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Effect of Carbamazepine drug on formation of decidual tissue in femal of Mus musculus
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Implantation of blastocyst is considered as a sensitive process in the life of growing embryo. Thus this critical period could be under threat from the harmful effect of many drugs ,among them is the carbamazepine which is used by many women for a treatment of epilepsy . The present experiment was designed to study the effect of this drug on the process of implantation ;especially during the days 7 and 9 of pregnancy. For those purpose 169 pregnant albino mice, of 25 gm weight for each one, were used .The mice were divided into control group given orally normal saline, and treated group given orally carbamazepine with concentration of 15 mg\kg. Samples from pregnant uteri containing the embryos were used. They were first fixed in Boun's solution and 5-8 um paraffin sections were cut to be stained with H and E and one step trichrome stains. The results from control group and treated group have demonstrated that there was no effect of the drug on the process of implantation and the formation of decidual tissue which accompanied the implantation. Both control group and treated groups were showing the same results. In addition to that the blood vessels were well developed at the site of implantation. All these results were signs of success of early period of pregnancy.

Publication Date
Mon Jun 22 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Histological and Biochemical Parameters Follow-up in Experimental rats Administrated dexamethasone and Treated with Green Synthesis Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Using (Camillia sciences) Extracts
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In this study, Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles were synthesized by an easy and eco-friendly technique (green synthesis) using green tea leaves (Camillia sinensis), Nanoparticles were analyzed using structural and optical analysis, the X-ray pattern showed that Titanium Dioxide NPs had a tetragonal structure with (Face Centered Tetragonal) FCT crystal structure, the UV-visible recorded an absorbance peak near 350 nm and calculated energy band gap was 3.5 eV, all measurements were proved the purity and Nano size of prepared Nanoparticles. Biochemical parameters evaluation also mentioned in this research, these analyzes showed that Titanium Dioxide nanoparticles in particular dose (50 mg/kg) have the ability to reduce blood glucose

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Controlled Release
Breast intraductal nanoformulations for treating ductal carcinoma in situ I: Exploring metal-ion complexation to slow ciclopirox release, enhance mammary persistence and efficacy
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Promethazine-HCl Determination Using Entrapped Persulphate in Water Crystals by Flow Injection / Stopped - Flow Technique and Ayah 3SX3-3D Solar Cell Micro Photometer
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A new mode of methodology was adopted in the assay of PM- HCL based on the use of water crystal gel bead made of poly acrylic acid in which the gel beads were left to absorbe persulphate solution that is necessary for the oxidation of PM- HCL in aqua media . The water crystal act as a reserviour for S2O82- . Optimum parameters were studied giving to specify the chemical and physical parameters. Two line manifold was used .The flow rates of 1.5 and 1.2 ml.min-1 was used , 3 gel beads , 120 μL sample volume , a linear dynamic range extend from 0.01- 18 mmol.L-1. A correlation coefficient (r) of 0.9991while the percentage linearity (r2%) of 99.82% with R.S.D% at 8 mmol.L-1 promethazine-HCl is less than 0.5% (ten replicates) and a detection

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Publication Date
Mon May 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Mechanical Rock Properties Estimation for Carbonate Reservoir Using Laboratory Measurement: A Case Study from Jeribe, Khasib and Mishrif Formations in Fauqi Oil Field
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Estimation of mechanical and physical rock properties is an essential issue in applications related to reservoir geomechanics. Carbonate rocks have complex depositional environments and digenetic processes which alter the rock mechanical properties to varying degrees even at a small distance. This study has been conducted on seventeen core plug samples that have been taken from different formations of carbonate reservoirs in the Fauqi oil field (Jeribe, Khasib, and Mishrif formations). While the rock mechanical and petrophysical properties have been measured in the laboratory including the unconfined compressive strength, Young's modulus, bulk density, porosity, compressional and shear -waves, well logs have been used to do a compar

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using remote sensing techniques and analytical hierarchy process to select rainwater harvesting optimum sites: a case study in Ali Al-Garbi city, Iraq
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     The assignment of suitable sites for water harvesting techniques is a promoted strategy to be introduced to the community, for handling the water scarcity and risk due to floods. In the eastern part of Missan, water is always hampered due to the limited availability during the drought, while floods frequently and intensely occur in the wet season. This study aimed to choose the potential and suitable sites for applied water harvesting system using remote sensing techniques and analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Ali Al-Garbi city is divided into three watersheds (site1, site2, and site3), which have been characterized by flash floods that produce high quantities of runoff. The six parameters: slope, lineament density, drainage den

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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The plastic structure in the lyrical introduction to pre-Islamic poetry " The hanging Tarfa bin Al-Abd as a model": زينب خليل حسين
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The research deals with the lyrical introduction in the commentary of Tarfa bin al-Abd as a formative system characterized by flexibility and richness of imagination, which achieved a formative treatment and a unique construction within the structures of the structural and semantic language. I dealt with the poetic verses represented by the lyrical introduction as a formative hypothesis, basing its goal on a methodological framework distributed on the problem that was summarized by the following question: Is it possible to look at the poetic pattern within the pre-Islamic poem / hanging blinking as a model, in its plastic dimensions and to identify the stylistic treatment that achieves the formation space within the poetic text. The rese

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Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Curr Res Microbiol Biotechnol
Human Cytomegalovirus Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and Immunoglobulin M (IgM) Seropositivity among Pregnant Women in Baghdad City and Their Relations to the Abortion Factors
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
SER Y ESTAR EN LA ENSEÑANZA Y EL APRENDIZAJE DEL ELE Verb (to be) in Learning and Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language
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El presente trabajo nace de una inquietud por la enseñanza del español en Irak a nivel universitario especialmente ante las dificultades que los alumnos árabes en general, e iraquíes en particular, encuentran en su proceso de aprendizaje. Nuestra primera inclinación fue, pues, prestar una atención directa  y cercana al alumno como sujeto del aprendizaje, así como a lo que el alumno produce como resultado del mismo. En el presente trabajo pretendemos dotar al estudiante de los conocimientos lingüísticos necesarios para poder interaccionar en una variedad de situaciones y enfrentarse a problemas cotidianos, de manera que desarrolle las destrezas comunicativas que le permitan establecer una co

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Frontiers In Physiology
Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) in Human Lung Microvascular Endothelial Cells Controls Oxidative Stress, Reactive Oxygen-Mediated Cell Signaling and Inflammatory Responses
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 29 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Humanities And Social Sciences Researches
Measuring and Analysis the Relationship between the Internal Public Debt and the Exchange Rate in the Iraqi Economy for The Period 2004 – 2022
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The scholastic view of public religion differed, and this difference was on two extremes. All economic schools agreed that public debt is a monetary liquidity that was unjustly deducted from the income and output cycle as a result of the imbalance in the economic balance and the departure from the conditions of balance between aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Debt is a waste of financial resources allocated to productive accumulation. Except for the Keynesian school, which considers public debt to be an addition to aggregate demand after the decline in the role of the private sector in investment as a result of pessimistic expectations that warn of signs of economic contraction. Public debt is linked to the ex

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