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Toxic Gas Response for Nanostructured Cobalt Oxide Thin Films
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 The gas sensing properties of undoped Co3O4 and doped with Y2O3 nanostructures were investigated. The films were synthesized using the hydrothermal method on a seeded layer. The XRD, SEM analysis and gas sensing properties were investigated for the prepared thin films. XRD analysis showed that all films were polycrystalline, of a cubic structure with crystallite size of (12.6) nm for cobalt oxide and (12.3) nm for the Co3O4:6% Y2O3. The SEM analysis of thin films indicated that all films undoped Co3O4 and doped possessed a nanosphere-like structure.

The sensitivity, response time and recovery time to H2S reducing and NO2 oxidizing gases were tested at different operating temperatures. The resistance changed with exposure to the test gas. The results revealed that the Co3O4:6%Y2O3 possessed the highest sensitivity around 90% (at room temperature) and 62.5% (at 150 oC) when exposed to the reducing gas H2S and oxidizing gas NO2, respectively with 0.8sec for both recovery and response times.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 11 2024
Journal Name
Maaen Journal For Medical Sciences
Pharmacological Supplements Efficacy in Management of chronic pain associated with Sickle Cell Disease: A narrative review
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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a hereditary ailment that can cause severe pain and suffering to people who are affected. However, with continued investment in research and treatment options, we can make progress towards improving the lives of those with SCD. Over 40% of patients experience painful vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs), so we must work towards finding solutions and providing support for those living with this condition, These episodes, a hallmark of SCD, significantly contribute to morbidity, mortality, and a diminished quality of life, while also incurring substantial healthcare costs. Chronic pain particularly affects older adolescents and adults with SCD, with over half reporting daily discomfort. Opioid-based analgesics, though sti

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 23 2019
Journal Name
American Rock Mechanics Association
Using an Analytical Model to Predict Collapse Volume During Drilling: A Case Study from Southern Iraq
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Zubair Formation is one of the richest petroleum systems in Southern Iraq. This formation is composed mainly of sandstones interbedded with shale sequences, with minor streaks of limestone and siltstone. Borehole collapse is one of the most critical challenges that continuously appear in drilling and production operations. Problems associated with borehole collapse, such as tight hole while tripping, stuck pipe and logging tools, hole enlargement, poor log quality, and poor primary cement jobs, are the cause of the majority of the nonproductive time (NPT) in the Zubair reservoir developments. Several studies released models predicting the onset of borehole collapse and the amount of enlargement of the wellbore cross-section. However, assump

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation of Oxygen Mass Transfer in an Internal Loop Airlift Reactor with Axial Dispersion Model
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The effect of superficial gas velocity within the range 0.01-0.164 m/s on gas holdup (overall, riser and down comer), volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficient, liquid circulation velocity was studied in an internal loop concentric tubes airlift reactor (working volume 45 liters). It was shown that as the usg increases the gas holdup and also the liquid circulation velocity increase. Also it was found that increasing superficial gas velocity lead to increase the interfacial area that increases the overall oxygen mass transfer coefficient. The hydrodynamic experimental results were modeled with the available equations in the literature. The predicted data gave an acceptable accuracy with the empirical data.

The final

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Spe/iatmi Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference And Exhibition
Influence of miscible CO2 flooding on wettability and asphaltene precipitation in Indiana Lime Stone
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Carbon dioxide (CO2) flooding is an EOR technique in which carbon dioxide is injected into the reservoir to improve the oil recovery. The reservoir oil and rock properties are altered when carbon dioxide interacts with the oil and rock present in the reservoir. Carbon dioxide injection alters the oil and rock properties by causing reduction in oil viscosity, oil swelling and wettability alteration of the rock. This paper will present a proposal to study the wettability alteration in carbonate formations during miscible carbon dioxide flooding. In miscible carbon dioxide flooding, the injection pressure of carbon dioxide would be kept above the minimum miscibility pressure. Thus carbon dioxide is miscible with the oil present in the reservoi

