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Study of rock slope stability of formation outcrops in Hamrin Anticline /NE Tikrit.
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This Study aims to engineering geological evaluation of Fatha and Injana Formations in northern Hamrin anticline throughout geological and engineering geological Survey including Preparing engineering geological map (Scale1:90000) and Studying rock Slopes Stability in (6) Stations ,representing all types of failures (taken place and possible).General Survey for rock Slopes included Classification and engineering description according to [1], [2]. The slopes in the area are Classified based on the direction of the Strike Slopes and Strike of beds into Parallel, Oblique Lateral and orthogonal Slopes according to [3].Classification and the Slope Types are Concordant Slope and discordant Slope . The rocks in the area consists of two engineering geological units on basis of unconfined Compressive Strength(which derived from point load test),these units are: 1-Moderately Strong Compressive Strength and 2-Weak-Very Weak Compressive Strength.The main reasons for failures occurring are differential Weathering Which Cause to over hanging Slopes by under Cutting ,using rocks in various purposes and the role of the discontinuities which exist in the rocks..

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Influence of Magnetic Force for Peristaltic Transport of Non-Newtonian Fluid Through Porous Medium in Asymmetric Channel
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     In this paper, we study the effects of a magnetic force on the flow of hybrid bio - nano fluid (Cu - Au. NPs) for a peristaltic channel through a porous medium in an asymmetric channel. Nanoparticles of gold and copper as well as the blood (the base fluid) is taken into account. By using the Adomian decomposition method to solve the governing equations, formulas for velocity, stream function, temperature, current density, and magnetic force have been obtained. The findings show that Gold nanoparticles have an elevation magnetic force compared with copper nanoparticles, based on fluid (blood) and hybrid nanofluid. Finally, the phenomenon of trapping is offered as an explanation for the physical behavior of many parameters. The ef

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 19 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
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At present, the ability to promote national economy by adjusting to political, economic, and technological variables is one of the largest challenges faced by organization productivity. This challenge prompts changes in structure and line productivity, given that cash has not been invested. Thus, the management searches for investment opportunities that have achieved the optimum value of the annual increases in total output value of the production line workers in the laboratory. Therefore, the application of dynamic programming model is adopted in this study by addressing the division of investment expenditures to cope with market-dumping policy and to strive non-stop production at work.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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The current paper was designed to find the possible synergic effect of EBV infection with the HPV-16 in Iraqi women suffering from cervical carcinoma. This retrospective study involved paraffinized blocks of two groups. The research included 30 carcinomatous cervical tissues and 15 samples from normal cervical biopsies. After sectioning using positively charged slides, immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed to detect anti-Epstein Barr Virus LMP1 and Human papillomavirus type 16 primary antibodies. Sixty-three percentage (19 out of 30) of the studies group showed positive overexpression as shown in with a significant association of the expression with cervical cancer with a significant association (p = 0). The co-infection of the EBV and H

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Food Chain Borne Effect of Cadmium and Cyanide on Some Biochemical Indices in the Liver of Rats
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       Diverse organismsuch as mammals and fishes exposure to noxious waste in the surroundings is a continuous routine and the active absorption and propagation of contaminants in humans is through the food chain. In order to determine the level of toxicity across the food chain,this research was structured to identify some biochemical alterations in the hepatic tissue of rats fed cadmium, cyanide and a mixture of cyanide and cadmium contaminated catfish diet. Fish were assigned into four groups and were exposed to both toxicants (cadmium and cyanide) in the single and combined states. Each toxicant was administered as cadmium chloride (CdCl2) and potassium cyanide (KCN) on a dose of 0.4 mg of the toxicant/100 ml water

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Crossref (1)
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of the General Dudget in the Achievement of Sustainable Development: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة للموازنة العامة العراقية
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The traditional method adopted in the preparation of the general budget in Iraq is not consistent with developments in the size specification response and spending and the associated weakness in the size of the amounts earmarked for investment projects which could adversely affect future generations and not to enable them to continue the development, which requires talking to estimate the adoption of style public expenditure in the state budget and reduce waste and extravagant where and invest public revenues of the state in investment projects and preservation of the environment and natural resources in order to ensure the benefit of future generations system, according to the system serves to achieve the overwhelming majority of member

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 18 2021
Journal Name
Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/egyptology
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The increasing level of residents’ requirements of the local community led to the necessity for sufficient local funding to satisfy the residents’ requirements and services of the local units affiliated with the decentralized administrative systems on the one hand, and to the role of local financing in the financial independence of local units on the other hand.With the presence of local financing, the financial independence of local units is achieved and is considered one of the conditions for financial independence, which is the provision of local financing to the units away from central support. The study focused in this research to clarify the concept of local financing for local units with a statement of its conditions and importan

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of intellectual capital on sustainable competitive performance: field research in a sample of private colleges
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                  This research seeks to test the influence of intellectual capital as an explanatory variable and its components (human capital, structural capital, relational capital) and sustainable competitive performance as a responsive variable and its components (reducing service delivery cycle time, rapid response to market demand, increasing customer satisfaction, providing better Quality of service, increasing market share)” through a field study, and here the research problem was diagnosed in an attempt to answer the following question: Is there awareness among the senior management within the private colle

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Description of Surveillance System of Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Human Immunodefiency Virus and Acquired Immunodefiency Syndrome in Iraq
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Abstract A descriptive study using evaluation technique was carried at the health organizations concerning STIs/HIV/AIDS, mainly the AIDS Researches and Studies Center in Baghdad and many of the AIDS sections in the Health Directorates in the Governorates throughout the period of May 15th , 2003 through September 30th, 2003( to describe the surveillance system for the period 1993 through 2002). The study aimed to describe the STIs/HIV/AIDS surveillance system in Iraq. System evaluation questionnaire was adopted from WHO and developed for the purpose of this study. Content validity of questionnaire was establis

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Biological activity of some plants extract against in the survival of rate adult Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Coleopteran Silvanaidae)
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A laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the effect of crud extracts from seven plant species (Nigella sativa, Eugenia caryophylota, Corianderum sativum, Piper nigrum, Peganum hermala, Achillea santolina, Citrullus colocynthis) belong to different families tested as food feeding toxicity against adult of Oryzaephilus surinamensis. The results of the current study showed that hexane extracts from all plants used were more influential in all used concentrations than, the alcoholic extract, and hexane extract of Hanzal was more effective reaching survival rate of adult to 58.3% at concentration of 10% then the plant yarrow and black pepper about 66.2%, and 67.3% respectively, at the same concentration. While the survival rate was approx

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Power Versus Conventional Color Doppler Sonographic Diagnosis Of Acute Cholecystitis: Comparison In The Depiction Of Mural Flow
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Background: Gray-scale sonography is generally
considered as a first-line diagnostic tool for patient with
suspected acute cholecystitis. It is suggested by gallstones,
Murphy's sign, thickening of the gallbladder wall and bile
sludging, but the specificity of these sonographic findings
are not as high as their sensitivity. Blood flow of the
gallbladder wall is increased in acute inflammation.
Objective: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of
power Doppler sonography and compared with conventional
color Doppler and gray-scale sonography in diagnosing
patients with acute cholecystitis.
Type of the study: This was a cross sectional study.
Patients and methods: The study was conducted t

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