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Optimal Quantitave and Distributive Analysis of Thermal Pollution due to Heated Water Released to Rivers
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To reduce the effects of discharging heated water disposed into a river flow by a single thermal source, two parameters were changed to get the minimum effect using optimization. The first parameter is to distribute the total flow of the heated water between two disposal points (double source) instead of one and the second is to change the distance between these two points. In order to achieve the solution, a two dimensional numerical model was developed to simulate and predict the changes in temperature distribution in the river due to disposal of the heated water using these two points of disposal.
MATLAB-7 software was used to build a program that could solve the governing partial equations of thermal pollution in rivers by using the finite difference technique. The distribution of temperature in the river was presented by using the SURFER software that was used to draw the temperature contour lines and computing the areas of critical temperature (The area where the temperature exceed a certain selected value, which is believed to be critical for aquatic life). The optimum case was that which gave the minimum critical area.
The decision variables are the subdivided flow of the two disposal points, and the distance between these two points. The result had indicated that the optimum case can be achieved when the flow of first point was 0.1 from the total flow of heated water and the second was 0.9 from this total flow. The optimal distance between the two points was found to be 30 m.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences
Pharmaceutical pollution of the world’s rivers
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Environmental exposure to active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) can have negative effects on the health of ecosystems and humans. While numerous studies have monitored APIs in rivers, these employ different analytical methods, measure different APIs, and have ignored many of the countries of the world. This makes it difficult to quantify the scale of the problem from a global perspective. Furthermore, comparison of the existing data, generated for different studies/regions/continents, is challenging due to the vast differences between the analytical methodologies employed. Here, we present a global-scale study of API pollution in 258 of the world’s rivers, representing the environmental influence of 471.4 million people across

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The transfer of chemical pollutants from bottled water into water due to heat, sunlight and poor storage is one of the most serious threats to human health around the world, the objective of this study was to estimate the pH value and the transport of heavy metals from plastic bottles to water, for this purpose, 30 bottles of water for 10 local brands were collected and divided into three groups, the first was left at room temperature 25°C, The second was placed in a heat oven at 25°C and the third in another oven at 50°C for two weeks. The results showed significant differences at (P<0.05) between water samples, pH value and concentrations of heavy metals (Sb, Pb, Ni, Cu, Cr, Cd and Fe) we

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Statistical Analysis of Mortality and Morbidity Due to Traffic Accidents in Iraq
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Undoubtedly, Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) are a major dilemma in term of mortality and morbidity facing the road users as well as the traffic and road authorities. Since 2002, the population in Iraq has increased by 49 percent and the number of vehicles by three folds. Consequently, these increases were unfortunately combined with rising the RTAs number, mortality and morbidity. Alongside the humanitarian tragedies, every year, there are considerable economic losses in Iraq lost due to the epidemic of RTAs. Given the necessity of understanding the contributory factors related to RTAs for the implementation by traffic and road authorities to improve the road safety, the necessity have been a rise for

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Statistical Analysis of Mortality and Morbidity Due to Traffic Accidents in Iraq
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Undoubtedly, Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) are a major dilemma in term of mortality and morbidity facing the road users as well as the traffic and road authorities. Since 2002, the population in Iraq has increased by 49 percent and the number of vehicles by three folds. Consequently, these increases were unfortunately combined with rising the RTAs number, mortality and morbidity. Alongside the humanitarian tragedies, every year, there are considerable economic losses in Iraq lost due to the epidemic of RTAs. Given the necessity of understanding the contributory factors related to RTAs for the implementation by traffic and road authorities to improve the road safety, the necessity have been a rise for this research which focuses into

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Australian Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications
Formulation of approximate mathematical model for incoming water to some dams on Tigris and Euphrates Rivers using spline function
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n this paper, we formulate three mathematical models using spline functions, such as linear, quadratic and cubic functions to approximate the mathematical model for incoming water to some dams. We will implement this model on dams of both rivers; dams on the Tigris are Mosul and Amara while dams on the Euphrates are Hadetha and Al-Hindya.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 04 2024
Journal Name
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Recent reports of new pollution issues brought on by the presence of medications in the aquatic environment have sparked a great deal of interest in studies aiming at analyzing and mitigating the associated environmental risks, as well as the extent of this contamination. The main sources of pharmaceutical contaminants in natural lakes and rivers include clinic sewage, pharmaceutical production wastewater, and sewage from residences that have been contaminated by drug users' excretions. In evaluating the health of rivers, pharmaceutical pollutants have been identified as one of the emerging pollutants. The previous studies showed that the contaminants in pharmaceuticals that are widely used are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ant

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Maaen Journal For Medical Sciences
Evaluation of heated cure acrylic immersed in ozonated water
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Background: Denture cleansing is an important step that can prevent the spread of infection and improve a patient's health, the durability of the dentures, and the overall quality of life; therefore, it is necessary to choose a suitable cleanser that, in addition to being effective, does not have an unfavorable effect on the qualities of the denture base resin itself when used for an extended period. Aim: This research aims to assess the effects of ozonated water on the surface roughness and hardness of heat-cured acrylic resin by immersion technique. Materials: Sixty bars shapemade of heat-cured acrylicweremanufactured.Thirty samples for every test, including: (surface hardness and surface roughness). Then, these samples were divided into

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Fuzzy Distributive Modules
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  Let R be a commutative ring with unity. In this paper we introduce and study fuzzy distributive modules and fuzzy arithmetical rings as generalizations of (ordinary) distributive modules and arithmetical ring. We give some basic properties about these concepts.  

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
8th Engineering And 2nd International Conference For College Of Engineering – University Of Baghdad: Coec8-2021 Proceedings
Prediction of consolidation due to dewatering by using MATLAB software
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Risk Assessment Due to Population Exposure to Lead Particles Emitted from Domestic Electrical Generators
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Portable and stationary electrical generators became quite popular in Iraq soon after the shortage in national electrical
energy after 2003. Multi step risk assessment process is used in this study in the assessment of risks caused by
contamination of indoor air by lead particles emitted from domestic electrical generators. Two portable electrical
generators are tested under controlled indoor conditions (Radial LG (0.9 keV) fueled with benzene and oil and TigMax
(3 keV), fueled with benzene only). Lead particles in air were sampled by using portable dust sampler (Sniffer, L-30).
The atmospheric particulate sampling process is carried out in a flat located in the first floor of a three stories building
located in Baghdad

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