--The objective of the current research is to identify: 1) Preparing a scale level for e-learning applications, 2) What is the relationship between the applications of e-learning and the students of the Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences/ Ibn Al-Haytham – University of Baghdad. To achieve the research objectives, the researcher used the descriptive approach because of its suitability to the nature of the study objectives. The researcher built a scale for e-learning applications that consists of (40) items on the five-point Likrat scale (I agree, strongly agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree). He also adopted the scale of scientific values, and it consists of (40) items on a five-point scale as well. The sample consisted of (200) male and female students from the Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences/ Ibn Al-Haytham - Phase Four – Morning Study. The psychometric properties of the instruments were verified from face and structure validity and Reliability in a manner of internal consistency, and the researcher used the following statistical means: (T-test of one sample, T-test of two independent samples, Chi-squared test, Pearson correlation coefficient, equation of Cronbach’s alpha). The researcher reached the following results: 1) The large number of students of the Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences/ Ibn Al-Haytham who are using e-learning applications, 2) There is a strong correlation and direct relationship between the applications of e-learning and the students of the Chemistry Department. The significance of e-learning applications, their relationship and their significant and effective role in the development of these important applications has been discussed in this research among the students of the Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences – Ibn Al-Haytham
Die vorliegende Forschung handelt es um die Satzfelder, besonders das Mittelfeld des Satzes im deutschen und Arabischen. Diese Forschung wurde mit der Satzdefinition, Satzglieder begonnen, damit wir diese klar werden und dann werden die Felder des Satzes gut gekannt. Der erste Abschnitt schlieβt auch den Mittelfeld des Satzes und, wie man das Feld erkennen und bestimmen kann. Die Forschung untersucht auch. Ob es in der arabischen Sprache den selben Struktur wie im Deutschen gibt, z.B Bildung des Satzes sowie Satzfelder bezügllich das Mittelfeld.
Der zweite Abschnitt handelt sich um den arabischen Teil und behandelt die Wortarten im Arabischen sowie den Satz als auch Satzarten (Nominal- Verbal- Halbsatz).
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