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Plasmid Role in Crystals Protein Production in Locally Isolated Bacillus Thuringiensis
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The ability of crystals protein production was studied in local isolate Bacillus
thuringiensis by microscope examination, and the crystals protein production were seen
after 48 hour from growth starting, the study of plasmid profile of the isolate using gel
electrophoresis technique in 0.7% of agaros gel, revealed that it had one Mega plasmid
band, the plasmid role in production of crystals protein was studied by using conjugation experiments, that they applied on the local isolate B. thuringiensis which was crystals
protein producer and Rifamycin sensitive as donor cells, with Bacillus spp. which didn’t
produce crystals protein and Rifamycin resistance as recipient cells. Conjugation
experiments assured the transmission of crystals production trait with Plasmid to the
recipient cells, this result confirmed that crystals protein trait was Plasmid bourn.

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