the field of tumor diagnosis and treatment. Cancer nanote

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Modeling and Control of Fuel Cell Using Artificial Neural Networks
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This paper includes an experimental study of hydrogen mass flow rate and inlet hydrogen pressure effect on the fuel cell performance. Depending on the experimental results, a model of fuel cell based on artificial neural networks is proposed. A back propagation learning rule with the log-sigmoid activation function is adopted to construct neural networks model. Experimental data resulting from 36 fuel cell tests are used as a learning data. The hydrogen mass flow rate, applied load and inlet hydrogen pressure are inputs to fuel cell model, while the current and voltage are outputs. Proposed model could successfully predict the fuel cell performance in good agreement with actual data. This work is extended to developed fuel cell feedback

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
National Grid Connected 3-Phase Inverter based on Photovoltaic Solar System
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In this paper, a national grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system is proposed. It extracts the maximum power point (MPP) using three-incremental-steps perturb and observe (TISP&O) maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method. It improves the classic P&O by using three incremental duty ratio (ΔD) instead of a single one in the conventional P and O MPPT method. Therefore, the system's performance is improved to a higher speed and less power fluctuation around the MPP. The Boost converter controls the MPPT and then is connected to a three-phase voltage source inverter (VSI). This type of inverter needs a high and constant input voltage. A second-order low pass (LC) filter is connected to the output of VSI to reduce t

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimization and Modeling the Performance of a Mediator-less Microbial Fuel Cell using Butler-Volmer-Monod Model
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In this study, a one-dimensional model represented by Butler-Volmer-Monod (BVM) model was proposed to compute the anode overpotential and current density in a mediator-less MFC system. The system was fueled with various organic loadings of real field petroleum refinery oily sludge to optimize the favorable organic loading for biomass to operate the suggested system. The increase in each organic loading showed higher resistance to electrons transport to the anode represented by ohmic loss. On the contrary, both activation and mass transfer losses exhibited a noticeable decrement upon the increased organic loadings. However, current density was improved throughout all increased loads achieving a maximum current density of 5.2 A/m3

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Biological Activities of Iraqi Fig (Ficuscarica) CrudeEthanolic and Total Flavonoids Extracts
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The present study focuses on the biological strategy for treating cancer and parasitic infections, such as leishmaniasis antiparasitic activity, forthe crude alcoholic extract ofFicus leaves and their extracted total flavonoids with a comparison between their effects.The flavonoids were extracted from the leaves of the mature Ficuscaricausing the reflux extraction method. Total flavonoids were detected qualitatively by TLC techniquewhich demonstratedthat the plant was rich indifferent flavonoids, especially Rutin, Quercetin, Kaempferol, luteolin and others. Quantitatively, the plant total flavonoids content was 337.3 mg / 100 g fig leaves calculated as rutin.The biologicaleffects of the crude and purified total flavonoi

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Parameters Affecting the Thermodynamic Efficiency of PEM Single Cell and Stack of Cells (Two Cells)
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In this work, thermodynamic efficiency of individual cell and stack of cells (two cells) has been computed by studying the variation of voltage produced during an operation time of 30 min as a result of the affected parameters:- stoichiometric feed ratio, flow field design on single cell and feed distribution on stack of cells. The experiments were carried out by using two cells, one with serpentine flow field and the other with spiral flow field. These cells were fed with hydrogen and oxygen at low volumetric flow rates from 1 to 2 ml/sec and stoichiometric ratios of fuel (H2) to oxidant (O2) as 1:2, 1:1 and 2:1 respectively. The results showed that

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 25 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of the Performance of Silicon Solar Cell with Fresnel Lens as Photovoltaic Solar Concentrator
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     In this paper, the performance of a silicon cell with a Fresnel lens (FL) for building a solar photovoltaic concentrator system was evaluated; the solar concentrator is a Fresnel lens, which is a point concentrator made of  polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA) as a thin lens for the optics system.

As the radiation from the sun on the solar cell is concentrated to the levels of solar radiation  of 750, 1300, 1930, 2600, 4250, 7250, and 10500) W/m2, the work was conducted at the midday in summer weather conditions, with ambient temperatures ranging 40-45 °C. The evaluation was performed in three cases; each case was conducted in succession. The performance of the cell was evaluated first wit

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Applied Science And Engineering
Fabrication and Characterization of Au/Si Heterojunction Solar Cell
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The n-type Au thin films of 500nm thickness was evaporated by thermal evaporation method on p-type silicon wafer of [111] direction to formed Au/Si heterojunction solar cell. The AC conductivity, C-V and I-V characteristics of fabricated c-Au/Si diffusion heterojunction-(HJ) solar cell, has been studied. The first methods demonstrated that the AC conductivity due to with diffusiontunneling mechanism, while the second show that, the heterojunction profile is abrupt, the heterojunction parameters have been played out, such as the depletion width, built-in voltage, and concentration. And finally the third one show that the c-Au/Si HJ has rectification properties, and the solar cell yielded an open circuit voltage of (Vic) 0.4V, short circuit c

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