Iraq is one of the Arabian area countries, which considered from the drier areas
on the earth, though it has two main rivers that pass through(Tigris and Euphrates);
it suffers the same problem as them (drought), only the rivers' nearby regions make
use of their water for (domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes(.
One of the usable solutions is to utilize the groundwater (especially in the desert
regions). Using the Remote Sensing and geographic information system is a rapid
and coast effective techniques, they provide information of large and inaccessible
area within short span for assessing, monitoring, and management of groundwater
resources. In this study, an adaptive algorithm based on Canny edge detector noise
reduction idea and directional filters scheme submitted for lineaments automatically
extraction from LandSat7 (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus) ETM+ band 7 data
considering the lineaments spatial and spectral characteristics, yet the algorithm
validation examined using ancillary data of the same interest (Iraq tectonic map and
90m SRTM DEM). The analysis process achieved using Arc GIS 9.3 to recognize
the potential groundwater renewal and/ or accumulative zones in the selected arid to
semi-arid area (AL-Dibdibba formation basin).
The research studies the sculptural formation in the third millennium: styles and trends, by taking the most important results of sculpture in the third millennium. The problem of the research is to search for the new sculptural formation in what it constitutes of social and human importance, and what are the important factors in forming the contemporary sculptural structure, and what is the mechanism of showing and producing the new formation. The research requires the study of the most important thing that the (sculptural formation in the third millennium styles and trends) represents. The importance of research depends on the importance of the sculptural formation after the twentieth century and the importance that the for
... Show MoreReservoir unit classifications can be used in reservoir characterization of carbonate reservoirs where there is variability in the distribution of petrophysical properties. This requires the integration of geological and petrophysical data at different scales. In this study, cores and thin sections from Yamama Formation (Lower Cretaceous) at Gharaf oilfield, southern Iraq, were studiedto identify reservoir units.
Ninereservoir units (units Y1 to Y9) were identified based on petrophysical evaluation by using interactive Petrophysics program (IP) software and depositional environments and related microfacies.The unit Y2 have the highest reservoir quality, which consists of grain-supported facies(packstone a
... Show MoreInjana Formation is the most extended geological formation in Salahaddin Governorate/ Iraq. About 10% of the studied area is covered by the outcrops of the formation as a recharge area. The formation is a subsurface within the unsaturated zone in 5% of the total studied area, while it exists within the saturated zone in about 85%; it is a major confined groundwater aquifer. Therefore, the hydrogeological system of the layers needs to be re-evaluated to describe the successions of aquifers and confining layers and their relation with each other.
The lithology, depths, water table, saturated thickness, hydraulic characteristics of the aquifers, and the lateral and vertical variations of these characteristics were adopted to classif
... Show MoreThe paper present design of a control structure that enables integration of a Kinematic neural controller for trajectory tracking of a nonholonomic differential two wheeled mobile robot, then proposes a Kinematic neural controller to direct a National Instrument mobile robot (NI Mobile Robot). The controller is to make the actual velocity of the wheeled mobile robot close the required velocity by guarantees that the trajectory tracking mean squire error converges at minimum tracking error. The proposed tracking control system consists of two layers; The first layer is a multi-layer perceptron neural network system that controls the mobile robot to track the required path , The second layer is an optimization layer ,which is impleme
... Show MoreSteganography is a useful technique that helps in securing data in communication using different data carriers like audio, video, image and text. The most popular type of steganography is image steganography. It mostly uses least significant bit (LSB) technique to hide the data but the probability of detecting the hidden data using this technique is high. RGB is a color model which uses LSB to hide the data in three color channels, where each pixel is represented by three bytes to indicate the intensity of red, green and blue in that pixel. In this paper, steganography based RGB image is proposed which depends on genetic algorithm (GA). GA is used to generate random key that represents the best ordering of secret (image/text) blocks to b
... Show MoreData centric techniques, like data aggregation via modified algorithm based on fuzzy clustering algorithm with voronoi diagram which is called modified Voronoi Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm (VFCA) is presented in this paper. In the modified algorithm, the sensed area divided into number of voronoi cells by applying voronoi diagram, these cells are clustered by a fuzzy C-means method (FCM) to reduce the transmission distance. Then an appropriate cluster head (CH) for each cluster is elected. Three parameters are used for this election process, the energy, distance between CH and its neighbor sensors and packet loss values. Furthermore, data aggregation is employed in each CH to reduce the amount of data transmission which le
... Show MoreVolcaniclastic rocks of Al Muqdadiya Formation (Pliocene) in Injana area, southern Hemrin anticline, NE of Iraq, were studied ( petrographically, physically, mineralogically and geochemically , as well as the engineering properties) to assess the suitability of volcaniclastic rocks to use them in industry as refractories. The results show that the physical and engineering properties change with the temperature change. The bulk density and the specific gravity increase by increasing temperature while the apparent porosity, water sorption and the linear shrinkage decrease. On the other hand the compressive strength increase by increasing temperature. The volcaniclastics have very low thermal conductivi
... Show MoreThe seismic method depends on the nature of the reflected waves from the interfaces between layers, which in turn depends on the density and velocity of the layer, and this is called acoustic impedance. The seismic sections of the East Abu-Amoud field that is located in Missan Province, south-eastern Iraq, were studied and interpreted for updating the structural picture of the major Mishrif Formation for the reservoir in the field. The Mishrif Formation is rich in petroleum in this area, with an area covering about 820 km2. The horizon was calibrated and defined on the seismic section with well logs data (well tops, check shot, sonic logs, and density logs) in the interp
... Show MoreAs tight gas reservoirs (TGRs) become more significant to the future of the gas industry, investigation into the best methods for the evaluation of field performance is critical. While hydraulic fractured well in TRGs are proven to be most viable options for economic recovery of gas, the interpretation of pressure transient or well test data from hydraulic fractured well in TGRs for the accurate estimation of important reservoirs and fracture properties (e.g. fracture length, fracture conductivity, skin and reservoir permeability) is rather very complex and difficult because of the existence of multiple flow profiles/regimes. The flow regimes are complex in TGRs due to the large hydraulic fractures n
Setting-up a 3D geological model both from field and subsurface data is a typical task in geological studies involving natural resource evaluation and hazard assessment. In this study a 3D geological model for Mishrif Formation in Garraf oil field has been set-up using Petrel software. Mishrif Formation represents the most important reservoir in Garraf oil field. Four vertical oil wells (GA-4, GA-A1P, GA-3 and GA-5) and one directional well (GA-B8P) were selected in Garraf Oil Field in order to set-up structural and petrophysical (porosity and water saturation) models represented by a 3D static geological model in three dimensions. Structural model shows that Garraf oil field represents a domal structure that shows continuous growth as i
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