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Elucidative Histopathological Study in Female Cancer Patients: Histopathology in Female cancers
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Aims: Because of the high incidence of cancer in females, we need to identify an accurate therapy to deal with the treatment of different types and stages of cancer. Histopathology acts as an important step to foresee the stage in which the cancer is present, its risk of metastasis, and the health outcomes after completion of treatment. Histopathology grading acts as an important criterion to determine the treatment pattern to be adopted, the prognosis in patients and other possible future risks. Hence conducting novel histopathologcial studies in major female cancers is necessary in determining the treatment plan to be chosen for the patient.

Study design: Retrospective Observational study

Place and Duration of Study: St. Ann’s Cancer Hospital, Warangal, Telangana, India. The patient’s histopathological reports were collected between March and August 2018.

Methodology: The study sample included 275 non-pregnant female patients aged above 20 years and diagnosed with different cancers based on histopathology. Histopathological observations were taken by collecting parameters that included specimen submitted, lymphadenopathy specimen, macroscopic appearance, macroscopic tumour site, coexistent pathology, histological tumour grade, lymphovascular invasion, and distant metastasis.
Results: The histopathologcial study concludes that regional lymph nodes (55.2%) were more common than other lymph nodes. Mostly, tumours demonstrated swollen and ulcerative appearance (48%), with grading as G0 stage (57.45%) having better prognosis and good quality of life. The most commonly observed types of tumours were as follows; In Breast Cancer: infiltrating ducal carcinoma (61. 9%), in Cervix Cancer: squamous cell carcinoma (83.92%), in Ovarian Cancer: mucinous cystadenocarcinoma (53.84%), in Vaginal Cancer, and in Vulvar Cancer: squamous cell carcinoma (100%).
Conclusion: Knowing the type of tumour to develop, the threat it poses to health, and the mechanisms that mediate its development are important factors in the management of the disease. This detailed information may aid the implementation of more accurate preventive measures in a population by selecting the proper treatment plan and understanding the risk of future chances of reoccurrence and metastasis.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Natural radioactivity Measurements of Dur-Kurigalzu's Ziggurat, Baghdad Governorate-Iraq using HPGe detector
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       Measurement of 238U, 233Th and 40K concentrations in soil samples collected from Ziggurat of Dur-Kurigalzu west region of Baghdad, have been evaluated, using high purity germanium detector. The activity concentrations of 238U, 233Th and 40K varied from 16.040  to 26.620 , 14.510  to 31.480 , and 153.820  to 266.320  with average values of 20.604±2.9 , 24.534±3.3 , 212.22±25.1 , respectively. The importance of these measurements lies in the estimation of radiation risk, radium equivalent, absorbed dose, annual effective dose, risk indices, gamma index, and cancer risk. The average value of the absorbed dose ranged from 33.187  outdoors to 63.111  indoo

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of instructional intervention program upon women's psychological health status who undergo chemotherapy after mastectomy
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Objective(s): To determine the impact of instructional intervention program upon psychological health status for
women who undergo chemotherapy after mastectomy
Methodology: The sample consisted of (100) women, (50) considered as study group, and another (50) the control
group. A pre test was done for both groups (study and control), and then the study samples were exposed to an
instructional intervention and three-dimensional post tests and the length of time between each test 21 days in
the Institute and Hospital of Radiation and Nuclear Medicine. The questionnaire composed of three parts, first,
demographic information; include (age, educational level, type of family, occupation, marital status, and adequacy
of mo

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
Global Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
Solution of Modified Kuznetsov Model with Mixed Therapy
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In this paper two modifications on Kuznetsov model namely on growth rate law and fractional cell kill term are given. Laplace Adomian decomposition method is used to get the solution (volume of the tumor) as a function of time .Stability analysis is applied. For lung cancer the tumor will continue in growing in spite of the treatment.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2025
Journal Name
American Journal Of Biodiversity
Importance of Conventional Pap Smear Application for Iraqi women health: scientific review
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A Pap test can identify the pre-cancerous and cancerous problem in the vagina and uterine cervix. Cervical tumour is the easiest gynecologic disease to be diagnosed, treated and prevented using regular screening tests and follow-up. This review aimed to explore the opinion of specialists about cytological changes and the precancerous lesions with Pap smear test and visual inspection of the cervices, also to determine the relationship of this malignancy with demographic characteristics of patients. Results showed that few cervical cancer and pre-cancer were with women in postmenopausal period, but more were with women in the premenopausal period. Visual inspection of the cervix can show erosion lesions by gross inspection. Upon cytology exam

