The emergence of such widespread pharmaceuticals as a pollutant has become one of the world's critical environmental problems that may lead to both the public's health and biodiversity deterioration. This article provides an exhaustive account of the current understanding of the environmental persistence of pharmaceutical contaminants following in-depth analysis of the additive effects of existing natural biodegradation pathways on the human health impact of these drugs. Paying special attention to biodegradation decomposing agents such as bacteria, fungi, and algae the paper estimates their ability to convert drug ingredients to compound that is eventually less toxic. Although these biologic systems contain an enormous potential for killing the unwanted pollutants, the variability in the complexity and endurance of the pharmaceutical substances overburden the degradation capabilities of these organisms thus necessitating improved biodegradation methods. Addressing the above-mentioned environmental factors, which include temperature, pH, and the occurrence of other contaminants, play a crucial role and have a direct impact that on the process of biodegradation, enhancing pollutants removal rate. To sum up, this paper enables the environmental science, microbiology and bioengineering enables creating progressively more functional and sustainable techniques of neutralizing these long-standing toxins; thus, protecting ecosystems, as well as human health.