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Evaluation of the Mishrif Formation Using an Advanced Method of Interpretation
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The Mishrif Formation is one of the most important geological formations in Iraq consisting of limestone, marl, and shale layers since it is one of the main oil producing reservoirs in the country, which contain a significant portion of Iraq's oil reserves. The formation has been extensively explored and developed by the Iraqi government and international oil companies, with many oil fields being developed within it. The accurate evaluation of the Mishrif formation is key to the successful exploitation of this field. However, its geological complexity poses significant challenges for oil production, requiring advanced techniques to accurately evaluate its petrophysical properties.

   This study used advanced well-logging analysis techniques, including mineralogical inversion with the Quanti-Elan model employed in Schlumberger's Techlog software to evaluate this formation. The lithology, clay volume, porosity, permeability, and hydrocarbon saturation data were obtained from the open hole logging of three wells in a southern Iraqi oil field. The environmental correction was applied for open-hole logging tools, and the primary mineral of the formation was determined using porosity log cross-plotting. Pickett plot technique was utilized to determine water resistivity and Archie's parameters, and the reconstruction log was generated based on volumetric and response parameters for each component. Based on thorough analysis, the clay volume of the Mishrif formation is estimated to be about 10%, which is a common value for this rock type. The porosity was computed based on the total fluid volume, ranging from 11% to 14%, and water saturation was determined using Archie's equation. The final results of the volume of each component for rock and fluid are presented using computer programming interpretation. The results of this study provide valuable insights into the petrophysical properties of the Mishrif formation and are expected to inform for better interpretation and evaluation of petrophysical properties of similar formations, which is essential for optimum field development planning as well as minimising the uncertainties.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقترح اسلوب IRWs الحصين لتقدير أنموذج الانحدار المقسم لحركة حمولة قاع نهر دجلة ونقطة التغيير لكمية تصريف المياه عند مدينة بغداد
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              يتكون الانحدار المقسم من عدة أقسام تفصل بينها نقاط انتماء مختلفة، فتظهر حالة عدم التجانس الناشئة من عملية فصل الأقسام ضمن عينة البحث. ويهتم هذا البحث في تقدير موقع نقطة التغيير بين الأقسام وتقدير معلمات الأنموذج، واقتراح طريقة تقدير حصينة ومقارنتها مع بعض الطرائق المستعملة في الانحدار الخطي المقسم. وقد تم استعمال أحد الطرائق التقليدية (طريقة Muggeo) لإيجاد مقدرات الإمكان الأعظم بالأسلوب الت

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
D-Shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber Toxic Metal Ions (Arsenic) Sensor Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance
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In this work, a Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) sensor based on the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) technology was proposed. A thin layer of gold (Au) was deposited on a D-shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF), which was coated with plasmonic chemically stable gold material with a thickness of 40nm. The performance parameters like sensitivity including wavelength sensitivity and amplitude sensitivity and resolution were evaluated by simulation using COMSOL software. The proposed sensor was created by using the finite element approach, it is numerically examined. The results show that the surface of D-shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber coated with Au behaves as a sensor to detect the refractive index (IR) of toxic metal ions. The impacts of the str

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Need and transgression in Surat (Abs) Semantic grammatical study: Need and transgression in Surat (Abs)
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      The research aims to highlight the significance and composition and the diversity of meanings and the Quranic context in the necessary and transgressive verbs in Surat (Abs).

      This research consists of : a preamble , and two studies . The researcher addressed in the preliminary the importance of the phenomenon of necessity and infringement, the signs of the necessary action , the structure and controls of the act , the methods of infringement , its sections and signs.

      As for the first topic : The researcher addressed the necessary verbs in Surat Abs , an applied study in terms of grammati

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Stimulated Emission Cross Section in Xenon-Neon Lasers
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Gas Lasers are important tools that are used in variety purposes, for their low and (cw) output power. The aim of this study was to prepare a way to calculate an optimum stimulated emission cross-section in a gas laser containing a mixture of Xenon and Neon by (30%-70%). The process was a theoretical study of each gas in separate in terms of their physical properties as an active medium. The results of these calculations are logic and more convenient than other mixtures used before

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Non Traumatic Hip Osteonecrosis Treated By Non Vascularised Bone Graft Versus Core Decompression
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Background: Avascular necrosis (AVN) is defined as cellular death of bone components due to interruption of the blood supply; the bone structures then collapse, resulting in bone destruction, pain, and loss of joint function. AVN is associated with numerous conditions and usually involves the epiphysis of long bones, such as the femoral head. In clinical practice, AVN is most commonly encountered in the hip. Early diagnosis and appropriate intervention can delay the need for joint replacement. However, most patients present late in the disease course. Without treatment, the process is almost always progressive, leading to joint destruction within 5 years.Treatment of a vascular necrosis depends mainly on early diagnosis which mainly base

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2002
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Domestic Animals in English and Iraqi Rural Proverbs: A Pragmastylistic Study
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Proverbs gain their importance not only from the fact that they represent a cultural record of the people of every nation, but they reveal the way they use language and how they exploit their environments as a good source of inspiration to enrich that language.  Domestic animals, as part of every environment, play a major role in composing proverbs in every nation.

       This study is an attempt to pragmastylistically analyse some selected English and Iraqi rural proverbs using domestic animals in their texts. It limits itself to investigate certain stylistic and pragmatic devices such as: the type of sentences, their lengths, their content and grammatical words, the part of speech used, metaph

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 16 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Bit-Plane Slicing Autoregressive Modeling for Medical Image Compression
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In this paper, a simple medical image compression technique is proposed, that based on utilizing the residual of autoregressive model (AR) along with bit-plane slicing (BPS) to exploit the spatial redundancy efficiently. The results showed that the compression performance of the proposed techniques is improved about twice on average compared to the traditional autoregressive, along with preserving the image quality due to considering the significant layers only of high image contribution effects.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Review in Sustainable Plastic Waste in Concrete
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Recently times, industrial development has increased, including plastic industries, and since plastic has a very long analytical life, it will cause environmental pollution. Therefore studies have resorted to reusing recycled plastic waste (sustainable plastic) to produce environmentally friendly concrete (green concrete). In this research, some studies were reviewed and then summarized into several things, including the percentage of plastic replacement from the aggregate and the effect of this percentage on the fresh properties of concrete, such as the workability and the effect of plastic waste on the hardening properties of concrete such as dry density, compressive, tensile and flexural strength.

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Game via Ἷ-Semi-g-Separation Axioms
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The research demonstrates new species of the games by applying separation axioms via  sets, where the relationships between the various species that were specified and the strategy of winning and losing to any one of the players, and their relationship with the concepts of separation axioms via  sets have been studied.

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu May 17 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Contractible J-Saces
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Jordan  curve  theorem  is  one  of  the  classical  theorems  of  mathematics, it states  the  following :  If    is a graph of  a  simple  closed curve  in  the complex plane the complement  of   is the union of  two regions,  being the common  boundary of the two regions. One of  the region   is  bounded and the other is unbounded. We introduced in this paper one of Jordan's theorem generalizations. A new type of space is discussed with some properties and new examples. This new space called Contractible -space.

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