The aim of this paper is the study of the influence magnetic field on steady state
flows and heat transfer in microchannels between two parallel plates.
It is found that the motion equations are controlled by many dimensionless
parameter, namely magnetic field parameter M Reynolds number Re, physical
quantity at wall W and Knudsen number Kn also found that the energy equations
are controlled by many dimensionless parameter, namely magnetic field parameter
M Reynolds number Re, physical quantity at wall W and Knudsen number Kn ,
Prinkman number Br and Peclet number Pe.
The equations which controlled this type of fluid flow are complicated, so finding
an analytical solution is not easy.
We obtained the velocity and energy distribution by using homotopy analysis
method (HAM).
We have been studied the influence of all the physical parameters, that mentioned
above on the velocity And heat transfer distribution .
This study is done through drawing about (30) graph by using the Mathematica