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Study of Multi-drug Resistant Mechanism inAcinetobacterbaumannii Isolated From Nosocomial Infections in Educational Ramadi Hospital

In this study, A 320 clinical specimens were collected
fromIntensiveCareUnits, Surgery and burn units in educational Ramadi
hospital. The enrichment and isolation of A. baumannii from collected
specimens led to isolate 30 bacterial strains from 337 bacterial isolates with
rate (8.9%), which similar in morphology for that standard strains. The rate
of A. baumannii isolated from burn specimens was 80%, the wound specimens (13.33%), and sputum (6.67% The study detect resistance of A.
baumanniifor different antibiotics, All isolates showed multidrug resistant,
the isolates was 100% resistant for Ampicillin, Cefazolin, Cefotaxime,
Cloxacillin, Colistin and Trimethoprim, as showed high resistance to
carbapenems reached to 80%, but it showed low resistance (20%) against
Levofloxacin. So 100% of A. baumanniiisolates (n=30) were produced
AmpC β-Lactamases which hydrolyze a broad-spectrum of cephalosporins,
and 60% from isolates (n=18) were producedMetalo β-Lactamases (MBL)
which hydrolyze a broad array of antimicrobial agents, including

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