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Comparative Study between Classical and Fuzzy Filters for Removing Different Types of Noise from Digital Images
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The aim of this paper is to compare between classical and fuzzy filters for removing different types of noise in gray scale images. The processing used consists of three steps. First, different types of noise are added to the original image to produce a noisy image (with different noise ratios). Second, classical and fuzzy filters are used to filter the noisy image. Finally, comparing between resulting images depending on a quantitative measure called Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) to determine the best filter in each case.
The image used in this paper is a 512 * 512 pixel and the size of all filters is a square window of size 3*3. Results indicate that fuzzy filters achieve varying successes in noise reduction in image compared to classical filters. Mathlab 2012b program is used to add noise to the original image and remove it because it has powerful tools to deal with digital images.

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design Comparison between the Gravity and Pressure Sand Filters for Water Treatment, Review
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Hygienic engineering has dedicated a lot of time and energy to studying water filtration because of how important it is to human health. Thorough familiarity with the filtration process is essential for the design engineer to keep up with and profit from advances in filtering technology and equipment as the properties of raw water continue to change. Because it removes sediment, chemicals, odors, and microbes, filtration is an integral part of the water purification process. The most popular technique for treating surface water for municipal water supply is considered fast sand filtration, which can be achieved using either gravity or pressure sand filters. Predicting the performance of units in water treatment plants is a basic pri

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design Comparison between the Gravity and Pressure Sand Filters for Water Treatment, Review
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Hygienic engineering has dedicated a lot of time and energy to studying water filtration because of how important it is to human health. Thorough familiarity with the filtration process is essential for the design engineer to keep up with and profit from advances in filtering technology and equipment as the properties of raw water continue to change. Because it removes sediment, chemicals, odors, and microbes, filtration is an integral part of the water purification process. The most popular technique for treating surface water for municipal water supply is considered fast sand filtration, which can be achieved using either gravity or pressure sand filters. Predicting the performance of units in water treatment plants is

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparative Study between Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis Membranes for the Removal of Heavy Metals from Electroplating Wastewater
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The present work aimed to study the efficiency of nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) process for water recovery from electroplating wastewater and study the factors affecting the performance of two membrane processes. Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes are made from polyamide as spiral wound module. The inorganic materials ZnCl2, CuCl2.2H2O, NiCl2.6H2O and CrCl3.6H2O were used as feed solutions. The operating parameters studied were: operating time, feed concentrations for heavy metal ions, operating pressure, feed flow rate, feed temperature and feed pH. The experimental results showed, the permeate concentration increased and water flux decreased with increase in time from 0 to 70 min. The permeate concentrations incre

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparative Study between Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis Membranes for the Removal of Heavy Metals from Electroplating Wastewater
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The present work aimed to study the efficiency of nanofiltration (NF) and reverseosmosis (RO) process for water recovery from electroplating wastewater and study the factors affecting the performance of two membrane processes. Nanofiltration and reverse osmosismembranes are made from polyamide as spiral wound module. The inorganic materials ZnCl 2 CuCl2 .2H2O, NiCl.2.6H2O and CrCl3.6H2O were used as feed solutions. The operating parametersstudied were: operating time, feed concentrations for heavy metal ions, operating pressure, feed flow rate, feed temperature and feed pH. The experimental results showed, the permeateconcentration increased and water flux decreased with increase in time from 0 to 70 min. Thepermeate concentrations incre

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New Concepts of Fuzzy Local Function: Types of fuzzy local function
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The main idea of this paper is to define other types of a fuzzy local function and study the advantages and differences between them in addition to discussing some definitions of finding new fuzzy topologies. Also in this research, a new type of fuzzy closure has been defined, where the relation between the new type and different types of fuzzy local function has been studied

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 21 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Tensile force measurement by using different lingual retainer wires, bonding materials types and thickness (A comparative in vitro study)
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Background: The bonded orthodontic retainer constructed from multistrand wire and composite is an efficient esthetic retainer, which can be maintained long-term. Clinical failures of bonded orthodontic retainers, most commonly at the wire/composite interface, have been reported. This in vitro investigation aimed to evaluate the tensile forces of selected multistrand wires and composite materials that are available for use in the construction of bonded fixed retainers. Materials and Methods: The study sample includes 120 wires with three types of retainer wires (3 braided strands\ Orthotechnology, 8 braided strands\ G&H Orthodontics, 6 coaxial strands\ Orthoclassic wires), two types of adhesive (flowable\ Orthotechnology, non flowable\ G&H O

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Comparison between Different Data Image Compression Techniques Applied on SAR Images
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In this paper, image compression technique is presented based on the Zonal transform method. The DCT, Walsh, and Hadamard transform techniques are also implements. These different transforms are applied on SAR images using Different block size. The effects of implementing these different transforms are investigated. The main shortcoming associated with this radar imagery system is the presence of the speckle noise, which affected the compression results.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
A Comparative Study of the Influence of Different Types of Polymers on Viscosity Index and Pour Point of Iraqi Base Oils
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In this study, the effects of blending the un-branched acrylate polymer known as Poly (n-decyl acrylate), and the branched acrylate polymer known as Poly (iso-octyl acrylate), on the viscosity index (VI), and the pour point of the Iraqi base stocks 40, and 60 respectively, were investigated. Toluene was used as a carrier solvent for both polymer types. The improvement level of oils (VI, & pour point) gained by blending the oil with the acrylate derived polymers was compared with the values of (VI, and pour point) gained by blending the oil with a commercial viscosity index, and pour point improver. The commercial lubricant additive was purchased and used by Al-Daura Refineries. It consisted of an un-known olefin copolymer dissolved i

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 11 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
Image Denoising Using Multiwavelet Transform with Different Filters and Rules
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<p class="0abstract">Image denoising is a technique for removing unwanted signals called the noise, which coupling with the original signal when transmitting them; to remove the noise from the original signal, many denoising methods are used. In this paper, the Multiwavelet Transform (MWT) is used to denoise the corrupted image by Choosing the HH coefficient for processing based on two different filters Tri-State Median filter and Switching Median filter. With each filter, various rules are used, such as Normal Shrink, Sure Shrink, Visu Shrink, and Bivariate Shrink. The proposed algorithm is applied Salt&amp; pepper noise with different levels for grayscale test images. The quality of the denoised image is evaluated by usi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 23 2020
Journal Name
2020 International Conference On Advanced Science And Engineering (icoase)
A Comparative Study Using LZW with Wavelet or DCT for Compressing Color Images
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As a result of the significance of image compression in reducing the volume of data, the requirement for this compression permanently necessary; therefore, will be transferred more quickly using the communication channels and kept in less space in memory. In this study, an efficient compression system is suggested; it depends on using transform coding (Discrete Cosine Transform or bi-orthogonal (tap-9/7) wavelet transform) and LZW compression technique. The suggested scheme was applied to color and gray models then the transform coding is applied to decompose each color and gray sub-band individually. The quantization process is performed followed by LZW coding to compress the images. The suggested system was applied on a set of seven stand

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