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A Genetic Algorithm for Minimum Set Covering Problem in Reliable and Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks
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Densely deployment of sensors is generally employed in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to ensure energy-efficient covering of a target area. Many sensors scheduling techniques have been recently proposed for designing such energy-efficient WSNs. Sensors scheduling has been modeled, in the literature, as a generalization of minimum set covering problem (MSCP) problem. MSCP is a well-known NP-hard optimization problem used to model a large range of problems arising from scheduling, manufacturing, service planning, information retrieval, etc. In this paper, the MSCP is modeled to design an energy-efficient wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that can reliably cover a target area. Unlike other attempts in the literature, which consider only a simple disk sensing model, this paper addresses the problem of scheduling the minimum number of sensors (i.e., finding the minimum set cover) while considering a more realistic sensing model to handle uncertainty into the sensors' target-coverage reliability. The paper investigates the development of a genetic algorithm (GA) whose main ingredient is to maintain scheduling of a minimum number of sensors and thus to support energy-efficient WSNs. With the aid of the remaining unassigned sensors, the reliability of the generated set cover provided by the GA, can further be enhanced by a post-heuristic step. Performance evaluations on solution quality in terms of both sensor cost and coverage reliability are measured through extensive simulations, showing the impact of number of targets, sensor density and sensing radius.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Energy Dissipation on the Ogee Spillways by Using Direction Diverting Blocks
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the hydraulic performance and efficiency of using direction diverting blocks, DDBs, fixed on the surface on an Ogee spillway in reducing the acceleration and dissipating the energy of the incoming supercritical flow. Fifteen types of DDB models were made from wood with a triangulate shape and different sizes were used. Investigation tests on pressure distribution at the DDBs boundaries were curried out to insure there is no negative pressures is developed that cause cavitation. In these tests, thirty six test runs were accomplished by using six types of blocks with the same size but differ in apex angle. Results of these test showed no negative pressures developed at the boundarie

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Energy transfer process between two laser compounds coumarin 334 & rhodamine 590
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In the current research the absorption and fluorescence spectrum
of Coumarin (334) and Rhodamine (590) in ethanol solvent at
different concentration (10-3, 10-4, 10-5) M had been studied. The
absorption intensity of these dyes increases as the Concentration
increase in addition to that the spectrum was shifted towards the
longer wavelength (red shift). The energy transfer process has been
investigated after achievement this condition. The fluorescence peak
intensity of donor molecule was decrease and its bandwidth will
increases on the contrary of the acceptor molecule its intensity
increase gradually and its bandwidth decreases as the acceptor
concentration increase.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
CFD Simulation of Methanol Dehydration Step through an Adiabatic Fixed-bed Reactor of DME Synthesis
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   Today, dimethyl ether (DME) is changing to ordinarily worn as a superb aerosol propellant and refrigerant for its eco-friendly characteristics. Lately, with the development of novel chemical energy in the coal industries, it has become a fascinating field of research as an alternative green fuel for diesel machines due to the high cetane number. The DME synthesis processes include catalytic dehydrating methanol in an adiabatic fixed-bed reactor. In this study, to investigate the chemical conditions of the methanol dehydration reaction, CFD simulations of the adiabatic reactor have been assessed. The advantage of the work is a sensitivity analysis was run to find the effect of pressure, kinetics, and velocity on the reactor performan

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Treatment of Simulated Carwash Wastewater by Electrocoagulation with Sonic Energy
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Oily carwash wastewater is a high organic and chemical wastewater. This paper targeted to investigate a treatment to decrease the water consumption and contaminants in car-washing stations. Electrocoagulation combined with ultrasonic energy (Sono-Electrocoagulation) was suggested so that the carwash wastewater is treated to be reused. The effect of both the voltage and time of treatment on the removal of COD, turbidity, conductivity, and total dissolved solids (TDS) were studied at constant initial pH 7 and electrode distance 2 cm. The results showed the best results of removal COD, turbidity, TDS, and reduce electrical conductivity is when the voltage was 30 V and a treatment time of 90 minutes.