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
Tropical Journal Of Natural Product Research
Red Cell Distribution Width and Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio as Markers for Diabetic Nephropathy
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Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is the foremost cause of end-stage renal disease. Early detection of DN can spare diabetic patients of severe complications. This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic value of red cell distribution width (RDW) and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in the detection of DN in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). This cross-sectional study included a total of 130 patients with T2DM, already diagnosed with T2DM. The albumin creatinine ratio (ACR) in urine samples was calculated for each patient, according to which patients were divided into two groups: with evidence of DN when ACR ? 30 mg/g, and those with no evidence of DN when ACR < 30 mg/g. According to multivariate analysis, each of disease duration (OR

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Studying the Performance of Refrigeration Units Powered by Solar Panel
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An experimental study was conducted to determine the performance of a solar electric refrigeration system. The system contained flat photovoltaic solar panel which absorbs the solar energy and convert it to electrical energy, used to run the refrigeration cycle. Two refrigeration cycles with electrical solar panel were used over a period of 12 months, the first one with classical parts known in refrigeration cycle, while the second one introduced heat exchanger which improves the coefficient of performance by saving the consumed energy. The coefficient of performance of these refrigeration cycles with compressor efficiency 85% are 2.102 and 2.57 respectively. The overall efficiency of the two systems are 18.9% and 23.13%.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
CdSe/ZnS Core/Shell for Luminescent Solar Concentrator
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Fabrication and investigation of the properties of CdSe/ZnS core/shell for the luminescent solar concentrates (LSC) application is presented. An increase of the efficiency of a silicon solar cell was obtained by applying the LSC. The increase was a result of the optical properties of the semiconductor nanoparticles CdSe/ZnS core/shell that were deposited over the top surface of the silicon solar cell facing the illumination source (Halogen lamp). The gravity force was invested for the film deposition process.The optical properties of these nanoparticles were studied. The absorption spectra for the CdSe/ZnS core-shell were 270-600nm, i.e., located within the spectral response area of the examined solar cell. The energy gap values for CdSe

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of PV Solar Energy Generator using MPPT Technique to Control Single Input/Multiple Outputs (DC-DC) Converter
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The paper presents the design of a system consisting of a solar panel with Single Input/Multiple Outputs (DC-DC) Buck Converter by using Simulink dialogue box tools in MATLAB software package for simulation the system. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique depending on Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm is used to control the output power of the converter and increase the efficiency of the system. The characteristics of the MSX-60 PV module is chosen in design of the system, whereas the electrical characteristics (P-V, I-V and P-I curves) for the module are achieved, that is affected by the solar radiation and temperature variations. The proposed design module has been found to be stable for any change in atmospheric tempera

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Characterization and Photovoltaic Effect of (Sb2O3: Metal Oxides)/ C-Si Heterojunctions
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This work concerns the synthesis of two types of composites based on antimony oxide named (Sb2O3):(WO3, In2O3). Thin films were fabricated using pulsed laser deposition. The compositional analysis was explored using Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR), which confirms the existence of antimony, tungsten, and indium oxides in the prepared samples. The hall effect measurement showed that antimony oxide nanostructure thin films are p-type and gradually converted to n-type by the addition of tungsten oxide, while they are converted almost instantly to n-type by the addition of indium oxide. Different heterojunction solar cells were prepared from (Sb2O3:WO

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Removal of Cadmium from Simulated Wastewaters Using a Fixed Bed Bio-electrochemical Reactor
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In this research, the removal of cadmium (Cd) from simulated wastewater was investigated by using a fixed bed bio-electrochemical reactor. The effects of the main controlling factors on the performance of the removal process such as applied cell voltage, initial Cd concentration, pH of the catholyte, and the mesh number of the cathode were investigated. The results showed that the applied cell voltage had the main impact on the removal efficiency of cadmium where increasing the applied voltage led to higher removal efficiency. Meanwhile increasing the applied voltage was found to be given lower current efficiency and higher energy consumption.  No significant effect of initial Cd concentration on the removal efficie

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