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Assessment of Inflammation, Comorbidity and Demographic Factors in Patients with Kidney Disease in Baghdad
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     Inflammation markers are significantly higher among hemodialysis (HD) patients, which have been associated with chronic activation of the immune system. Hemodialysis centers in Baghdad appear to be taking measures with low adequacy and frequency of dialysis sessions, which can be a reason for decreased kidney functions. Therefore, the objective of this study focuses on the assessment of different aspects of hemodialysis for regular HD patients in Baghdad, including inflammatory markers (serum C-reactive protein, CRP, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR), dialysis dose, comorbidities, and demographic factors for a period of one year (2018), the assessment covered four major hospitals in Baghdad namely (Al-Kindi, Baghdad Educational, Al-Imamain Al-Jwadian, and Al-Yarmouk). The study involved 320 adult (chronic kidney disease; non hepatitis virus) patients (55% male and 45% female) treated with regular hemodialysis. When compared with the normal values ​​specified by manufacturers for the number of measurement of these indicators. Inflammation markers were high in HD patients were  66.2% of patients recorded elevated of CRP and 87.7% for ESR with no significant difference between males and females, but the origin of chronic inflammation in the patient's remains unclear. Moreover, the majority of HD patients were non-educated; illustring that higher education is possibly associated with lower disease incidence as compared to those who never finished high school. Finally, most of these hospitals, average hemodialysis treatment lasts about three hours and is done two times per week.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Simulations of the initiation and propagation of streamers in electrical discharges inside water at 3 mm length gap
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This work is devoted to the modeling of streamer discharge, propagation in liquid dielectrics (water) gap using the bubble theory. This of the electrical discharge (streamer) propagating within a dielectric liquid subjected to a divergent electric field, using finite element method (in two dimensions). Solution of Laplace's equation governs the voltage and electric field distributions within the configuration, the electrode configuration a point (pin) - plane configuration, the plasma channels were followed, step to step. The results show that, the electrical discharge (streamer) indicates the breakdown voltage required for a 3mm atmospheric pressure dielectric liquid gap as 13 kV. Also, the electric potential and field distributions sho

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Effects of Olive Leaves Extracts in the activity of the enzyme GOT and their Biological Activities
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The olive tree, has been used it is important plant for the time being some of their parts on a large scale in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and stimulate circulation . Moreover, it is used as antibacterial material and also to address some of the respiratory system, diabetes, food preservation osteoporosis. This study involved the collection of olive leaves from different areas in Baghdad / Iraq. These leaves have been harvested, wash it, then dried and crushed, where the study aimed to identify the active ingredients and chemical elements in the olive leaf as well as its effect on the action of GOT enzyme .The study showed that the aqueous extracts (cold and hot) of the olive leaves powder are acidic in nature pH values

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Publication Date
Sun May 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Occurrences and Formation of Ladderback Ripples on Barchans Dunes of Najaf Dunes Field, Iraq, in Aeolian Environments
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This paper concerns the study of ripples that occur on the windward of Barchan dunes from the dunes field of Najaf governorate, Iraq. These dunes consist mainly of sand sediments with variable sizes, including medium, fine, and very fine sands. Quartz represents the major light mineral in the Najaf Dunes sand. The prevailing wind direction in the study area is NW-SE. The major ripple crest series of every pattern are oriented perpendicular to the NW-SE wind direction, whereas imbricated ripple groups within the troughs of the preexisting ripples are created by the WSW-ENE wind trend. These ripples tend to be formed by shortened ripples that occupy the troughs of the prolonged series. All crests of the ladderback ripples are oriented at r

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of antibacterial action of photosensitizer solution activated by diode lamp and three intracanal medicaments (in vitro study)
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Background: The elimination of the microorganisms from the root canal systems, an important step for the successful root canal treatment. This study was conducted to evaluate the antibacterial effectiveness of the photoactivated disinfection by using the toluidine blue O and a low- energy light emitting diode (LED) lamp . Materials and method: Sixty single rooted extracted teeth were decoronated, instrumented, irrigated, sealed at the apex and contaminated with endodontic anaerobic bacteria for 7 days to form biofilms in prepared root canals. Group I. Twelve teeth were medicated by photosensitizer (toluidine blue O) solution activated by diode lamp (FotoSan; CMS Dental, Copenhagen, Denmark).Group II. Twelve teeth were medicated by the tricr

