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Study the Impact of the waste which discharged from Al-Karama and Sharq- Dijla water treatment plants in water pollution of Tigris River water
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This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of discharge of water purification plants ,on the purity of Tigris River water in Baghdad city. The two studied plants were involved in the study : Sharq –Dijla and Al-Karama water purification plants. The study was attempted to focus on probable pollutants. Chemical, physical tests were accomplished on water samples collected from four sites with fact of three replicates for each sample of each site of the river and the plant : before, after, inside the plants and at the pipe. This study started from October 2012 to September 2013. In case of heavy metals Results showed that the highest level of aluminum was 1.08 ppm during (December-January) at Sharq-Dijla plants, while the lowest level was 0.059 ppm during (August- September) at AL- Karama plants ,while results of iron which recorded the highest level 3.30 ppm during (December-January) at Sharq –Dijla plants, while the lowest level was 1.63 ppm during (August- September) at Sharq –Dijla plants. It was found that the highest level of turbidity was 119 N.T.U during (December-January) at Sharq- Dijla plants, while the lowest level was 33.0 N.T.U during ( June-July) at Sharq-Dijla plants. While the highest level of EC was 1068 μS/cm during (December-January) at Sharq-Dijla plants, while the lowest level was 693 μS/cm during ( June-July) at Sharq-Dijla plants .T.D.S recorded highest level during (December-January) at AL- Karama plants which was 687 ppm , while the lowest recorded level was 506 ppm during ( August- September) at Sharq-Dijla plants, also the highest level of T.S.S was 793 ppm during (December-January) at AL- Karama plants, while the lowest level was 410 ppm during ( August- September) at Sharq-Dijla plants .

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimal Location of Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) for IEEE 5-Bus Standard System Using Genetic Algorithm
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Heuristic approaches are traditionally applied to find the optimal size and optimal location of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices in power systems. Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique has been applied to solve power engineering optimization problems giving better results than classical methods. This paper shows the application of GA for optimal sizing and allocation of a Static Compensator (STATCOM) in a power system. STATCOM devices used to increase transmission systems capacity and enhance voltage stability by regulate the voltages at its terminal by controlling the amount of reactive power injected into or absorbed from the power system. IEEE 5-bus standard system is used as an example to illustrate the te

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Assessment of Rock Slope Stability along Sulaimaniyah -Qaradagh Main Road, Near Dararash Village, Sulaimaniyah, NE-Iraq
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The road network in the Baranan mountain, near Dararash village, connecting Sulaymaniyah city with Qaradagh town, plays a major role in socio- economic activities of Qaradagh town and its surrounding villages. Any type of slope failure in the area may cause breaking up in traffic, loss of lives, and injuries.

      For assessing the stability of rock slopes in the area, seven stations (rock-cut slopes) were selected along the road and evaluated by kinematic analysis, using DIPS v6.008 software and slope mass rating system (SMRTool - v205 software).

      The kinematic analysis revealed that planar and wedge sliding may occur in stations no.2, 5, 6, and 7, flexural toppling

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Environmental Engineering
Using Granular Dead Anaerobic Sludge as Permeable Reactive Barrier for Remediation of Groundwater Contaminated with Phenol
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing
Echo Amplitude Normalization of Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning Data Based on Robust Incidence Angle Estimation
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 14 2019
Journal Name
Applied Sciences
Synthesis of Novel Heteroatom-Doped Porous-Organic Polymers as Environmentally Efficient Media for Carbon Dioxide Storage
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The high carbon dioxide emission levels due to the increased consumption of fossil fuels has led to various environmental problems. Efficient strategies for the capture and storage of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide are crucial in reducing their concentrations in the environment. Considering this, herein, three novel heteroatom-doped porous-organic polymers (POPs) containing phosphate units were synthesized in high yields from the coupling reactions of phosphate esters and 1,4-diaminobenzene (three mole equivalents) in boiling ethanol using a simple, efficient, and general procedure. The structures and physicochemical properties of the synthesized POPs were established using various techniques. Field emission scanning elect

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 22 2022
Journal Name
Aro-the Scientific Journal Of Koya University
Classification of Different Shoulder Girdle Motions for Prosthesis Control Using a Time-Domain Feature Extraction Technique
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Abstract—The upper limb amputation exerts a significant burden on the amputee, limiting their ability to perform everyday activities, and degrading their quality of life. Amputee patients’ quality of life can be improved if they have natural control over their prosthetic hands. Among the biological signals, most commonly used to predict upper limb motor intentions, surface electromyography (sEMG), and axial acceleration sensor signals are essential components of shoulder-level upper limb prosthetic hand control systems. In this work, a pattern recognition system is proposed to create a plan for categorizing high-level upper limb prostheses in seven various types of shoulder girdle motions. Thus, combining seven feature groups, w

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Doubly Type II Censoring of Two Stress-Strength System Reliability Estimation for Generalized Exponential-Poisson Distribution
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 In this paper, a Bayesian analysis is made to estimate the Reliability of two stress-strength model systems. First: the reliability  of a one component strengths X under stress Y. Second, reliability  of one component strength under three stresses. Where X and Y are independent generalized exponential-Poison random variables with parameters (α,λ,θ) and (β,λ,θ) . The analysis is concerned with and based on doubly type II censored samples using gamma prior under four different loss functions, namely   quadratic loss function, weighted loss functions,  linear and non-linear exponential loss function. The estimators are compared by mean squared error criteria due to a simulation study. We also find that the mean square error is

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 25 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Bioactivity of Gutta flow II versus Modified Gutta Percha based Silicon Endodontic Sealers by Nanobioactive Fillers
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The success of endodontic therapy is relied on radicular system cleaning, shaping, elimination of micro-organisms, and three dimensional filling of the radicular complex.This study was conducted to develop and assess new root canal sealer incorporating nano-sized bioactive glass into Gutta Flow II. The following concentration was used depend on a pilot study included adding (3%) of 45S5 bioactive glass into the Gutta Flow II. These materials were tested through assessment bioactivity. bioactivity test was undertaken after immersion of the tested samples into PBS for three days, seven days, fourteen days, and twenty eight days using FTIR too. study was found that it’s peaks was appear at level 800-1000 cm-1. The results showed that GFII gr

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 12 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Cultivation of Chlorella Vulgaris Using Airlift Photobioreactor Sparged with 5%CO2-Air as a Biofixing Process
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The present paper addresses cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris microalgae using airlift photobioreactor that sparged with 5% CO2/air. The experimental data were compared with that obtained from bioreactor aerated with air and unsparged bioreactor. The results showed that the concentration of biomass is 0.36 g l-1 in sparged bioreactor with CO2/air, while, the concentration of biomass reached to 0.069 g l-1 in the unsparged bioreactor. They showed also that aerated bioreactor with CO2/air gives more biomass production even the bioreactor was aerated with air. This study proved that application of sparging system for cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris microalgae using either CO2/air mixture or air has a significant growth rate, since the biorea

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Generation of Truly Random QPSK Signal Waveforms for Quantum Key Distribution Systems Based on Phase Coding
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In this work a model of a source generating truly random quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) signal constellation required for quantum key distribution (QKD) system based on BB84 protocol using phase coding is implemented by using the software package OPTISYSTEM9. The randomness of the sequence generated is achieved by building an optical setup based on a weak laser source, beam splitters and single-photon avalanche photodiodes operating in Geiger mode. The random string obtained from the optical setup is used to generate the quadrature phase shift keying signal constellation required for phase coding in quantum key distribution system based on BB84 protocol with a bit rate of 2GHz/s.

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