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Climate Changes and Their Impact on Phytoplankton and Physicochemical Properties of the Tigris River, Baghdad, Iraq
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The study was conducted in the Tigris River in Baghdad during May 2021 until March 2022 to follow the impact of climate change, rising temperatures, and the presence of pollutants on the dynamics of phytoplankton and some physicochemical variables from four sites. The results showed that the climatic conditions during different seasons, in addition to the nature of the sampling sites, have a clear and significant impact on the studied traits and, in turn, affect the phytoplankton community. The highest average temperature (30.67 ˚C) was recorded; the pH values ranged between 8.70 & 6.75; the electrical conductivity (1208.18-770.11 µS/cm ) and the total dissolved solids (TDS) (778.95- 439.49 mg/L) were evaluated. Upon measuring the total hardness and turbidity, a significant increase was detected at the third site during winter, amounting to 67.26 NUT and 775.46mg/ L, respectively. The dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) was recorded at the fourth site during winter (10.08- 4.67 mg/L), while the BOD ranges were 4.87- 2.51mg/ L. A benefit in the average values of plant nutrients was detected at the third site affected by the waste liquid disposal area of the Medical City Hospital Complex compared to the nutrient concentration at the other three sites, which was 3.43, 4.87, 13.50 & 409.00mg/ L for NO3 PO4 and SiO2 and S04, respectively, The study was able to classify 161 species of phytoplankton belonging to 69 genus, the largest percentage of which was Baciliariophyceae (42%), followed by Cyanophyceae (27%), Chlorophyceae (24%), Euglenophyceae (4%) and 1% for Chrysophyceae, Xanthphyceae, and Cryptophyceae. Recent years have witnessed severe climatic conditions affecting various environmental factors in the study area. The phytoplankton community has been vulnerable to their impact altering the physical and chemical properties of the river water. This indicates that the aquatic environment responds to climatic conditions.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Tharthar-Tigris Canal on the Environmental Properties of the Tigris River Northern Baghdad, Iraq
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The present study is considered the first on this sector of the Tigris River after 2003. It is designed for two aims, the first is to demonstrate the seasonal variations in physicochemical parameters of Tharthar-Tigris Canal and Tigris River; the second is to explain the possible effects of canal on some environmental properties in the Tigris River. Water samples were being collected monthly. Six sampling sites were selected, two on Tharthar Canal and four along the Tigris River, one before the confluence as a control site and the others downstream the confluence with the canal. For a period from January to December 2020, nineteen physicochemical parameters were investigated including air and water temperature, turbidity, electrical cond

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The South Baghdad Electrical Station and its Environmental Impact on the Tigris River
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The South Baghdad electrical station located on the eastern bank of the Tigris River south of Baghdad city was selected within the municipality of Karrada between  two  latitude ( 3315 , 33 0  18 )North  and  longitude ( 44 0  27 , 44 030 ) East . The purpose of the study is to determine the contribution of the station to the effect of pollution of the Tigris water by taking water samples at the station site and two sites, one before and the other after the station, distributed over time periods of three months between each sample of water and the beginning of August and November Shabat and Mayar and analyzed water samples physically, chemically and biologic

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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This study is considered to be the first on this sector of Tigris River after 2003, to evaluate the effect of Tharthar Arm on the composition and diversity of Copepoda in Tigris River. Six sampling sites were selected; two on the Tharthar Arm and four sites along the Tigris River, one before the confluence as a control site and the others downstream the confluence; thirty-five copepod taxa were recorded, 34 taxa in the Tigris River and 25 taxa in the Tharthar Arm.
The highest density of Copepoda was in site 2 at Tharthar Arm was 265584.2 Ind./m3 lead to an increasing in Copepoda density in Tigris River from 63878.2 Ind./m3 in site 1 before the confluence to 127198.3 Ind./m3 in site 4 immediately downstream the confluence. Also, the me