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Calculations of the Electron Transport Parameters in CH4-Ar and CH4-Ne Mixtures Gases Using Monte Carlo Method
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    The result of concentration varying of mixture methane with argon and neon gas are believed to study the change in electrons energy distribution function and then the change of the electrons transport parameters including the drift velocity, the mean energy, characteristics energy and diffusion coefficient. In the present work,a contemporary developed computer, simulation program known as Bolsig+ is being used for calculating the electron transport parameters.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 11 2019
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Modeling Rate of Penetration using Artificial Intelligent System and Multiple Regression Analysis
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Abstract<p>Over the years, the prediction of penetration rate (ROP) has played a key rule for drilling engineers due it is effect on the optimization of various parameters that related to substantial cost saving. Many researchers have continually worked to optimize penetration rate. A major issue with most published studies is that there is no simple model currently available to guarantee the ROP prediction.</p><p>The main objective of this study is to further improve ROP prediction using two predictive methods, multiple regression analysis (MRA) and artificial neural networks (ANNs). A field case in SE Iraq was conducted to predict the ROP from a large number of parame</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Qualitative and Quantitative Estimation or Chemical Constituents from Leaves and Roots of Iraqi Agave Attenuata by GC-MS and RP-HPLC(Conference Paper) #
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This research concentrate on cultivated Iraqi Agave attenuata dried leaves and roots, because of little studies on this plant especially on the root that lead to the eager of study and comparison of phytochemical constituents between leaves and root. Extraction of bioactive constituents was carried out using several solvents with increasing polarity (n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol) by soxhlet apparatus. Steroidal saponins in Agave genus is well documented in many species, lightening the minds in this research on extraction method which is specific for steroidal saponins. Phytochemical screening was done by GC/MS for n-hexane fraction, qualitative and quantitative estimation of several bioactive constituents (caffe

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Spe Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference And Exhibition
Effect of nanoparticles on the interfacial tension of CO2-oil system at high pressure and temperature: An experimental approach
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In the recent decade, injection of nanoparticles (NPs) into underground formation as liquid nanodispersions has been suggested as a smart alternative for conventional methods in tertiary oil recovery projects from mature oil reservoirs. Such reservoirs, however, are strong candidates for carbon geo-sequestration (CGS) projects, and the presence of nanoparticles (NPs) after nanofluid-flooding can add more complexity to carbon geo-storage projects. Despite studies investigating CO2 injection and nanofluid-flooding for EOR projects, no information was reported about the potential synergistic effects of CO2 and NPs on enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and CGS concerning the interfacial tension (γ) of CO2-oil system. This study thus extensively inves

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Screening of Petroleum Ether Fractions by GC/MS and Isolation of Lupeol from Two Different Parts of Iraqi Leucaena leuco-cephala. (Conference Paper )#
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This work is considered the first study for the components of the Iraqi Leucaena leucocephala plant, where the different phytochemical compounds that present in the aerial parts were identified by using the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technique (GC/MS). The type of the components and their concentration will differ according to the part of the plant used and the method of extraction (hot and cold). This study made a comparison in lupeol concentration that was identified and isolated from petroleum ether fractions of Leucaena leucocephala by using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS), High-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC), and Preparative High-Performance Li

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Spe Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium And Exhibition
Optimization of Infill Drilling in Whicher Range Field in Australia
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Abstract<p>Now that most of the conventional reservoirs are being depleted at a rapid pace, the focus is on unconventional reservoirs like tight gas reservoirs. Due to the heterogeneous nature and low permeability of unconventional reservoirs, they require a huge number of wells to hit all the isolated hydrocarbon zones. Infill drilling is one of the most common and effective methods of increasing the recovery, by reducing the well spacing and increasing the sweep efficiency. However, the problem with drilling such a large number of wells is the determination of the optimum location for each well that ensures minimum interference between wells, and accelerates the recovery from the field. Detail</p> ... Show More
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