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Selective Image Encryption Based on DCT, Hybrid Shift Coding and Randomly Generated Secret Key
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Most of today’s techniques encrypt all of the image data, which consumes a tremendous amount of time and computational payload. This work introduces a selective image encryption technique that encrypts predetermined bulks of the original image data in order to reduce the encryption/decryption time and the
computational complexity of processing the huge image data. This technique is applying a compression algorithm based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). Two approaches are implemented based on color space conversion as a preprocessing for the compression phases YCbCr and RGB, where the resultant compressed sequence is selectively encrypted using randomly generated combined secret key.
The results showed a significant reduction in image quality degradation when applying the system based on YCbCr over RGB, where the compression ratio was raised in some of the tested images to 50% for the same Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). The usage of 1-D DCT reduced the transform time by 47:1 times compared
to the same transform using 2-D DCT. The values of the adaptive scalar quantization parameters were reduced to the half for the luminance (Y band) to preserve the visual quality, while the chrominance (Cb and Cr bands) were quantized by the predetermined quantization parameters. In the hybrid encoder horizontal zigzag,
block scanning was applied to scan the image. The Detailed Coefficient (DC) coefficients are highly correlated in this arrangement- where DC are losslessly compressed by Differential Pulse Coding Modulation (DPCM) and the
Accumulative Coefficients (AC) are compressed using Run Length Encoding (RLE). As a consequence, for the compression algorithm, the compression gain obtained was up to 95%. Three arrays are resulted from each band (DC coefficients, AC values, and AC runs), where the cipher is applied to some or all of those bulks
selectively. This reduces the encryption decryption time significantly, where encrypting the DC coefficients provided the second best randomness and the least encryption/decryption time recorded (3 10-3 sec.) for the entire image. Although the compression algorithm consumes time but it is more efficient than the saved
encryption time. 

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy Analysis for Near-Asteroid Belt of Atmospheric of the Comets
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         According to Chandra Survey Observatory Near-Asteroid Belt Comets, the solar wind's contact with the comet produces a variety of spectral characteristics. The study of X-ray spectra produced by charge exchange is presented here. The spectrum of a comet can reveal a lot about its composition. This study has concentrated on the elemental abundance in six different comets, including 17P/Holmes, C/1999T1, C/2013A1, 9p/Temple1, and 103p/Hartley2 (NEAT). Numerous aspects of the comet's dynamics allow it to behave in a unique manner as it gets closer to the Near-Asteroid Belt. These characteristics are being examined, and some studies are still ongoing. The computations allow us to observe, for instance, how the composition of

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Matrix Form of Deriving High Order Schemes for the First Derivative
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For many problems in Physics and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), providing an accurate approximation of derivatives is a challenging task. This paper presents a class of high order numerical schemes for approximating the first derivative. These approximations are derived based on solving a special system of equations with some unknown coefficients. The construction method provides numerous types of schemes with different orders of accuracy. The accuracy of each scheme is analyzed by using Fourier analysis, which illustrates the dispersion and dissipation of the scheme. The polynomial technique is used to verify the order of accuracy of the proposed schemes by obtaining the error terms. Dispersion and dissipation errors are calculated

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Sum of Squares of ‘m’ Consecutive Woodall Numbers
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        This paper discusses the Sums of Squares of “m” consecutive Woodall Numbers. These discussions are made from the definition of Woodall numbers. Also learn the comparability of Woodall numbers and other special numbers. An attempt to communicate the formula for the sums of squares of ‘m’ Woodall numbers and its matrix form are discussed. Further, this study expresses some more correlations between Woodall numbers and other special numbers.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Advances In Materials Physics And Chemistry
The Role of Cooling Condition on the Superconducting Properties of Tl<sub>2-x</sub>Hg<sub>x</sub>Sr<sub>2</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>10+δ</sub> System
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Patents At Diyala University
جهاز (قفاز قياس القوة)
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Automated method for buried object detecting using ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey
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  Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a nondestructive geophysical technique that uses electromagnetic waves to evaluate subsurface information. A GPR unit emits a short pulse of electromagnetic energy and is able to determine the presence or absence of a target by examining the reflected energy from that pulse. GPR is geophysical approach that use band of the radio spectrum. In this research the function of GPR has been summarized as survey different buried objects such as (Iron, Plastic(PVC), Aluminum) in specified depth about (0.5m) using antenna of 250 MHZ, the response of the each object can be recognized as its shapes, this recognition have been performed using image processi

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 14 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Highly-Performed Fuzzily-logicized Edge Detecting Algorithm for Noisy Handwritings
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The main targets for using the edge detection techniques in image processing are to reduce the number of features and find the edge of image based-contents. In this paper, comparisons have been demonstrated between classical methods (Canny, Sobel, Roberts, and Prewitt) and Fuzzy Logic Technique to detect the edges of different samples of image's contents and patterns. These methods are tested to detect edges of images that are corrupted with different types of noise such as (Gaussian, and Salt and pepper). The performance indices are mean square error and peak signal to noise ratio (MSE and PSNR). Finally, experimental results show that the proposed Fuzzy rules and membership function provide better results for both noisy and noise-free

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition
The effect of an electronic device designed to measure the degree of bending of the knee angle in developing the skill of catch and Clearance the high ball for football goalkeepers under (15 years)
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The development taking place on the sports field at the general level and in the game of football at the private level, being the most popular game in the world, has reached very advanced stages. The use of modern aids and technology has contributed greatly to this development from the collective and individual aspects, as the goalkeeper is the most important position in the team, the use of devices gave objective readings about the goalkeeper’s ability in terms of skill and physical aspects, as the importance of the research lies in designing an electronic device to measure the degree of bending of the knee angle because of its great importance in developing the skill of catching and dimensions of the high ball for football goalkeepers.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 21 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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El estudio se clasifica dentro los estudios teóricos sobre literatura que se ocupa del estudio de los métodos de la crítica literaria: El Estructralismo literario francés y el Formalismo ruso del siglo XX que se utilizan en la interpretación literaría. Las dos corrientes literarias estudian la literatura como ciencia que busca aplicar un método científico al estudio de la literatura. Dicho estudio trata de exponer las teorías críticas que surgen en el debate de la interpretación de los textos literarios como el de Susan Sontag, Ricoeur Paul y Mijail Bajitin, etc. Además se incluye algunos ejemplos implican el análisis estructuralista y formalista como Kafka y la tragedia Judía. y Sur Racine.


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Publication Date
Fri Sep 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Analysis of Grammatical Forms and Semantic Functions of Hedging in Political Discourse: American Presidential Debate: تحلیل نماذج نحویة ذات وظائف دلالیة مستعملة في الخطاب السیاسي بوصفھ اسلوباً تحوطیاً: المناظرة الرئاسیة الاولى في الانتخابات الامریكیة
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Hedging is a linguistic avoidance of full commitment or precision. It is the use of a vague language. The main objectives of this study are to

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