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Diagenesis Processes Impact on Reservoir Quality in Carbonate Yamama Formation /Faihaa Oil Field
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The Yamama Formation is a significant reservoir in the southern part of Iraq. This formation consists of limestone deposited throughout the Lower Cretaceous period within main retrogressive depositional series. This study aims to identify the impact of the diagenesis processes on the reservoir’s characteristics (porosity and permeability). Diagenesis processes’ analysis and the identification of Yamama Formation depended on the examination of more than 250 thin sections of the core samples from two wells that were used to determine different diagenetic environments and processes. The three identified diagenetic environments that affected Yamama reservoir were the marine, meteoric and burial environments. Eight diagenetic processes were recognized in Yamama Formation and showed positive and destructive effects on the reservoir quality; Dissolution and fracture had highly positive effects through creating and improving porosity and permeability that led to improving reservoir quality. Cementation and compaction had destructive effects, through reducing porosity and permeability, that led to reducing reservoir quality. Other processes such micritization, dolomitization, bioturbation and neomorphism did not have strong effects on reservoir quality. Based on genetic classification of porosity, most of porosity within Yamama Formation in this field was formed by diagenesis processes, implying that Yamama reservoir is a type of diagenetic reservoir.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Wilson's Disease; Clinical Presentations among Patients Attending Gastroenterology Clinic/ Baghdad Teaching Hospital
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Background:Wilson’s disease (WD) is an inherited
disorder of copper metabolism that is characterized
by tremendous variation in the clinical presentation.
Objective: To assess demographic distribution,
clinical presentations, diagnostic evaluation, and any
association between clinical presentations and other
studied variables of a sample of Iraqi patients with
Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study with
analytic elements was conducted during 2011, from
the 1st of February till the 10th of June. The sampling
method was a convenient non-random one, carried
out through consecutive pooling of registered WD
patients. A questionnaire-form paper had been
developed for the process of data col

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Cultural alienation of residents outside Iraq
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The world has seen in recent years as a result of rapid changes in the information and communication revolution until his limbs became distant as if a small screen can be controlled at the touch of which resulted in a stunning advance in all areas of life button, these changes were not accompanied by all the positive development, but it has many drawbacks on humans resulted in many of the psychological, social, intellectual and cultural problems.

As it is the cultural alienation of the most important challenges faced by the community in light of the tremendous technological progress and rapid jumps that exceeded all expectations in addition to the economic, social and political changes experienced by the country led to the desire

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Publication Date
Thu May 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Morphological and Molecular Identification of Three Genera of the Family Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) from Ava Sheen Branch/ Greater Zab Tributary, North of Iraq
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The aquatic Heptageniidae family of Ava-sheen branch (Greater Zab Tributary) in Duhok Governorate/ Iraq was studied. Samples were collected using Surber stream sampler to study their diagnostic morphological characteristics and molecular phylogenetic profile using a nuclear gene 16s ribosomal RNA. The morphological and molecular identification supported that the three species, Epeorus longimanus, Heptagenia elegantula and Ephemerella cornutus belong to Heptageniidae family, while the molecular results also confirmed the monophyletic origin of these three genera.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Symptomatology and Distribution of Attachment Patterns 1 and 5 Months after a Terrorist Attack
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As a consequence of a terrorist attack, people may experience posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and lack of feeling secure in relationships. This longitudinal study aimed to examine the prevalence of PTSD symptoms over time, the relationship between adult attachment styles and PTSD, as well as their association with degree of exposure, and finally to consider the distribution and the trajectory of attachment styles. The sample consisted of 235 students (M=125, F=110) who were exposed to different levels of trauma intensity in response to a bombing attack. Participants were recruited and assessed approximately 1 month and 5 months after the attack using a battery of questionnaires. Findings revealed, as expected, that 79.5% of the part

