The present study was conducted on 20 patients suffering from different types of lesion like
pyogenic granuloma, peripheral giant cell granuloma, mucoceles, pregnancy tumour, Fordyce's granules
and irritating fibroma.The cases were selected from outpatient clinic of the Al Kydhemya Teaching
Hospital. Patients were treated by diode laser (810±20 nm) at the affected areas of the oral cavity with
continuous contact focused mode until excision of the lesion with coagulation of the oozing area after
excision. Patients were followed up after 2 days, 7 days and 2 weeks to assess healing process and any
post operative complication. Some of undiagnosed lesion sent for histopathological examination. No
serious complications were recorded; one suffered from slight oedema and one case with simple
bleeding. After 2 months follow up, recurrence occurred in one case. Diode laser provides a marked
clinical improvement without the need for surgical intervention.