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Using Elastic Properties as a Predictive Tool to Identify Pore-Fluid Type in Carbonate Formations
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The aim of this study is for testing the applicability of Ramamoorthy and Murphy method for identification of predominant pore fluid type, in Middle Eastern carbonate reservoir, by analyzing the dynamic elastic properties derived from the sonic log. and involving the results of Souder, for testing the same method in chalk reservoir in the North Sea region. Mishrif formation in Garraf oilfield in southern Iraq was handled in this study, utilizing a slightly-deviated well data, these data include open-hole full-set logs, where, the sonic log composed of shear and compression modes, and geologic description to check the results. The Geolog software is used to make the conventional interpretation of porosity, lithology, and saturation. Also, include PVT and water analyses as inputs in Batzle and Wang correlations in order to calculate mechanical properties of oil and water at reservoir conditions. The shear velocity and density logs are used to calculate the shear modulus (G), for each (0.1254) meter.  The dry frame bulk modulus correlation of the original method was not followed, instead, a new dry frame bulk modulus correlation of Saxena is used to avoid the uncertainty in the porosity type exist in the formation which needs special core description. Then, Gassmann’s equations were used to determine the bulk moduli of the rock assuming two saturation conditions; the first is 100% water saturated, and the second is 100% oil saturated.  Using elastic properties equations of Love’s, and the resulted bulk moduli, two corresponding ∆t(s), (for oil and for water), were computed for each depth level. Then these ∆t(s) were plotted with sonic ∆t in the same track, and compiled with the conventional log interpretation, to compare the results. The method was a good indicator of the fluid type in the high porosity zones, unlike for the tight or clay-rich zones. The results are very conformable to the conventional interpretation, the OWC in both model and conventional interpretation are so close with error percentage of (0.03%).

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Frequently, Load associated mode of failure (rutting and fatigue) as well as, occasionally, moisture damage in some sections poorly drained are the main failure types found in some of the newly constructed road within Baghdad as well as other cities in Iraq. The use of hydrated lime in pavement construction could be one of the possible steps taken in the direction of improving pavement performance and meeting the required standards. In this study, the mechanistic properties of asphalt concrete mixes modified with hydrated lime as a partial replacement of limestone dust mineral filler were evaluated. Seven replacement rates were used; 0,0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 percent by weight of aggregate. Asphalt concrete mixes were prepared at their

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Electrochemical deposition of CuInS2 thin films
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Chalcopyrite thin films were one-step potentiostatically deposited onto stainless steel plates from aqueous solution containing CuSO4, In2(SO4)3 and Na2S2O3.The ratio of (In3+:Cu2+) which involved in the solution and The effect of cathodic potentials on the structural had been studied. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns for deposited films showed that the suitable ratio of (In3+:Cu2+) =6:1, and suitable voltage is -0.90 V versus (Ag/AgCl) reference electrode

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Spectroscopic investigation of Rhodamine-B thin film prepared by PLD technique
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Optical properties of Rhodamine-B thin film prepared by PLD
technique have been investigated. The absorption spectra using
1064nm and 532 nm laser wavelength of different laser pulse
energies shows that all the curves contain two bands, B band and Q
bands with two branches, Q1 and Q2 band and a small shift in the
peaks location toward the long wavelength with increasing laser
energy. FTIR patterns for Rhodamine-B powder and thin film within
shows that the identified peaks were located in the standard values
that done in the previous researches. X-ray diffraction patterns of
powder and prepared Rhodamine-B thin film was display that the
powder has polycrystalline of tetragonal structure, while the thin film

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of thickness on the structure, morphology and A.C conductivity of Bi2S3 thin films
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Thin films samples of Bismuth sulfide Bi2S3 had deposited on
glass substrate using thermal evaporation method by chemical
method under vacuum of 10-5 Toor. XRD and AFM were used to
check the structure and morphology of the Bi2S3 thin films. The
results showed that the films with law thickness <700 nm were free
from any diffraction peaks refer to amorphous structure while films
with thickness≥700 nm was polycrystalline. The roughness decreases
while average grain size increases with the increase of thickness. The
A.C conductivity as function of frequency had studied in the
frequency range (50 to 5x106 Hz). The dielectric constant,
polarizability showed significant dependence upon the variation of

