In this paper , it is shown that if is a semiprime ring and a centralizer of such that
The study of cohomology groups is one of the most intensive and exciting researches that arises from algebraic topology. Particularly, the dimension of cohomology groups is a highly useful invariant which plays a rigorous role in the geometric classification of associative algebras. This work focuses on the applications of low dimensional cohomology groups. In this regards, the cohomology groups of degree zero and degree one of nilpotent associative algebras in dimension four are described in matrix form.
The purpose of this paper is to prove the following result : Let R be a 2-torsion free prime *-ring , U a square closed *-Lie ideal, and let T: RR be an additive mapping. Suppose that 3T(xyx) = T(x) y*x* + x*T(y)x* + x*y*T(x) and x*T(xy+yx)x* = x*T(y)x*2 + x*2T(y)x* holds for all pairs x, y U , and T(u) U, for all uU, then T is a reverse *-centralizer.
In this paper, we will prove the following theorem, Let R be a ring with 1 having
a reverse derivation d ≠ 0 such that, for each x R, either d(x) = 0 or d(x) is
invertible in R, then R must be one of the following: (i) a division ring D, (ii) D 2 ,
the ring of 2×2 matrices over D, (iii) D[x]/(x ) 2
where char D = 2, d (D) = 0 and
d(x) = 1 + ax for some a in the center Z of D. Furthermore, if 2R ≠ 0 then R = D 2 is
possible if and only if D does not contain all quadratic extensions of Z, the center of
this paper, we will prove the following theorem, Let R be a ring with 1 having
a reverse derivation d ≠ 0 such that, for each x R, either d(x) = 0 or d(x) is
invertible in R, then R must be one of the following: (i) a division ring D, (ii) D 2 ,
the ring of 2×2 matrices over D, (iii) D[x]/(x ) 2
where char D = 2, d (D) = 0 and
d(x) = 1 + ax for some a in the center Z of D. Furthermore, if 2R ≠ 0 then R = D 2 is
possible if and only if D does not contain all quadratic extensions of Z, the center of
Nilpotency of Centralizers in Prime Rings
Let m ≥ 1,n ≥ 1 be fixed integers and let R be a prime ring with char (R) ≠2 and
(m+n). Let T be a (m,n)(U,R)-Centralizer where U is a Jordan ideal of R and T(R)
⊆ Z(R) where Z(R) is the center of R ,then T is (U,R)- Centralizer.
In this paper we study necessary and sufficient conditions for a reverse- centralizer of a semiprime ring R to be orthogonal. We also prove that a reverse- centralizer T of a semiprime ring R having a commuting generalized inverse is orthogonal
In this paper, we will generalized some results related to centralizer concept on
prime and semiprime Γ-rings of characteristic different from 2 .These results
relating to some results concerning left centralizer on Γ-rings.
The purpose of this paper is to prove the following result: Let R be a 2-torsion free ring and T: R?R an additive mapping such that T is left (right) Jordan ?-centralizers on R. Then T is a left (right) ?-centralizer of R, if one of the following conditions hold (i) R is a semiprime ring has a commutator which is not a zero divisor . (ii) R is a non commutative prime ring . (iii) R is a commutative semiprime ring, where ? be surjective endomorphism of R . It is also proved that if T(x?y)=T(x)??(y)=?(x)?T(y) for all x, y ? R and ?-centralizers of R coincide under same condition and ?(Z(R)) = Z(R) .
Let R be a semiprime ring with center Z(R) and U be a nonzero ideal of R. An additive mappings are called right centralizer if ( ) ( ) and ( ) ( ) holds for all . In the present paper, we introduce the concepts of generalized strong commutativity centralizers preserving and generalized strong cocommutativity preserving centralizers and we prove that R contains a nonzero central ideal if any one of the following conditions holds: (i) ( ) ( ), (ii) [ ( ) ( )] , (iii) [ ( ) ( )] [ ], (iv) ( ) ( ) , (v) ( ) ( ) , (vi) [ ( ) ( )] , (vii) ( ) ( ) ( ), (viii) ( ) ( ) for all .