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Study of the Rocks and Analysis of Morphotectonic Uplift Between Kirkuk and Qara Chauq Anticlines Using Remote Sensing Techniques
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This study aims to demonstrate the morphotectonic evidence (drainage pattern, formations of sedimentary rocks, structural ridge deformations and spectral reflectance differences…etc.) for tectonic uplift with the syncline zone between two major anticlines, Kirkuk anticline in the northeast and Qara Chauq anticline in the southwest. The study area is located in the low folded zone at the geographical coordinates of 35º 45´ to 35º 55´ North and 43º 30´ to 44º 00´ East. In this study, the tectonic uplift was named as Dushwan uplift, because the uplift of the rocks was adjacent to Dushwan village.

     The regional stress, originating from the collision of the Arabian plate with the Eurasian plate, is still affecting the study area, as presented by the rock deformations of the southwestern structural ridges of Kirkuk anticline and the whole Qara Chauq structure. It is dividing the drainage pattern basin within the major syncline into two different drainage basins with different directions from the center of this uplift, in addition to the rocks deformation of the eastern plunge of Bai Hassan anticline. This uplift was demonstrated through four sectional profiles made by using Google Earth and Global Mapper software.

     In addition, the uplift of the rocks was identified by the visual interpretation of the satellite images and the digital interpretation of the DEM and satellite images using software (such as Arc GIS and Global Mapper) for the study area.

The above morphotectonic evidence indicate that the rocks in the study area are influenced by tectonic activity (Dushwan uplift) through three suggested mechanisms; First, propagation of two synclines, one existed between Kirkuk anticline and Bai Hassan Anticline and the other located between Qara Chauq anticline and Guwair anticline of a northwest- southeast trend. Second, this uplift of the rocks was resulted by a deep-seated fault that extends to the basement faults with a northeast- southwest direction. Third, a Salt Diapir was forced from salty formations existed in this area.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Morphotectonic Analysis of Wadi Al-Batin Alluvial Fan, South of Iraq, Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
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This research aimed to know the tectonic activity of the Wadi Al-Batin alluvial fan using hydrological and morphotectonic analyses. Wadi Al-Batin alluvial fan is deposited from Wadi Al-Rimah in Saudi Arabia, which extended to Iraqi and Kuwait international boundaries. The longitudinal and transverse faults that characterize this region were common. The Abu- Jir-Euphrates faults have a significant impact on the region. The faults zone consists of several NW- SE trending faults running from the Rutba in western Iraq to the south along the Euphrates through Kuwait and meeting the Al-Batin fault to the Jal Al-Zor fault. The Hydromorphometric analysis of the present fan shows five watersheds having asymmetry shapes, more elongated and activi

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Remote Sensing and GIS to Study Morphological Analysis of Kirkuk Province
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       Remote sensing is a source of up-to-date information. The present study relied on various approaches for gathering information, including descriptive, quantitative and quantitative analytical processes. Particularly,  we conducted the analysis of the satellite data ETM + of the satellite Landsat7 and the digital models of Digital Elevation Model of SRTM using ArcGIS9.2. The model depends on primary mathematical equations and  constitutes an essential base for GIS applications that rely on data, computer, and software, performing the processes of data entry, analysis and processing. This paper deals with the geomorphological characteristics of a selected study area in Kirkuk province. The cha

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 23 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Spatial Analysis of the CO Emission from Nineveh Governorate Using Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS
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     Carbon Monoxide (CO) has a significant indirect effect on greenhouse gasses due to its ozone and carbon dioxide precursor, and its mechanism of degradation involving the hydroxyl radical (OH) which control the oxidizing ability of the tropospheric. To understand the effect of human activities on atmospheric composition, accurate estimates of the sources of atmospheric carbon monoxide (CO) are necessary. MOPITT (Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere) is a NASA Terra satellite instrument designed to allow both Thermal-Infra-Red (TIR) and Near-Infra-Red (NIR) observations to be used to collect vertical CO profiles in the Troposphere via the concept of correlation spectroscopy. The objective of the current stu

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Analysis the effect of economic conditions on the vegetative change in Baghdad using GIS and remote sensing techniques
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The study of vegetative change of cities is one of the most important studies related to human life because of its direct correlation with the temporal conditions that occur. These include the economic problems that force people to move and look for job opportunities in the city, which leads to an increase in the population density of cities, especially for cities with an important economic and administrative location as in the capital city of Baghdad. In this study, the effect of the increasing in population density was analyzed on the urban planning of Baghdad city. The decreasing in vegetation was due to the increasing of urban areas on the outskirts of the city, which led to an increase in its area. Moreover, urban cities increased t

