Urinary Tract Infection is an infection that caused by the members of the genus
Proteus that depends mainly on the availability of virulence factors ;Various
virulence factors including biofilm, swarming migration , polysaccharide
,heamolysin,protease, DNase, urease production weredetermined for 45Proteus
isolates that obtained from clinical specimens of Urinry Tract Infection patient .
The distribution of virulence factors was showed variation among the testedisolates
and strain specific in most cases. All Proteus isolates showed 45 (100%)biofilm ,
polysaccharide andSwarming capabilities with different extents. High
ureaseproduction was demonstrated in most isolates 40 (88.8%);In addition, they
were abling to produce protease,DNase and heamolysin, in 30(66.6%) , 28 (62.2%)
and26(57.7%) respectively.
The result of susceptibility test for Proteus spp. against seven antibiotics
commonly used to treat UTI infection caused by Proteus spp. ; P.mirabilis were
90% sensitive for Meropenem , 80% to Ciprofloxacin , 60% for both Cephalothin ,
Nitrofurantion , 50% , 40% and 30% for Amikicin, gentamicin and ceftriaxone
respectively ,butP.vulgaris isolates were sensitive to 80% for Meropenem ,70%
Ciprofloxacin and Nitrofurantion and sensitive to 60%,50% ,40 % and 30 % for
Cephalothin, gentamicinAmikacinand ceftriaxone respectively.(This studyaimed to
detect and evaluate the presence of some virulence factors in Proteus species
isolates causing Urinry Tract Infection