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 23 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Checklists of Parasites Stray Cats Felis Catus of Iraq
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The literature reviews  of  all  reports  of  parasites  fauna cats  Felis  catus  in  Iraq species of including 15 protozoa (Babesia spp., Crptosporidium spp., C. muris, C.  parvum, Cytauxzoon felis, Eimeria cati, Entamoeba spp., Giardia sp., Giardia spp., Isospora ssp., I. felis., I. rivoltaLeishmania tropica and Toxoplasma gondii), five trematoda  (Heterophyes  aequalis,    H.  heterophyes, Opisthorchis  felineus, O. tenuicollis  and  Paragonimus  killicotti

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Dirasat: Human And Social Sciences
The slogans of the iraqi demonstrators demanding reform semiotics study
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The semantic analysis is characterized by its ability to describe the communicative pattern and its high efficiency in questioning its semantic manifestations and its deliberative purposes, which helped to understand the symbolic, contextual and cultural manifestations of the structure of the pattern, whether verbal or nonverbal. In order to highlight the role of the semiautomatic approach and its application to a sample of slogans collected from "media, social networking sites, in-kind views, media institutions, etc." to study the components and analyze the contents and highlight the signs. His boat logo is not just uttered as a linguistic transmission of a message, but as a political Tghieria actually . For example, the slogan "People Wan

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 03 2014
Journal Name
Hammurabi Journal For Studies
Israel and the Quest for Regional Instability (Egypt, Iraq, Syria)
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Abstract: Israel formulated its security theory, which it established on the "pretext of war", meaning converting any Arab action that Israel deems a threat to its security, into a pretext to ignite the fuse of war, considering this a violation of an existing situation, and then it initiates preventive and pre-emptive attacks, then immediately turns into transfer the war to the enemy's land, to achieve a quick solution by (destroying the enemy), occupying its lands, and benefiting of the advantage of working on (internal lines against an enemy) working on external lines, and ending the war quickly, before the major powers intervene to impose a ceasefire

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Journal Of Biochemistry And Applied Biological Sciences
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Dueto their ability to providefood for people, sheep and goats areimportant to the economiesofmanynations.Toxoplasmagondii,orT.gondii,isaprotozoanparasite that often infects sheep. Stillbirth, early embryonic death and resorption, neonatal mortality, fetal death and mummification, and parasite infection are examples of possible negative effects. Theconsequences aremoreseverethe earlier in gestation the infection arises. The stage of pregnancy at which the infection occurs in thesheep and goats is connected with the severity of the illness. T.gondii may infect humansandcarnivorousanimalsvia the meatofinfectedsheepandgoats.Lessthan 4%ofsheep thatareconsistently infected withT.gondiicarrytheparasitevertically to their offspring. The majority o

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Spergularia iraqensis sp. nov. is described as a new species from Iraq. This species has been collected from Diyala Province in the central east of Iraq; it is closely related to Spergularia rubra (L.) J. Presl & C. Presl, 1819 and Spergularia bocconei (Scheele) Graebn., 1919.
The distinguishing of the morphological characteristics of the new species alongside the two similar species are discussed with photographs, and an identification key is given for Spergularia iraqensis and other closely related species.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
First Record of Streaked Rabbitfish Siganus Javus (L., 1766) from the Iraqi Marine Waters, with Re Description of White-Spotted Rabbitfish Siganus Canaliculatus (Park, 1797)
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Two Siganid fishes were described in the current study, the first one is Siganus javus (Linnaeus, 1766) as a new record and the other Siganus canaliculatus (Park, 1797), which was collected from the Iraqi marine waters. The samples were collected during December 2018. Streaked rabbitfish S. javus is diagnosed by a deep body, 54.01% in standard length, depth  of caudal peduncle, 7.27%, total gill rakers 19 and silvery blue undulating lines on mid and lower sides of the body. Whereas the body depth of White-spotted rabbitfish S. canaliculatus was 39.08-42.66%, Caudal peduncle depth ranged from 5.21 to 5.66%, total gill rakers ranged from 22 to 24 and it  is distinguished by a numerous pearly bl

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