The present work included morphological, anatomical, and palynological
characters for the new species Acaalypha australis L. specimens, which belong to
the family Euphorbiaceae. The species recorded in the study for the first time in
Iraq. The plants of this species are annual herbs with green, striated or sub –
polygonal stem, and branched near bases, Leaves are simple spirally alternate and
lanceolate in shape. Flowers are unisexual, arranged in the axial of distinct leafy and
cordate bracts, female flower arranged at the bracts bases and each flower with
trileafed perianth and superior ovary with trilobed stylar stigma which has dense and
coiled stigmatic hairs. Male flowers are arranged as a mixed verticellate
inflorescence and enclosed by tetraleafed perianth. Each perianth leaf is similar to
that of the female flowers. Each male flower has eight free stamens, each with two
separated anther sac. Pollen are spherical and belong to the small size and they are
tri-tetra-colporate with vague sculpturing. Anatomicaly, section of root and stem
characterized the presence of secondary growth and vascular cambium, in addition
to collenchyma and seclerenchyma as a supported tissue. Druses crystals are also
present in the epidermal and cortical cells. Vertical section of leaves are
characterized by similarity of tissue layers of petiole and leaf midribe, and presence
of oil bodies within the mesophyll.