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Induce mutations for Bavistin resistance in Trichoderma harzianum by UV-irradation
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The present study was conducted to induce mutations by UV- light in Trichoderma harzianum for tolerance of Bavistin fungicides which are commonly used to control soil born phytopathogens. The mycelium growth of T. harzianum T1, T2 was inhibited completely by 30 μg (a.i.) /ml PDA of Bavistin. Two isolates of Trichoderma harzianum T1 and T2 conidia suspensions 104 conidia / ml were irradiated by UV lights at 254, 320, 365nm wavelength for 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 min using UV dark room cabinet and spectrophotometer and cultured on PDA media containing 50, 60, 75, 100, and 150 μg (a.i) / ml Bavistin. A thirty one unstable mutants tolerant to Bavistin were obtained after irradiation the T. harzianum T1, T2 conidia suspension 104 conidia / ml by using UV dark room cabinet. While about 76975 Bavistin tolerant mutants were obtained by using UV spectrophotometer. Only twelve were stable and named (TAm1, TAm2, TAm3, TAa1, TAa2, TAa3, TAa4, TAa5, TAa6, TAa7, TAa9 and TAa11). Results daily radial growth and sporulation rate of stable mutants on fungicide culture media (Bavistin) revealed that the stable mutant TAa2 and TAa1 achevied the maximum average of (daily radial growth rate and sporulation). The stable mutants TAa1, TAa2, TAa3, TAa4, TAa5 and TAa7 which tolerates 150 μg (a.i)/ml Bavistin increased their ability to tolerate Bavistin up to 200 μg(a.i)/ml by using adaption technique.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Exponential Function of a bounded Linear Operator on a Hilbert Space.
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In this paper, we introduce an exponential of an operator defined on a Hilbert space H, and we study its properties and find some of properties of T inherited to exponential operator, so we study the spectrum of exponential operator e^T according to the operator T.

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2013
Journal Name
Isesco Journal Of Science And Technology
Effect of Solvents on the Dipole Moments and Fluorescence Quantum Yield of Rhodamine Dyes
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Abstract: This study aims to investigate the effects of solvents of various polarities on the electronic absorption and fluorescence spectra of RhB and Rh6G. The singlet‐state excited dipole moments (me) and ground state dipole moments (mg) were estimated from the equations of Bakshiev -Kawski and Chamma‐ Viallet using the variation of Stokes shift along with the solvent’s dielectric constant (e) and refractive indexes (n). The observed singlet‐state excited dipole moments were found to be larger than the ground‐state ones. Moreover, the obtained fluorescence quantum yield values were influenced by the environment of the fluorescing molecule. Consequently, the concentration of the dye solution, excited singlet state absorption and

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Investigation of Aerial Parts of Iraqi Cardaria draba
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 The aim of this study was to study chemical constituents of aerial parts of Cardaria draba since no phytochemical investigation had been studied before in Iraq. Aerial parts of Cardaria draba were defatted by maceration in hexane for 72 h. The defatted plant materials were extracted using Soxhlet apparatus, the aqueous Methanol 90% as a solvent extraction for 18 h, and fractionated with petroleum ether- chloroform (CHCl3)- ethylacetate- and n-butanol respectivly. The ethyl acetate, n-butanol, and n-butanol after hydrolysis fractions were investigated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and thin-layer chromatography (TLC) for its phenolic acid and flavonoid contents. Flavono

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Australian Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences
Photometric Viewpoint to the Structure of Spiral Galaxy NGC 3351 with griz-Filters
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The term ‘photometry’ refers to the accurate determination of the apparent brightness of an astronomical object. Until roughly 1980, nearly all astronomical photometry was done by means of analog measurements of photographic plates, or by analog or digital (photon-counting) techniques with photomultipliers. These photometers produced brightness readings which were typically displayed on dials, plotted on strip charts or printed on strips of paper, and it was often quite practical to analyse these raw data with pencil, paper and a slide rule or table of logarithms. However, during the late 1970s electronic area detectors for astronomy became more advanced: first, for a brief period, television-type cameras were employed, but these were s

