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A Metaheuristic Approach to the C1S Problem

Given a binary matrix, finding the maximum set of columns such that the resulting submatrix has the Consecutive Ones Property (C1P) is called the Consecutive Ones Submatrix (C1S) problem. There are solution approaches for it, but there is also a room for improvement. Moreover, most of the studies of the problem use exact solution methods. We propose an evolutionary approach to solve the problem. We also suggest a related problem to C1S, which is the Consecutive Blocks Minimization (CBM). The algorithm is then performed on real-world and randomly generated matrices of the set covering type.  

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 14 2010
Journal Name
Bayt Alhekma
the problem of the relationship between phraseology and words in modern Russian

Abstract The study aimed at reviewing translation theories proposed to address problems in translation studies. To the end, translation theories and their applications were reviewed in different studies with a focus on issues such as critical discourse analysis, cultural specific items and collocation translation.

Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Civil Engineering
An Image Processing Algorithm to Address the Problem of Stains Merge on Water Sensitive Papers and Its Impact on the Evaluation of Spray Quality Indicators

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Certain Assessment of Using MWCNT Nps in Drilling Fluid to Mitigate Stick-Slip Problem during Drilling Operation System

   Stick- slip is the continuous stopping& release of the Bit/BHA due to the irregular down-hole rotation prompted by the existing relationship between the friction torque and the torque applied from the surface to free the bit.

   Friction coefficient between BHA and wellbore is the main player of stick slip amount, which can be mitigated by support a good lubricators as additives in drilling mud.

   Mathematical (or empirical) solves should be done through adjusting all parameters which supposed to reduce stick- slip as low as possible using different models, one of the main parameters is drilling mud. As per Nanoparticles drilling fluid is a new technology that offers high performance

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Computing
User Authentication Approach using a Combination of Unigraph and Digraph Keystroke Features

In Computer-based applications, there is a need for simple, low-cost devices for user authentication. Biometric authentication methods namely keystroke dynamics are being increasingly used to strengthen the commonly knowledge based method (example a password) effectively and cheaply for many types of applications. Due to the semi-independent nature of the typing behavior it is difficult to masquerade, making it useful as a biometric. In this paper, C4.5 approach is used to classify user as authenticated user or impostor by combining unigraph features (namely Dwell time (DT) and flight time (FT)) and digraph features (namely Up-Up Time (UUT) and Down-Down Time (DDT)). The results show that DT enhances the performance of digraph features by i

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A New Approach for Designing Multi Information Management System Using XML Technology


XML is being incorporated into the foundation of E-business data applications. This paper addresses the problem of the freeform information that stored in any organization and how XML with using this new approach will make the operation of the search very efficient and time consuming. This paper introduces new solution and methodology that has been developed to capture and manage such unstructured freeform information (multi information) depending on the use of XML schema technologies, neural network idea and object oriented relational database, in order to provide a practical solution for efficiently management multi freeform information system.


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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Key Based Hybrid Approach for Privacy and Integrity in Multi-Cloud

    Before users store data in the cloud, many security issues must be addressed, as they will have no direct control over the data that has been outsourced to the cloud, particularly personal and sensitive data (health, finance, military, etc.). This article proposes a system based on chaotic maps for private key generation. A hybrid encryption for fast and secure cryptography. In addition to a multi-cloud storage with Pseudonymized file names to preserve user data privacy on the cloud while minimizing data loss. As well as a hash approach to check data integrity. AES in combination with RSA and fragmenting the file is used for the encryption. Integrity is cheeked using SHA-3. The experiments demonstrated that the key generation stra

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
Solar Energy
Optimizing performance of water-cooled photovoltaic-thermal modules: A 3D numerical approach

To evaluate and improve the efficiency of photovoltaic solar modules connected with linear pipes for water supply, a three-dimensional numerical simulation is created and simulated via commercial software (Ansys-Fluent). The optimization utilizes the principles of the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics by employing the Response Surface Method (RSM). Various design parameters, including the coolant inlet velocity, tube diameter, panel dimensions, and solar radiation intensity, are systematically varied to investigate their impacts on energetic and exergitic efficiencies and destroyed exergy. The relationship between the design parameters and the system responses is validated through the development of a predictive model. Both single and mult

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Siam Journal On Control And Optimization
A Duality Approach for Solving Control-Constrained Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust estimation of multiple linear regression parameters in the presence of a problem of heterogeneity of variance and outliers values

Often times, especially in practical applications, it is difficult to obtain data that is not tainted by a problem that may be related to the inconsistency of the variance of error or any other problem that impedes the use of the usual methods represented by the method of the ordinary least squares (OLS), To find the capabilities of the features of the multiple linear models, This is why many statisticians resort to the use of estimates by immune methods Especially with the presence of outliers, as well as the problem of error Variance instability, Two methods of horsepower were adopted, they are the robust weighted least square(RWLS)& the two-step robust weighted least square method(TSRWLS), and their performance was verifie

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of the method of partial least squares and the algorithm of singular values decomposion to estimate the parameters of the logistic regression model in the case of the problem of linear multiplicity by using the simulation

The logistic regression model is an important statistical model showing the relationship between the binary variable and the explanatory variables.                                                        The large number of explanations that are usually used to illustrate the response led to the emergence of the problem of linear multiplicity between the explanatory variables that make estimating the parameters of the model not accurate.    

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