Three formations were studied from seven outcrops extend from Surdash to
Shaqlawa (Cenomanian – Santonian), they comprise Dokan, Gulneri and Kometan
Formations. Four microfacies and eight submicrfacies are identified depending on
this microfacies, we determine the depositional environments. Dokan Formation is
deposited in open-marine deep shelf environment; it could be deposited at deeper
shelf to slope and basinal settings. While Gulneri Formation deposited in open sea
shelf, as well as at outer shelf settings, the sediments consist of organic–carbon rich
black shale and consider a record of the ocean anoxic event 2, Kometan Formation
represent pelagic sediments characterize the deep-marine basins in open marine.
Background: occult blood loss must be considered as a
possible cause in every case of iron deficiency anemia.
Objective: to evaluate upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
in finding a potential cause for iron deficiency anemia
among children in Al-Anbar governorate.
Methods: Twenty five children aged 2-14 years, referred
to the gastroenterology unit in Al-Ramadi General Hospital
for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy had iron deficiency
anemia. Fiberoptic endoscopy was used under general
anesthesia and endoscopic tissue biopsies were taken from
22 patients for histopathological examination.
Results: The main presenting signs and symptoms were
pallor, abdominal pain, and stunting. The upper
Abstract :- In this paper, silver nanoparticles had been prepared by chemical reduction method. Many tests had been done to it such as UV-Visible spectrophotometer, XRD, AFM&SEM test. finally an attempt had been done to get the optimum condition to control the grain size of silver Nanoparticles by variation the heating period and other parameters which has an effect in silver Nanoparticles synthesis process. in this method we can get a silver nanoparticles in the size range from 52 to 97 nm.
Andalusian women enjoyed much historical news in the fluorescence of Andalusia, describing it as beautiful and good cohabitation, as the men were involved in conquests, including those who were wives of the caliphs, including scientists, singers, and adept writers Hassan and tongue, in addition to the acquisition of masters in slave markets in Cordoba, Seville and many cities, In addition, Andalusian women enjoy freedom in their relationship with men and have been reflected in the historical fluorescence of Andalusia, such as the book of the history of Ibn Abdul Malik bin Habib al-Alberi (d. And the collar of the dove repented in intimacy and thousands of Ibn Hazm al-Qurtubi (d. 456 AH / 1065 CE), the book of Hilla al-Sayra of Ibn al-Wel
... Show MoreBackground: Excessive crying in early
infancy is a common condition that causes a
great deal of concern to the parents and
Objective: The aim of this study is to find
the underlying etiology of excessive crying in
infancy and to determine how the history,
physical examination, and laboratory
investigations contribute to the final diagnosis.
Method: A prospective study done on 150
afebrile infants less than 4 months of age
visited Al-Elwia hospital for children
complaining of excessive crying of more than
two hours.
The study done over a one year period from
the first of January 2009 to the end of
December 2009.
All febrile infants and those with acute illness
preceding the
This paper was aimed to study the efficiency of forward osmosis (FO) process as a new application for the treatment of wastewater from textile effluent and the factors affecting the performance of forward osmosis process.
The draw solutions used were magnesium chloride (MgCl2), and aluminum sulphate (Al2 ( SO4)3 .18 H2O), and the feed solutions used were reactive red, and disperse blue dyes.
Experimental work were includes operating the forward osmosis process using thin film composite (TFC) membrane as flat sheet for different draw solutions and feed solutions. The operating parameters studied were : draw solutions concentration (10 – 90 g/l), feed solutions concentration (5 – 30 mg/l), draw solutions flow rate (10 – 50 l/hr
In this paper, we study the peristaltic transport of incompressible Bingham plastic fluid in a curved channel. The formulation of the problem is presented through, the regular perturbation technique for small values of is used to find the final expression of stream function. The numerical solution of pressure rise per wave length is obtained through numerical integration because its analytical solution is impossible. Also the trapping phenomenon is analyzed. The effect of the variation of the physical parameters of the problem are discussed and illustrated graphically.
The purpose of this study was to examine the association of oral administration of Carbamazepine during pregnancy and the histological changes in the ovaries of mice. Timed-pregnant mice were divided into experimental and control groups. 60 mice in the experimental group received daily oral of 15 mg/kg of carbamazepine via intragastric tube on gestational days 0 to 18. 20 mice were used as control group. They received normal saline via the same route. Dams underwent laparotomy on pregnancy days 13, 15, and 18 and the ovaries were collected. Routine histological processing of the ovaries histology of paraffin sections stained with haemotoxylin and eosin, were conducted. The ovary under the effect of the drug, there was signs of degeneration
... Show MoreElemental capture spectroscopy (ECS) is an important tool in the petroleum industry for determining the composition and properties of rock formations in a reservoir. Knowledge of the types and abundance of different minerals in the reservoir is crucial for accurate petrophysical interpretation, reservoir engineering practices, and stratigraphic correlation. ECS measures the elemental content of the rock, which directly impacts several physical properties that are essential for reservoir characterization, such as porosity, fluid saturation, permeability, and matrix density. The ability to accurately determine these properties leads to better reservoir mapping, improved production, and more effective resource management. Accurately determi
... Show MoreThis paper treats the interactions among four population species. The system includes one mutuality prey, one harvested prey and two predators. The four species interaction can be described as a food chain, where the first prey helps the second harvested prey. The first and the second predator attack the first and the second prey, respectively, according to Lotka-Volterra type functional responses. The model is formulated using differential equations. One equilibrium point of the model is found and analysed to reveal a threshold that will allow the coexistence of all species. All other equilibrium points of the system are located, with their local and global stability being assessed. To back up the conclusions of the mathema
... Show MoreThe research is concerned about studying the absorption spectrum of the solution coumarin dye C47. The chloroform solvent was used with C47 dye in three different concentrations 10-4, 10-5 and 10-6 M. The laser dye solution was prepared by dissolving the required amount of dye in chloroform alcohol, while studying absorption spectrum before and after irradiation with gamma ray by cobalt-60 source 60Co at exposure time, which are 0, 4, 6 and 18 hours with different absorbed doses 0, 136, 204 and 612 Gy. The results show that red shift in the absorption spectrum was increased by increasing the concentration of laser dye solutions , while the increase of gamma dose led to increase the red shift after irradiation, as the exposure period and irr
... Show More