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Measurement and Analysis of the Distribution of Pb-214 Lead Isotope in Baghdad Soil using Remote Sensing Techniques
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     The present research aims to measure concentration of lead  Pb214 in soil using remote sensing and GIS, associated radiological hazards in Baghdad, Iraq. Concentration of specific radioactivity of radioactive elements was measured and analyzed naturally and artificially in 48 soil samples for separate sites from Baghdad, Iraq using crystalline spectroscopy to detect germanium. The average radioactivity concentrations of lead were found, as it was found to have varying values ​​from one site to another, as most of them exceeded the international permissible limit, as the highest concentration was recorded at 180 Bq in the sample H28 in Waziriyah district. Battery Lab (1), and the lowest concentration valu

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Study of Desertification Using Remote Sensing Techniques in Basra Governorate, South Iraq
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Iraq territory as a whole and south of Iraq in particular encountered rapid desertification and signs of severe land degradation in the last decades. Both natural and anthropogenic factors are responsible for the extent of desertification. Remote sensing data and image analysis tools were employed to identify, detect, and monitor desertification in Basra governorate. Different remote sensing indicators and image indices were applied in order to better identify the desertification development in the study area, including the Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), Salinity index (SI), Top Soil Grain Size Index (GSI) , Land Surface Temperature (LST) , Land Surface Soil Moisture (LSM), and La

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques to Study Water Quality Changes and Spectral Analysis of Tigris River within Mosul City, North of Iraq
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     The aim of the study is the measuring of changes in the spectral reflectivity water quality, analyzing the seasonal difference of Tigris River within Mosul City in the north of Iraq using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing techniques during the period (2014-2018). For this paper, Satellite images of the 8 Landsat in 2018 for four seasons have been selected in order to study the seasonal changes on the river they took place during 2018.  A total of ten sample datasets were taken at the upstream, midstream and downstream along the Tigris River. This research focuses on analyzing the locational variance of reflectance, analyzing seasonal difference, and finding modeling algal amount change.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Monitoring the Vegetation and Water Content of Al-Hammar Marsh Using Remote Sensing Techniques
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The object of the presented study was to monitor the changes that had happened in the main features (water, vegetation, and soil) of Al-Hammar Marsh region. To fulfill this goal, different satellite images had been used in different times, MSS 1973, TM 1990, ETM+ 2000, 2002, and MODIS 2009, 2010. A new technique of the unsupervised classification called (Color Extracting Technique) was used to classify the satellite images. MATLAP programming used the technique and separated Al-Hammar Marsh from other water features (rivers, irrigated lands, etc.) when calculated the changes in the water content of the study region. ArcGIS 9.3 (arcMAP, arcToolbox) were used to achieve this work and calculate area of each class.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Geomorphological Mapping of Razzaza–Habbaria Area using Remote Sensing Techniques
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Landforms on the earth surface are so expensive to map or monitor. Remote Sensing observations from space platforms provide a synoptic view of terrain on images. Satellite multispectral data have an advantage in that the image data in various bands can be subjected to digital enhancement techniques for highlighting contrasts in objects for improving image interpretability. Geomorphological mapping involves the partitioning of the terrain into conceptual spatial entities based upon criteria. This paper illustrates how geomorphometry and mapping approaches can be used to produce geomorphological information related to the land surface, landforms and geomorphic systems. Remote Sensing application at Razzaza–Habbaria area southwest of Razz

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Monitoring Land Cover Change Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: a Case Study of Al-Dalmaj Marsh, Iraq
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Al-Dalmaj marsh and the near surrounding area is a very promising area for energy resources, tourism, agricultural and industrial activities. Over the past century, the Al-Dalmaje marsh and near surroundings area endrous from a number of changes. The current study highlights the spatial and temporal changes detection in land cover for Al-Dalmaj marsh and near surroundings area using different analyses methods the supervised maximum likelihood classification method, the Normalized  Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Geographic Information Systems(GIS),  and Remote Sensing (RS). Techniques spectral indices were used in this study to determine the change of wetlands and drylands area and of other land classes, th

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