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 26 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Limnological Features of the Southern Part of Gharaf River and the Impacts of Floodplain Period on its Characteristics
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The current study was conducted on the southern part of Gharaf  River in   order to define the physical-chemical properties and the impact of the Tigris River’s floodplain water on its ecological characteristics during 2019. Four sites were selected along the southern part of the river. The findings showed a strong connection between the temperature of air and water at all sites. A value ranging from 4.85 - 84.65 NTU was reported for turbidity. The water was found to be oligohaline, low alkaline, and well ventilated due to high dissolved oxygen concentrations. Gharaf  River is considered to be of questionable clean water, according to the results of BOD5. The total a

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Biostratigraphyand Paleoenvironments of Benthic Foraminifera From Lower Part of the Damlouk Member, Western Desert, Iraq
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     Age and paleoenvironment of part of the Damlouk Member, Ratga Formation from a surface section in the Iraqi Western Desert are investigated. Twenty-nine species of Larger Benthic Foraminifera (LBF) belonging to 13 genera are recognized from the studied section. The LBF assemblage is dominated by the following groups, Nummulites, Alveolina, Rotalia, and Lockhartia. Two species of corals with fragments of bryozoan, red algae and mollusca had also been identified.

     The palaeontological investigation aimed at identification of LBF assemblages to evaluate their abundance and distribution with respect to sedimentary environment and to determine its age. Based on the recognized Larger Benthic F

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Integrated Microfacies and Well Logs-Based Reservoir Characterization of Yamama Formation, Southern Iraq
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     The Yamama Formation includes important carbonates reservoir that belongs to the Lower Cretaceous sequence in Southern Iraq. This study covers two oil fields (Sindbad and Siba) that are distributed Southeastern Basrah Governorate, South of Iraq. Yamama reservoir units were determined based on the study of cores, well logs, and petrographic examination of thin sections that required a detailed integration of geological data and petrophysical properties. These parameters were integrated in order to divide the Yamama Formation into six reservoir units (YA0, YA1, YA2, YB1, YB2 and YC), located between five cap rock units. The best facies association and petrophysical properties were found in the shoal environment, wh

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Electron Scattering from Some Fp- Shell Nuclei with Inclusion the Effect of Short-Range Correlation
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The effects of short-range correlation on elastic Coulomb (charge) form factors, charge density distributions as well as root mean square charge radii of various  nuclei (for instance, 46, 48, 50Ti, 52, 54Cr, 56, 58Fe, and 72, 74, 76Ge nuclei) are examined. The one- and two body terms of the cluster expansion together with the single-particle harmonic oscillator wave functions are utilized. For the purpose of embedding these effects into the formulae of charge density  and form factor  we employ the correlation function of Jastrow-type. These formulae depend upon the short-range correlation parameter  (which instigates from the Jastr

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Density, Viscosity and Refractive Index of the Ternary System (Ethanol + N-Hexane +3-Methyl Pentane) at 20, 30, 40 °C and 101.325 Kpa
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Experimental densities, viscosities η, and refractive indices nD data of the ternary  ethanol+ n-hexane + 3-methyl pentane system have been determined at temperatures 293.15,303.15 and 313.15 K and at atmospheric pressure then these properties were calculated theoretically by using mixing rules for densities, viscosities and refractive indices .After that the theoretical data and the experimental data were compared due to the high relative errors in viscosities an equation of viscosity was proposed to decrease the relative errors.

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
The Suitability of Bailey Method for Design of Local Asphalt Concrete Mixture
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The study investigated the behaviour of asphalt concrete mixes for aggregate gradations, according to the Iraqi specification using the Bailey method designed by an Excel spreadsheet. In mixing aggregates with varying gradations (coarse and fine aggregate), The Bailey method is a systematic methodology that offers aggregate interlocking as the backbone of the framework and a controlled gradation to complete the blends. Six types of gradation are used according to the bailey method considered in this study. Two-course prepared Asphalt Concrete Wearing and Asphalt Concrete binder, the Nominal Maximum Aggregate Sizes (NMAS) of the mixtures are 19 and 12.5 mm, respectively. The total number of specimens was 240 for both layers (15 samp

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