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Study the Efficiency of Drilling With Casing Operation in an Iraqi Oil Field

Drilling with casing (DWC) can be considered as a modern drilling technique in which both of drilling and casing operations done in the same time by using the casing to transfer the hydraulic and mechanical power to the bit instead of traditional drilling string. To overcome oil well control, minimizing the total cost through enhancing drilling efficiency, drilling with casing was proposed as an enabling technology.

   Two surface sections (17 1/2 - and 12 1/4- inch) were drilled successfully in Rumaila oil field with  casing strings which reached 655m and 1524m measured depths respectively.

   By using DWC technique, the total drill/case phase time was reduced up to 20% comparing to conventional drilling in the same field .

   Drilling both sections with DWC system eliminating the number of trips and nonproductive time (NPT) related to wellbore instability.

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Publication Date
Tue May 22 2012
Journal Name
Production and characterization of methionine γ- lyase from Pseudomonas putida and its effect on cancer cell lines

Production and characterization of methionine γ- lyase from Pseudomonas putida and its effect on cancer cell lines

Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Assessment of genetic diversity among wheat selectedegenotypese and local varieties for saltetolerance by usingeRAPD and ISSR analysis

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Synthesis and Characterization of Gold Nanoparticles using 2-(2-methyl-5-amino -1H-imidazol-1-yl) ethanol

Gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) have been synthesized via reduction of sodium tetrachloroaurate dihydrate (NaAuCl4.2H2O) with 2-(2-methyl-5-amino -1H-imidazol-1-yl) ethanol (2-MAE) in presence and absence of ascorbic acid as reducing and stabilizing agents. The resulting Au NPs were characterized by UV–Vis spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), FT-IR spectroscopy. The absorption spectra of gold nanoparticles solutions in the uv-visible and near IR regions were studied at different amine concentrations and pH media.

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Operational assessment of biological wastewater treatment using advanced return-mass reactors based on principal component cluster analysis
Abstract<p>In this study, field results data were conducted, implemented in 64 biofilm reactors to analyses extract organic matter nutrients from wastewater through a laboratory level nutrient removal process, biofilm layer moving process using anaerobic aerobic units. The kinetic layer biofilm reactors were continuously operating in Turbo 4BIO for BOD COD with nitrogen phosphorous. The Barakia plant is designed to serve 200,000 resident works on biological treatment through merge two process (activated sludge process, moving bed bio reactio MBBR) with an average wastewater flow of 50,000 m3/day the data were collected annually from 2017-2020. The water samples were analysis in the central labor</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Temperature effect on optical properties of nickel (ii) phthalocyanine tetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium salt (NiPcTs) organic thin films

This study describe the effect of temperature on the optical
properties of nickel(ii) phthalocyanine tetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium
salt (NiPcTs) organic thin films which are prepared by spin coating
on indium tin oxide (ITO-glass). The optical absorption spectra of
these thin films are measured. Present studies reveal that the optical
band gap energies of NiPcTs thin films are dependent on the
annealing temperatures. The optical band gap decreases with increase
in annealing temperature, then increased when the temperature rising
to 473K. To enhance the results of Uv-Vis measurements and get
more accurate values of optical energy gaps; the Photoluminescence
spectra of as-deposited and annealed NiPcTs thin fi

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Jun 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Occurrence and pattern of antibiotic resistance among dental plaque bacteria from gingivitis patients and their clinical correlation

Background: A diverse group of bacteria live in biofilms in the oral cavity. On dental surfaces biofilms form plaque that is potentially involved in caries and periodontal diseases. Periodic studying of plaque microflora and their antimicrobial sensitivity patterns strongly affects the clinical practice in plaque-induced oral diseases. Materials and methods: Dental plaque samples were collected from 22 patients having ages ranged between 33 and 49 years with gingivitis that met the study criteria. Plaque, gingival and gingival bleeding indices (PI, GI, GBI) were measured for each patient. Laboratory procedures included microbiological examination of plaque samples followed by antibiotic sensitivity testing using disc diffusion method were

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
New Pd and Pt Complexes of Guanine –Azo Dye: Structural, Spectroscopic, Dyeing Performance and Antibacterial Activity Studies

Four new complexes of Pd(II), Pt(II) and Pt(IV) with DMSO solution of the ligand 8-[(4-nitrophenyl)azo]guanine (L) have been synthesized. Reaction of the ligand with Pd(II) at different pH gave two new complexes, at pH=8, a complex of the formula [Pd(L)2]Cl2.DMSO (1) was formed, while at pH=4.5,the complex[Pd(L)3]Cl2.DMSO (2) was obtained. Meanwhile, the reaction of the ligand with Pt(II) and Pt(IV) revealed new complexes with the formulas[Pt(L)2]Cl2.DMSO (3)and [Pt(L)3]Cl4.DMSO (4) at pH 7.5 and 6 respectively.
All the preparations were performed after fixing the optimum pH and concentration. The effect of time on the stability of these complexes was checked. The stoichiometry of the complexes was determined by the mole ratio and Job

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Implementation of Active Noise Cancellation for Car Cabin on Sulaimania Roads Using Arduino Embedded System

Car drivers hear many kinds of noise inside their vehicles' cabins, and the most annoying ones are the noise generated by tires, engines, and outside winds. Noise affects the comfort of the passengers inside the cabin, and it’s sad to say that modern cars are noisier in many kinds of noise signals due to using a lot of plastic materials in new budget cars. For expensive and luxury cars, the problem is solved by using better sound insulation materials, but for the budget ones, the approach used here is effective. It is called Active Noise Cancellation and can be done using analog or digital electronics. An operational amplifier and filters are used for the analog one, and in the digital one, signal processor chips are used. In engineeri

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Bioremediation of Nickel and Lead contaminated soil by Vica faba L. plant and AM fungi Glomus mosseae

This study is conducted to determine the activity of plant Vica faba and two isolated from arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (A,B) in bioremediation of soil pollution by Nickel and Lead elements in north and south of Baghdad city. The results showed that the average of soil pollution by Nickel and Lead elements in north of Baghdad was less than the average of soil pollution in the south of Baghdad which recorded 29.0,9.0PPm and 42.0, 25.0PPm respectively. The results show that the isolate A from the polluted soil is more active from isolate B which isolate from unpolluted soil for bioremediation. Vica faba recorded more in accumulate the Lead element in shoot system which was 19.65PPm and in root system was 27.2PPm and for Nickel element 24.65

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Best Level of Parameters for a Critical Buckling Load for Circular Thin- Walled Structure Subjected to Bending

Circular thin walled structures have wide range of applications. This type of structure is generally exposed to different types of loads, but one of the most important types is a buckling. In this work, the phenomena of buckling was studied by using finite element analysis. The circular thin walled structure in this study is constructed from; cylindrical thin shell strengthen by longitudinal stringers, subjected to pure bending in one plane. In addition, Taguchi method was used to identify the optimum combination set of parameters for enhancement of the critical buckling load value, as well as to investigate the most effective parameter. The parameters that have been analyzed were; cylinder shell thickness, shape of stiffeners section an

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