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determinations of The Depths to Magnetic Sources Over Al-Ma′Aniyah Depression Area-Southwest Iraq Using The Aeromagnetic Data and Their Tectonic Implication
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     Tectonically, the location of the Al-Ma'aniyah depression area is far from active boundary zones, their tectonic features have to reflect the original depositional environments with some horizontal movement due to rearrangement of the basement blocks during different actives orogenic movements. So, the analysis of aeromagnetic data were considered to estimate the thickness and structural pattern of the sedimentary cover sequences for this area. The aeromagnetic data, which are derived from Iraqi GEOSURV to Al-Ma′aniyah region is analyzed and processed for qualitative and quantitative interpretations. The process includes reducing the aeromagnetic data to pole RTP, separation the aeromagnetic data to regional an

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Applying Quran Security and Hamming CodesFor Preventing of Text Modification
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The widespread of internet allover the world, in addition to the increasing of the huge number of users that they exchanged important information over it highlights the need for a new methods to protect these important information from intruders' corruption or modification. This paper suggests a new method that ensures that the texts of a given document cannot be modified by the intruders. This method mainly consists of mixture of three steps. The first step which barrows some concepts of "Quran" security system to detect some type of change(s) occur in a given text. Where a key of each paragraph in the text is extracted from a group of letters in that paragraph which occur as multiply of a given prime number. This step cannot detect the ch

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of Mixed Ligand Metal Salts Complexes with Various Ligands
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Metal (III) and (II) coordination compounds of o- phenylenediamine, oxalic acid dihydrate and 8-hydroxyquinoline were synthesized for mixed ligand complexes and characterized using FT-IR, UV-Vis and mass spectra, atomic absorption, elemental analysis, electric conductance and magnetic susceptibility measurements. In addition, thermal behavior (TGA) of the metal complexes (1-6) showed good agreement with the formula suggested from the analytical data. The stoichiometric reaction between the metal (III) and (II) ions with three various ligands in molar ratio at aqueous ethyl alchol for (1:1:1:1) (M: O-PDA: OA: 8-HQ) [where M = Cr+3, Mn+2, Co+2, Ni+2. Cu+2 and Zn+2; O-PDA = O-Phenylenediamine; OA = Oxalic acid and 8-HQ = 8-Hydroxyquinoline]. R

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Structural Analysis of Chemical and Green Synthesis of CuO Nanoparticles and their Effect on Biofilm Formation
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Copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) were synthesized by two methods. The first was chemical method by using copper nitrate Cu (NO3)2 and NaOH, while the second was green method by using Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaves extract and Cu (NO3)2. These methods easily give a large scale production of CuO nanoparticles. X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD) reveals single phase monoclinic structure. The average crystalline size of CuO NPs was measured and used by Scherrer equation which found 44.06nm from chemical method, while the average crystalline size was found from green method was 27.2nm. The morphology analysis using atomic force microscopy showed that the grain size for CuO NPs was synthesized by chemical and green methods were 77.70 and 89.24

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Design and implementation of a Deep Learning-based Intelligent Electronic Lock Door Entry Control System
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    The Internet of Things (IoT) technology and smart systems are playing a major role in the advanced developments in the world that take place nowadays, especially in multiple privilege systems. There are many smart systems used in daily human life to serve them and facilitate their tasks, such as alarm systems that work to prevent unwanted events or face detection and recognition systems. The main idea of this work is to capture live video using a connected Pi camera, save it, and unlock the electric strike door in several ways; either automatically by displaying a live video connected via USB webcam using a deep learning algorithm of facial recognition and OpenCV or by RFID technology, as well as by detecting abnormal entrance wit

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
De-Noising of Corrupted Fluoroscopy Images Based on a New Multi-Line Algorithm
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 Fluoroscopic images are a field of medical images that depends on the quality of image for correct diagnosis; the main trouble is the de-nosing and how to keep the poise between degradation of noisy image, from one side, and edge and fine details preservation, from the other side, especially when fluoroscopic images contain black and white type noise with high density. The previous filters could usually handle low/medium black and white type noise densities, that expense edge, =fine details preservation and fail with high density of noise that corrupts the images. Therefore, this paper proposed a new Multi-Line algorithm that deals with high-corrupted image with high density of black and white type noise. The experiments achieved i

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