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Publication Date
Thu May 26 2011
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Environmental Contamination And Toxicology
Chlorophenols in Tigris River and Drinking Water of Baghdad, Iraq
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study was conducted on a stretch of Tigris river crossing Baghdad city to determine the concentration of some chlorophenols pollutants. Aqueous samples were preliminary enriched about 500 times and the chlorophenols have determined using high performance liquid chromatography HPLC. Limits of detection LOD were (0.007–0.012 mg L-1), relative standard deviations RSD% were 2.4%–5.59% and relative recoveries were 51.06%– 104.07%. The existence of chlorophenols in Tigris river was in the range 0.023–4.596 mg L-1. The developed method suggested in this study can be applied for routine analysis and monitoring of chlorinated phenols in environmental aqueous samples.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Water And Health
Anthropocentric perspective on climate variability: the destination of antibiotics in the Tigris river is not restricted
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ABSTRACT<p></p><p>This study aimed to detect antibiotics in water, particulate, plant, and sediment in the Tigris River within Baghdad City, in addition to their spatiotemporal variations, and related physicochemical parameters. Five sites were selected in the river. Three target antibiotics (tetracycline, gentamycin, and ciprofloxacin) were detected in water, particulate, plant, and sediment of the river at all selected sites. The results clearly showed that the concentrations of target antibiotics were sediment &gt; water &gt; plant &gt; particulate. Site 3 is considered as a risk site where high concentrations of all antibiotics during the wet and dry seasons wer</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecohumanism
Climate Changes and Societal Stability in Iraq: Proposed Measures
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Iraq is considered one of the countries most susceptible to the negative impacts of climate change. According to international reports, it is classified as among the top five most affected by climate change in the world, leading to economic resource shortages and an increase in water scarcity, which exposes societal stability in Iraq to a threat.  This may result in social disintegration and civil conflicts, so climate changes are considered one of the most dangerous crises affecting societal stability in Iraq during this stage.  In this context, the research attempts to trace the causes of climate change and their effects on societal stability in Iraq and suggest some necessary measures to confront them in the future.  The resea

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
Water quality modelling and management of diyala river and its impact on tigris river
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Limnological Effects of River Lesser-Zab on Tigris River, Iraq
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The present study included the physico-chemical parameters of Lesser-Zab river and its effects on Tigris river. Monthly water samples were taken from the two rivers during January to October 1999.There were no signifcant difference in water temperatures. Both rivers were fresh to oligohalin, alkaline and very hard. Close values were determined in total suspended solids in both rivers with little increasing during rainfall period and high discharge. Water was well areated and over saturation was recorded in several occasions. Dissolved oxygen values of Tigris river were influenced by Lesser-Zab. Cations were more dominant than anions in both rivers. In Lesser-Zab, the anions were increased during spring season and declined in summer which t

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The study of water quality changes using GIS and remote sensing for Tigris River through Salah Al-Din province, Iraq
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The most significant water supply, which is the basis of agriculture, industry and human and wildlife needs, is the river. In order to determine its suitability for drinking purposes, this study aims to measure the Water Quality Index (WQI) of the Tigris River in the Salah Al-Din Province (center of Tikrit), north of Baghdad. For ten (9) physio-chemical parameters, namely turbidity, total suspended sediments, PH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, chloride, nitrogen as nitrate, sulphate, and then transported for examination to the laboratory, water samples were collected from 13 locations along the Tigris river. Using the weighted arithmetic index method, the WQI was measured and found to be 105,87 in up-stream, wh

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Pristina species (oligochaeta: naididae) in tigris river within baghdad city / Iraq
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A total of 72 individuals of genus Pristina were sorted from aquatic plant, Ceratophyllum demersum L., and filamentous algae collected from three sites on Tigris River at Baghdad including: Al-Sarafiya area (S1), Al- Jadiriyah area (S2), and Al- Za´afaraniya area (S3). Four species were identified including P. longiseta, P. aequiseta, P. proboscidea and P. foreli, with percentags of 51.7 , 36.4, 1.1, and 10.5 % respectively. The first two species found in all sites , while , P. proboscidea found only in S1 and P. foreli only in S2.

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