An optimization analysis of drilling process constitutes a powerful tool for operating under desired pressure levels and simultaneously maximizing the penetration rate, which reduces costs and time thus increases the profit.
In this study, a composite drilling model (Young-Bourgyen model) of eight functions was used to determine the optimum drilling mechanical parameters (Weight on bit and rotary speed) for an Iraqi oil field. These functions model the effect of most drilling parameters such as formation strength, mud density, formation compaction, weight on bit, rotary speed, tooth dullness, and bit hydraulic on drilling rate. Data are extracted from bit record and drilling report of well BUZ-20 for calculation of eight exponents of the model with regression analysis method. For each formation within the geologic section of drilled well, the drillability constant was calculated .The rate of penetration for the field had been predicted based on constants for every data against depth, and noticeable differences between them were observed . Also, an optimized weight on bit and rotary speed had been calculated for several data point.
Charge transfer in styryl dyes STQ-1, STQ-2,and STQ-3 with organic media system has been studied theoretically depending on the Franck- Condon rule and continuum dielectric model . The reorientation energies (eV) were evaluated theoretically depending on dipole momentum, dielectric constant , and refrective index n. The rate constant of charge transfer has been calculated depending on the reorientation energy (eV) ,effective free energy , potential height barrier , and coupling coefficient . A matlap program has been written to calculated the rate constant of charge transfer and other parameter. The results of calculations show that STQ-2 dye is more reaction for charge transfer compare with STQ-1 and STQ-3 dyes
The present paper aims at finding out the Variance Ratio of Trips Set Out by Scholars of Both Marrouzzeen and Baihaq .The researcher has come up with conclusion including certain findings ,one of which is that the trip is considered an essential base with high effectiveness since the old times and has been evolved .This means that the trip has been the main source of knowledge and sciences from the scholars directly .This had driven the scholars of both Baihaq and Marrouz cities .It has been noticed , though this paper, that the number of the Marrouz scholars who visited was less than those of Baihaq . The researcher has focused on their meetings or conferences and investigated what has been going on in suc
... Show MoreSedimentologic and facies evidences reveal a marine environment for the Gercus Formation. Facies analysis and associated sedimentary structures including graded beddings decide turbidity origin of the rocks. Marine environment is supported by the identifying glauconite and fossils types reported for the first time.
The formation composed of seven lithotypes; shale/claystone, mudstone, sandstone, carbonate, conglomerate, breccias and debris flow, which are arranged in repeated cycles of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate turbidites in a range of gravity-flow regime. The Gercus successions are grouped into four facies associations confirming marine depositional systems, these are (from bottom to top); slump siliciclastic-calciturbidites (dol
After Hamdallah and his success on the realization of this manuscript (a letter in detail what was said in the parents of the Prophet Ibn Kamal Pasha (d. 940 e) study and investigation I will review some of the results reached in the realization of this manuscript:
1. The hadiths mentioned in this manuscript are mostly placed or weak.
2 - We are not entitled to speak about the silence of the law for saying Almighty ﭽ ﮮ ﮯ ﮰ ﮱ ﯓ ﯔ ﯕ ﯖ ﯗ ﯘ ﯙ ﭼ Table: 101.
3 in which harm to our Holy Prophet وله تع ﮂ ﮃ ﮄ ﮅ ﮆ ﮈ ﮉ ﮊ ﮋ ﮌ ﮍ ﮎ ﭼ parties: 57.
4 Because the parents of the Prophet of the people of the period ordered them to God for the Almighty ﭽ ﯨ ﯩ ﯪ ﯫ ﯬ
Social Aspects in the Kingdom of Mali Through Ibn Battuta's book Tuhfat Alnuddar in Garaeb Al Amsar Wa Ajaeb Al Asfar
Some new norms need to be adapted due to COVID-19 pandemic period where people need to wear masks, wash their hands frequently, maintain social distancing, and avoid going out unless necessary. Therefore, educational institutions were closed to minimize the spread of COVID-19. As a result of this, online education was adapted to substitute face-to-face learning. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the Malaysian university students’ adaptation to the new norms, knowledge and practices toward COVID-19, besides, their attitudes toward online learning. A convenient sampling technique was used to recruit 500 Malaysian university students from January to February 2021 through social media. For data collection, all students
... Show MoreBackground: Ostеoporosis is a systеmic disеasе of thе bonе that is charactеrizеd by rеducеd bonе mass, which lеads to incrеasеd bonе fragility and fracturеparticularly in postmеnopausal womеn.Thе aims of study was toеvaluatе thе rеlationship bеtwееn mandibular radiomorphomеtric indicеs obtainеd on digital panoramic radiographswith thе bonе minеral dеnsitiеs of thе lumbar spinееvaluatеd using dual-еnеrgy X-ray absorptiomеtry (DXA) scan, in a population of ostеoporotic and non-ostеoporotic fеmalеs. Matеrials and mеthods: In panoramic imagеs obtainеd from 60 fеmalе individuals dividеd еq
... Show MoreThe 2-D Resistivity imaging survey conducted within the desert area to meet the region's need of groundwater, due to the absence of any surface water, in addition, there are no any geophysical studies carried out previously. Ten point survey was performed to study the ground water aquifers in the southwest of Samawah city, Iraq. The length of the survey line in each point survey is 1200 meters by using 120 electrodes with 10 meters electrode spacing by applying Wenner-Schlumberger array. There are three main resistivity zones in the study area. The first resistivity zone ranging between 2.00-10.1 ohm.m, locate at shallow depth, represented Quaternary deposits. The second resistivity zone ranging between 22.8-51.3 ohm.m, it represents bea
... Show More