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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Calculation the optical energy band gap of LR115 SSNTD irradiated by α particle
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The effect of α-particle irradiation on the optical absorption in nuclear track detectors (LR115) has been studied. These detectors have been irradiated with different doses. The optical absorption has been measured using the ultraviolet-visible (UV-1100) spectroscopy, that irradiation results in shifting the peaks of the optical absorption. The values of Urbach energy have been calculated from the position of steady-state optical band gap energy, for a standard sample which was unirradiated with indirect influence, has been found 1.9 eV  whereas its value after irradiation 1.98 eV. In case of the direct influence, it is found to be, respectively, before irradiation 1.98 eV and after irradiation 2.05 eV. From these results, we can

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Metaphysics of theater performance
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The research explores through its three parts, to search for the unconscious and the collective unconscious in order to identify the per-formative stimuli and motives and their motivation to produce a performance that is consistent with the metaphysics of the myth or the epic and its different characters from other human characters. The paper also explores in its second section a sort of sacred performance energy. Together, along with motivating the mind and engaging the subconscious, comes a metaphysical text and with its characters and epic events.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Review on Vision Based Real Time Fingertip Detection Approaches
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    Computer vision is an emerging area with a huge number of applications. Identification of the fingertip is one of the major parts of those areas. Augmented reality and virtual reality are the most recent technological advancements that use fingertip identification. The interaction between computers and humans can be performed easily by this technique. Virtual reality, robotics, smart gaming are the main application domains of these fingertip detection techniques. Gesture recognition is one of the most fascinating fields of fingertip detection. Gestures are the easiest and productive methods of communication with regard to collaboration with the computer. This analysis examines the different studies done in the field of

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 26 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Enhancement the Sensitivity of Zinc Sulfide Nanostructure Against NO2 Toxic Gas by Loading Graphene
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Nanocrystal-ZnS-loaded graphene was synthesized by a facile co-precipitation route. The Graphene was affected on the characterization of ZnS which has been investigated. XRD results reveal that ZnS has a cubic system while the hexagonal structure has been observed by loading graphene during preparation ZnS. D.c-conductivity proves that ZnS and ZnS/Gr have semiconductor behavior. The sensing properties of ZnS/Gr against NO2 gas were investigated as a function of operating temperature and time under optimal condition. The sensitivity, response time and recovery time were calculated with different operating temperatures (100, 150, 200)oC.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using SWAT Model to Estimate the Water Balance of Wadi Al-Mohammadi Basin, Western Iraq: Setup of SWAT Model, SWAT Model Run, Watershed Delineation, Climate Data, Quantification of Hydrological Components, and Water Balance of the Wadi Al-Mohammadi Basin.
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     Water balance as a technique is considered one of the means that is relied upon in solving significant hydrological problems. The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model was used in this study to assess the water balance in the Wadi Al-Mohammadi basin located at the eastern edge of the Western Desert. Digital elevation model, soil data, Land use - Land cover, and climate data represent the most important requirements for the SWAT model's input as a database. The Wadi Al-Mohammadi basin delineation results show the overall drainage area was 2286.8 km2 with seven sub-basins. The trend line of climate data indicates a clear increase in the total rainfall, relative humidity, temperature, and solar radiation from 1990-

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Scopus (7)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Classification of brain tumors using the multilayer perceptron artificial neural network
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Information from 54 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) brain tumor images (27 benign and 27 malignant) were collected and subjected to multilayer perceptron artificial neural network available on the well know software of IBM SPSS 17 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). After many attempts, automatic architecture was decided to be adopted in this research work. Thirteen shape and statistical characteristics of images were considered. The neural network revealed an 89.1 % of correct classification for the training sample and 100 % of correct classification for the test sample. The normalized importance of the considered characteristics showed that kurtosis accounted for 100 % which means that this variable has a substantial effect

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