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Morphological, Biochemical and Molecular Characterization of Ten Rhizobial Bacteria Isolates.
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This study was done in biotechnology laboratories in the national center of organic
farming /ministry of agriculture where ten of Rhizobial isolates and strain studied were
either local isolate from chickpea root nodules or non- local (Syrian and Turkish)
obtained from ICARDA.These isolates were identified and characterized on the basis of
colonies morphology and biochemical tests including gram staining, catalase and
oxidase tests. The Genetic diversity among the isolates was assessed by RAPD(Randum
Amplified Polynorphic DNA)-PCR(Polynerase Chain Reaction) finger printing by using
five primers. The RAPD result showed high ability to detect genetic polymorphism in
Rhizobia and have the ability to generated unique bands (marker) especially in Shiekhan
3(10)bands Mosle(8)bands isolates that isolated from chickpea plants .

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