Field experiment was carried out during 2013- 2014 at the research field of the
Department of Biology, College of Science, Baghdad University, to study the
effect of bio-chemical fertilizers and chemical fertilizers on some agronomic traits
and yield components of two wheat cultivars (IPA99 and Rabyaa) under drought
stress conditions. The bio-chemical fertilizers were mixture of (Azotobacter
chroococcum. Azospirillum brasilense. and Pseudomonas fluorescens.) with
chemical fertilizers (only 50% of the recommended dosage of N and P), while the
chemical fertilizers was 100% of recommended dosage of N and P. Field plots
(1×1 m) were randomly made in the field equipped with rainfall shelter to avoid
rains. Grains of wheat cultivars were sown manually in their respective plots in rows
with a distance of 20 cm between rows and at seed rate of 3 g per row (150 kg/ha).
The experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design (RCBD) under
split plot arrangement with five replications. Adding fertilizer were kept in the sub
plot, while water stress treatment was assigned as main plot. The data were analyzed
by analysis of variance (ANOVA). Water stress was applied by irrigated the plots to
the soil field capacity then withheld next irrigation until the soil moisture of the
respective plots depleted to 80 (control), 30 % of soil field capacity. The results also
showed significant decrease antioxidant enzymes activity with the decreased water
stress. Also, the antioxidant enzymes activity (CAT and POD) were more activity
after 107 days than 65 days because of no irrigation for harvesting preparation.
Besides, at high drought level, the response of the antioxidant enzymes activity
(CAT and POD) and proline accumulation were similar to that observed in control
treatment, while with bio-chemical fertilizers the significant decreased respectively.
These bio-chemical fertilizers would play key role in productivity and sustainability
of protect the environment as eco-friendly fertilizers and cost effective inputs for the
farmers. With using bio-chemical fertilizers that contain different microbial strains
has led to decrease in the use of chemical fertilizers, which can be help achieving
sustainability of farms and with no harmful agrochemicals for human safety.