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The impact of a proposal for the curriculum dictated by some of the barriers to the development of motor skills
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The impact of a proposal for the curriculum dictated by some of the barriers to the development of motor skillsA. M. D. Huda Ibrahim RezoukiM. M. Susan Salim DawoodIs the childhood of the most important and most fertile stage of basic education because of their significant impact in building a base on which the stated origin of sound in the early stages older age because the baby at this stage be very vulnerability to environmental factors different surroundings in which to leave their mark on his life in the stages of life other.The Gymnastics of sports long-term training, which begins between the ages very early relative to the rest of other games to reach the stage of the tournament from the age of 13-17 years almost to the women, this and that dictated by barriers is one of the types of gymnastics, which is used in the preparation of the child and his training and strengthening as it requires overcome the barriers kinetic many lead to the acquisition of the child of many physical attributes and motor in addition to creating more good work on the equipment gymnastics artistic, and access to the proper functioning as soon as possible, because the exercises Gymnastics barriers based on exercises climbing, crawling, jumping, jogging, in addition to exercises that develop the qualities of mental Kalazm and endurance and self-confidence and strength of will also give the individual joy and pleasure and awaken a love of sports and competition.It is through the experience of researchers in the sport of gymnastics Ktdrisatin Traian her understanding of the importance to be given some tasks gymnastics to primary school students in an early age. After a survey of Ahzta a problem lies in the two main pillars:I - there is no curriculum includes content dictated by inhibitions.II - The Curriculum motor's Platform for the primary is surrounded by cover conventional in the content of the theory and practice, which does not open the way for student to express themselves and their potential mobility through the motor activities presented in this curriculum, which does not give a great opportunity to help the student to achieve further development in their kinetic .As a result of the above has generated the idea of the study in question, hoping to be the first step in access barriers Bjmanacetk service for the sport of gymnastics.

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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