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The Use of Rate of Increase of Intraventricular Pressure During Isovolumetric Contraction (dP/dt) in Assessment of Left Ventricular Function in Acute Coronary Syndrome
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BACKGROUND: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is the clinical manifestation of acutely diminished coronary arterial blood supply. The rate of increase of intraventricular pressure during isovolumetric contraction (left ventricular dP/dt) represents the rate of change of pressure during ejection. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of the rate of increase of intraventricular pressure during isovolumetric contraction (dP/dt) in assessment of left ventricular function in patients with acute coronary syndrome and its relation to certain clinical and echocardiographic features. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study is a cross sectional study including 50 patients with an established diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome. The study was performed in Baghdad Teaching Hospital during the period between 2/2/2013 and 5/3/2014. History was taken from all patients and recoded using a specially prepared questionnaire paper. Left ventricular internal dimensions at end diastole (LVIDd) and end systole (LVIDs) were measured using M-mode echocardiography to asses left ventricular systolic function (ejection fraction). Pulse Doppler tracing of the transmitral flow velocities and tissue Doppler image (TDI) mitral annular velocities were obtained from the apical four-chamber view to assess left ventricular diastolic function. Doppler-derived dP/dt was determined from mitral regurgitation (MR) spectral flow RESULTS: The study included 50 patients (31 males and 19 females, mean age of 65.26 ± 5 years). Low dP/dt values were found in 42 patients (84%). Low dP/dt values were found more in the age group (51-60 yrs) (p value < 0.05). The mean age of patients with low dP/dt (<1000) was (65.62 ± 5yrs) and that of patients with normal dP/dt (≥ 1000) was (63.38 ± 5 yrs) with no significant difference (p value > 0.05). Low dP/dt value was significantly associated with smoking and positive family history and not significantly associated with male sex, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. No significant association was found between low dP/dt value and type of presentation of acute coronary syndrome (p value > 0.05) or ejection fraction (p value > 0.05). It was significantly associated with LV diastolic dysfunction, left atrial size, left atrial pressure, and left ventricular size (p value < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The use of dP/dt is useful for evaluating left ventricular function in patients with acute coronary syndrome.

Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Data Mining Methods for Extracting Rumors Using Social Analysis Tools
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       Rumors are typically described as remarks whose true value is unknown. A rumor on social media has the potential to spread erroneous information to a large group of individuals. Those false facts will influence decision-making in a variety of societies. In online social media, where enormous amounts of information are simply distributed over a large network of sources with unverified authority, detecting rumors is critical. This research proposes that rumor detection be done using Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools as well as six distinct Machine Learning (ML) methods (Nave Bayes (NB), random forest (RF), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), Logistic Regression (LR), Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) and Decision Tree (

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Cystatin (C) and its correlation to ischemic heart disease
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Background: Cystatin C is recently considered to be a good predictor of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD)Objectives: Correlation between cystatin and ischemic heart disease.Methods :One hundred forty patients (140) with ischemic heart disease admitted to thin study at Baghdad teaching hospital from the period June. 2011 to Jan. 2012. Those patients was categorized into three groups.Group (A): patients with ischemic heart failure.Group (B): Patients with myocardial infarction.Group (C) patients with unstable angina.All these groups were in comparison to fifty (50) healthy controls. Fasting serum citation (C) were measured in all patients and control in addition to all other routine inves

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Proximal palmar mini-incision carpal tunnel release technique
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Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common entrapment neuropathy in humans today. For patients in whom conservative treatment fails, surgical decompression is indicated. Various surgical techniques are becoming increasingly popular. Due to the rapid postoperative recovery shown after endoscopic operations, proximal palmar mini-incision for carpal tunnel release is a comparative alternative.Methods: Ninety four patients [113 hands] with a carpal tunnel syndrome underwent carpal tunnel release through a 1-cm longitudinal incision made just over the distal flexor crease. The self- administered Boston Questionnaire was used to assess the severity of patients’ symptoms and their functional status, both before and after the surgic

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 03 2015
Journal Name
Al- Kindy College Medical Journal
Proximal palmar mini-incision carpal tunnel release technique
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Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common entrapment neuropathy in humans today. For patients in whom conservative treatment fails, surgical decompression is indicated. Various surgical techniques are becoming increasingly popular. Due to the rapid postoperative recovery shown after endoscopic operations, proximal palmar mini-incision for carpal tunnel release is a comparative alternative. Methods: Ninety four patients [113 hands] with a carpal tunnel syndrome underwent carpal tunnel release through a 1-cm longitudinal incision made just over the distal flexor crease. The self- administered Boston Questionnaire was used to assess the severity of patients’ symptoms and their functional status, both before and after the surgical

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Modified alvarado scoring system. How much helpful?
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Background:-The Modified Alvarado Scoring System (MASS) has been reported to be a cheap and quick diagnostic tool in patients with acute appendicitis. However, differences in diagnostic accuracy have been observed if the scores were applied to various populations and clinical settings.
Objectives:- The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of Modified Alvarado Scoring System in patients with acute appendicitis in our setting.
Methods:-one hundre twenty eight patients ,were included in this study, admitted to Al-Kindy teaching hospital from June 2009 to June 2010. Patients’ age ranged from 8 to 56 years (21±10) they were divided into three groups; paediatrics, child bearing age females & adult males,. MAS

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Staphylococcus aureus Nasal Carriage and Obesity among Patients with Type Two Diabetes Mellitus
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The study aimed to find an association between Type two diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients, obesity and the rate of nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus (NCSA) producer of TSST-1 in patients with T2DM compared with non-diabetic control groups. T2DM patients and control subjects were selected from outpatient of "The Specialist Center for Diseases of Endocrine and Diabetes" in Baghdad. The subjects were divided into 4 groups: Group I included 21 obese T2DM patients; Group II included 20 lean T2DM patients; Group III included 20 obese as control group and Group IV included 21 lean as control group. The study included sample with size (n= 82), male and female, with the ages ranged from 35 to 75 years, and the patients were not on any kind

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