Pollen of Phlomis spp. grown wildly in Iraq has been investigated for the first
time, as a part of comparative study for the species of this genus.
Description of these pollen were important in diagnosis of this spp., the study
showed that pollen were isopolar and a single pollen is tricolpate, with reticulate
surface, and spherical -subspherical, in polar view, and almost ellipsoid to shortly
ellipsoid in equatorial view, but it was spherical in P. oliveri Bth.;
The longest axis of the pollen is ٤٨ um, thus all the species included in present study
were of medium size. Pollen of P.oliveri was the smallest in size, while pollen of
P.rigida Labill was the biggest.
There is a table for result, also figures and diagrams for illustration