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Selective Image Encryption Based on DCT, Hybrid Shift Coding and Randomly Generated Secret Key
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Most of today’s techniques encrypt all of the image data, which consumes a tremendous amount of time and computational payload. This work introduces a selective image encryption technique that encrypts predetermined bulks of the original image data in order to reduce the encryption/decryption time and the
computational complexity of processing the huge image data. This technique is applying a compression algorithm based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). Two approaches are implemented based on color space conversion as a preprocessing for the compression phases YCbCr and RGB, where the resultant compressed sequence is selectively encrypted using randomly generated combined secret key.
The results showed a significant reduction in image quality degradation when applying the system based on YCbCr over RGB, where the compression ratio was raised in some of the tested images to 50% for the same Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). The usage of 1-D DCT reduced the transform time by 47:1 times compared
to the same transform using 2-D DCT. The values of the adaptive scalar quantization parameters were reduced to the half for the luminance (Y band) to preserve the visual quality, while the chrominance (Cb and Cr bands) were quantized by the predetermined quantization parameters. In the hybrid encoder horizontal zigzag,
block scanning was applied to scan the image. The Detailed Coefficient (DC) coefficients are highly correlated in this arrangement- where DC are losslessly compressed by Differential Pulse Coding Modulation (DPCM) and the
Accumulative Coefficients (AC) are compressed using Run Length Encoding (RLE). As a consequence, for the compression algorithm, the compression gain obtained was up to 95%. Three arrays are resulted from each band (DC coefficients, AC values, and AC runs), where the cipher is applied to some or all of those bulks
selectively. This reduces the encryption decryption time significantly, where encrypting the DC coefficients provided the second best randomness and the least encryption/decryption time recorded (3 10-3 sec.) for the entire image. Although the compression algorithm consumes time but it is more efficient than the saved
encryption time. 

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Technique for Estimating Degradation Parameters for Medical Images Blind Restoration
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      Restoration is the main process in many applications. Restoring an original image from a damaged image is the foundation of the restoring operation, either blind or non-blind. One of the main challenges in the restoration process is to estimate the degradation parameters. The degradation parameters include Blurring Function (Point Spread Function, PSF) and Noise Function. The most common causes of image degradation are errors in transmission channels, defects in the optical system, inhomogeneous medium, relative motion between object and camera, etc. In our research, a novel algorithm was adopted based on Circular Hough Transform used to estimate the width (radius, sigma) of the Point Spread Function. This algorithm is based o

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 10 2016
Journal Name
British Journal Of Applied Science & Technology
Illumination - Invariant Facial Components Extraction Using Adaptive Contrast Enhancement Methods
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The process of accurate localization of the basic components of human faces (i.e., eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) from images is an important step in face processing techniques like face tracking, facial expression recognition or face recognition. However, it is a challenging task due to the variations in scale, orientation, pose, facial expressions, partial occlusions and lighting conditions. In the current paper, a scheme includes the method of three-hierarchal stages for facial components extraction is presented; it works regardless of illumination variance. Adaptive linear contrast enhancement methods like gamma correction and contrast stretching are used to simulate the variance in light condition among images. As testing material

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Computer Generation of Low Light-Level Images
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As result of exposure in low light-level are images with only a small number of
photons. Only the pixels in which arrive the photopulse have an intensity value
different from zero. This paper presents an easy and fast procedure for simulating
low light-level images by taking a standard well illuminated image as a reference.
The images so obtained are composed by a few illuminated pixels on a dark
background. When the number of illuminated pixels is less than 0.01% of the total
pixels number it is difficult to identify the original object.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Performance Estimation of Solar Imagery Using Different Types of Atmospheric Turbulence Models
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     This paper proposed several approaches for estimating the optical turbulence of the Earth’s atmosphere and their effect on solar images’ resolution using ground-based telescopes based on von Kárman, Kolmogorov, and modified von Kárman PSDs models. The results showed a strong correlation coefficient for the modified von Kármán model of atmospheric representation. As can be seen in the case where solar adaptive optics have been properly designed, they typically decrease aberration considerably and provide greatly improved imagery.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Adapting the Grimms: Going Against Patriarchy in Singh’s Movie Mirror Mirror
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Many cinematic adaptations were produced for the Grimms’ “Little Snow-White” (1812) including Mirror Mirror movie (2012), the contemporary version adapted by Taresm Singh. Singh’s version was able to depict the modern reality of women and went against patriarchy by embracing feminist ideologies of the fourth-wave feminism. Therefore, he challenged the ideologies of the mainstream cinema dominated by the patriarchal élite’s capitalist mode of production that still adhere to the stereotyped patriarchal image of women’s ‘victimization,’ ‘objectification’ and ‘marginalization,’ which did not represent women’s modern reality anymore. This paper, however, is a qualitative study aimed to prove that the femini

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Edge Detection Using Circular Sliding Window
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    In this paper, we devoted to use circular shape sliding block, in image edge determination. The circular blocks have symmetrical properties in all directions for the mask points around the central mask point. Therefore, the introduced method is efficient to be use in detecting image edges, in all directions curved edges, and lines. The results exhibit a very good performance in detecting image edges, comparing with other edge detectors results.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Topological Indices Polynomials of Domination David Derived Networks
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The chemical properties of chemical compounds and their molecular structures are intimately connected. Topological indices are numerical values associated with chemical molecular graphs that help in understanding the physicochemical properties, chemical reactivity and biological activity of a chemical compound. This study obtains some topological properties of second and third dominating David derived (DDD) networks and computes several K Banhatti polynomial of second and third type of DDD.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some K-Banhatti Polynomials of First Dominating David Derived Networks
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Chemical compounds, characteristics, and molecular structures are inevitably connected. Topological indices are numerical values connected with chemical molecular graphs that contribute to understanding a chemical compounds physical qualities, chemical reactivity, and biological activity. In this study, we have obtained some topological properties of the first dominating David derived (DDD) networks and computed several K-Banhatti polynomials of the first type of DDD.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Novel Algorithm to Find the Best Solution for Pentagonal Fuzzy Numbers with Linear Programming Problems
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    Fuzzy numbers are used in various fields such as fuzzy process methods, decision control theory, problems involving decision making, and systematic reasoning. Fuzzy systems, including fuzzy set theory. In this paper, pentagonal fuzzy variables (PFV) are used to formulate linear programming problems (LPP). Here, we will concentrate on an approach to addressing these issues that uses the simplex technique (SM). Linear programming problems (LPP) and linear programming problems (LPP) with pentagonal fuzzy numbers (PFN) are the two basic categories into which we divide these issues. The focus of this paper is to find the optimal solution (OS) for LPP with PFN on the objective function (OF) and right-hand side. New ranking f

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Diversity of Heamatogenetic Markers in Kirkuk Population
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  Immuno-haematological genetic markers study was carried out to understand the genetic background variations among Kirkuk (Iraq) indigenous population. A cross-sectional study of 179 patients with thalassemia major was conducted in Kirkuk. A detailed review was undertaken to define the relationships between ethnic origins, phenotype and immuno-genetic markers uniformity in relation to genetic isolation and interethnic admixture. A total of 179 thalassemia major patients were subjected to analysis in the hereditary blood diseases centre, including (18(10.05 %)) of intermarriages between different ethnic groups origin, whereas the overall consanguinity marriage rate was estimated at (161 (89.9%)) including (63(35.1%)) for first cousi

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