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Publication Date
Wed May 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Corrosion - Scaling Potentially of Domestic Water Pipelines and Evaluate the Applicability of Raw Water Sources in Basrah, IRAQ
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     As a result of changes in the chemical properties of the Shatt al-Arab River, especially in the last decade, as well as the lack of rainfall and the effect of seawater intrusion into the Shatt al-Arab, this study was conducted to investigate the possible changes in the water pipelines like corrosive and scaling which Shatt al-Arab River is the source of water supply for domestic use. Domestic water samples were collected from 10 various locations in Basrah to study the water's tendency to be corrosive or form scales along the pipelines. The Langelier Index, Ryznar Index, Larson-Skold Index, and Saturation Index were used to determine the corrosivity potential of water based on physical and chemical parameters. Most domestic wate

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 19 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of Silver Nanoparticles (Ag NPs) Activity Against the Viability of Leishmania tropica Promastigotes and Amastigotes In Vitro
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Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by a protozoan parasite of the genus Leishmania. It is transmitted by the bite of sandfly (Subfamily Phlebotominae). Limited drugs are available for the treatment of leishmaniasis, and the general drug (pentostam) have many side effect on patients. Therefore, there is an urgent need for another drugs for the treatment of leishmaniasis.
This study aimed to develop new type of antileishmanial agents instead of classical drug (pentostam) and investigated the effectiveness of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) on Leishmania tropica parasites in both phases promastigote and amastigote in comparision to pentostam in in vitro condition.
This study showed the effects of Ag NPs in comparision to pentostam with d

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Body Mass Index on Sperm Parameters and Sex Hormone Level in Sample of Infertile Iraqi Men
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The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of body mass index (BMI) on semen parameters, level of sex hormone and sperm DNA integrity. Semen samples were collected from (85) infertile men and (40) healthy fertile men with range of age (38.191 ± 0.84) years during their attendance at High Institute of Infertility Diagnosis and ART, Al-Nahrain University from March to June 2016. Semen samples were obtained by masturbation after 72 hours of abstinence. Seminal fluid analyses included semen volume, sperm concentration, percent sperm motility, percent sperm morphology, and sperm chromatin integrity DNA fragmentation index (DFI]). Serum samples were collected from each subject for determination the level of Follicle Stim

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Institutional Reality Construction: Principles of its Construction and Functions of Language in its Production; Diplomacy as a Model
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This study aims to answer a significant problem of social sciences and philosophy: How do we construct an institutional reality such as diplomacy with an objective recognizable existence? The study assumes that the ability to build institutional reality is based on our biological capacity, as it takes different forms in all the institutions we construct. The study takes the theory of the American philosopher John Searle as an approach to examining the assumption. The study sums up important findings; cultures, although they share the biological capacity on which they produce institutional realities, differ in the form of the value standards on which the institutional realities are based. The study recommends the need of Arab social resea

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Simulation of GaussianFSK Transmitter in UHF Band Using Direct Modulation of ΣΔ Modulator Fractional-N Synthesizer
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This research involves design and simulation of GaussianFSK transmitter in UHF band using direct modulation of ΣΔ  fractional-N synthesizer with the following specifications:

Frequency range (869.9– 900.4) MHz, data rate 150kbps, channel spacing (500 kHz), Switching time 1 µs, & phase noise @10 kHz = -85dBc.

New circuit techniques have been sought to allow increased integration of radio transmitters and receivers, along with new radio architectures that take advantage of such techniques. Characteristics such as low power operation, small size, and low cost have become the dominant design criteria by which these systems are judged.

A direct modulation by ΣΔ  fractional-N synthesizer is proposed

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Origin of Creation in Khattab (The Beginning of Creation) by Imam Ali (as) and Genesis (Comparative Study)
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The research aims to answer the questions that revolve in the mind of mankind about how to create creation, how it existed prior to creation, who created existence, and the characteristics of that presence. The researcher also wanted to show that the culture of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) In the book of Adam, peace be upon him, God has punished Adam (peace be upon him) for not having sinned. Because his wife is the one who fed him the fruit of the tree, and this is contrary to what was stated in the sermon of Imam (peace be upon him) who Z Adam (peace be upon him) is the one who trusted Satan and Gwighth.

We note that the approach of the rhetoric has pointed to the creation of angels and did not refer to

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