The effect of spices mixture on blood glucose and lipids profile in oxidative
stress rabbits was studied. Twenty female rabbits were randomly divided into four
groups (five animals in each group). The first group was subjected to oxidative
stress by the ad libitum supply of drinking water containing 0.5% H2O2. The second
group was supplied with pellets containing 20% spices mixture. The spices mixture
is composed of cinnamon, turmeric and cumin powder. The third group was
subjected to H2O2 (0.5%) and supplied with pellets containing 20% spices mixture.
The last group was considered as control and supplied with pellets and water. The
period of experiment was lasted for 21 days.
The results showed that there was a significant (P<0.05) decrease in glucose,
cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-C and VLDL-C concentration, except HDL-C
concentration which increased significantly (P<0.05) in the groups exposed with
spices mixture and spices mixture + hydrogen peroxide compared with stress
In conclusion, this study revealed that the supplementation of diets with moderate
amounts of spices mixture might have some beneficial effects in oxidative stress
conditions and reducing the risk of diabetes and atherosclerosis diseases through
improving glucose and lipid metabolism.
Therefore, the active materials in these natural plants might extract and use in
diabetes and atherosclerosis drug industry from natural resources.