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Determining the Relationship between the Crescent Visibility Factors and the Coordinates of the Sun and Moon
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The study of the relationship between the coordinates of the sun and the moon with the crescent visibility factors has not been previously treated in a detailed and accurate way in  research and previous studies, despite its religious importance. Accordingly, this paper aims to study the relationship between the crescent visibility factors (age, lag time, elongation (ARCL), arc of vision or relative altitude (ARCV), relative azimuth (DAZ), and crescent width (W), with coordinates of the sun and the moon), and how it varies during the day of the crescent's observation. In this paper, Matlab programs were designed to calculate the ecliptic sun and moon coordinates (λ, β) and in the presence of all perturbation impacts (planets), then convert these coordinates to the equatorial (α, δ) and horizontal coordinates (A, a). The results were compared with other programs in this field and references such as the ephemeris, accurate times, and astronomical programs. The variation of the sun and moon coordinates (ecliptic, equatorial, and horizontal) was studied with time, and the relationship of those coordinates was explained with visibility crescent factors during the day of the crescent's observation. Finally, the relationship of those factors with each other was studied. The results indicated that there was a relationship between the sun and the moon coordinates with some factors of crescent visibility in critical and standard observations, where the critical observations of the moon (age, lag time, elongation) were increased when the sun and the moon coordinates approach from two equinox points (spring and autumn), while the other factors, such as the relative azimuth and relative altitude, were independent on the change of the coordinates through the year. Also, a relationship was found between the visibility factors with each other, this led to a direct relationship between increasing the elongation with the crescent width. The values of the relative altitude were also increased with the increase in the lag time. Lastly, there was a direct relationship between the increase in the relative azimuth and the relative altitude.  

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Crescent Moon Visibility: A New Criterion using Deep learned Artificial Neural-Network
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     Many authors investigated the problem of the early visibility of the new crescent moon after the conjunction and proposed many criteria addressing this issue in the literature. This article presented a proposed criterion for early crescent moon sighting based on a deep-learned pattern recognizer artificial neural network (ANN) performance. Moon sight datasets were collected from various sources and used to learn the ANN. The new criterion relied on the crescent width and the arc of vision from the edge of the crescent bright limb. The result of that criterion was a control value indicating the moon's visibility condition, which separated the datasets into four regions: invisible, telescope only, probably visible, and certai

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 13 2022
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A Pattern-Recognizer Artificial Neural Network for the Prediction of New Crescent Visibility in Iraq
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Various theories have been proposed since in last century to predict the first sighting of a new crescent moon. None of them uses the concept of machine and deep learning to process, interpret and simulate patterns hidden in databases. Many of these theories use interpolation and extrapolation techniques to identify sighting regions through such data. In this study, a pattern recognizer artificial neural network was trained to distinguish between visibility regions. Essential parameters of crescent moon sighting were collected from moon sight datasets and used to build an intelligent system of pattern recognition to predict the crescent sight conditions. The proposed ANN learned the datasets with an accuracy of more than 72% in comp

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Causal relationship between sugar prices, imported sun flower oil, crude oil prices and the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar
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The increasing of some traded Agricultural crops prices coincide with the increasing of crude oil prices in global market since the beginning of 21st century which indicate the possibility of short run and long run causality relation between the imported economic variables. The study aims to analysis the causality effects between some of Agricultural crops prices imported by Iraq and the prices of crude oil and Iraq dinar exchange rate   in global markets for period (2004:1 -2016:4) theory for developing the adequate price and economic police for Iraqi economic sector. The results show the existence of short- run and long- run between the eco

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Feminization and Masculinization of the Word Sun in the Holy Quran: A Semantic Study
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It is no secret for those concerned with language concerns that the issue of figurative feminization is one of the issues that does not follow a grammatical rule governed by the fact that the subject of knowledge of this is due to hearing as indicated by linguistic references and lexicons.This research opts to find out the origin of the feminization of the word sun in the Arabic language and in light of what some language specialists have argued that the origin of figurative feminization was due to non-linguistic motives related to religious and metaphysical beliefs, and that it was memory preserved in light of the linguistic heritage.The research concluded that the feminization of the sun goes back to what settled in their minds, which

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing
Analysis of the Relationship Between Traffic Accidents with Human and Physical Factors in Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Complex Relationship Between Darwinism, Geopolitics and Geographic Colonization Research the Relationship Between Geopolitics and Ethnography
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Research on geopolitical and geopolitical studies relates to a range of sciences that can be called auxiliary sciences, such as political science, international relations in particular, and history, but their focus is rarely on science and ethnography

That the issues and problems of the world today has become so large and complex that does not allow a specific field or knowledge to solve one of the need for the newly known knowledge integration (geopolitics and geopolitics) in particular to move towards cognitive integration to understand many of the problems and global issues that faced The importance of this study comes to clarify the relationship between Darwinism, geopolitics and geopolitics. The geopolitics in modern terms d

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the variation of synodic month for the moon through 2000-2100
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In this research study the synodic month for the moon and their
relationship with the mean anomaly for the moon orbit and date A.D
and for long periods of time (100 years), we was design a computer
program that calculates the period of synodic months, and the
coordinates of the moon at the moment of the new moon with high
accuracy. During the 100 year, there are 1236 period of synodic
We found that the when New Moon occurs near perigee (mean
anomaly = 0°), the length of the synodic month at a minimum.
Similarly, when New Moon occurs near apogee (mean anomaly =
180°), the length of the synodic month reaches a maximum. The
shortest synodic month on 2053 /1/ 16 and lasted (29.27436) days.
The lo

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 03 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the variation of synodic month for the moon through 2000-2100
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In this research study the synodic month for the moon and theirrelationship with the mean anomaly for the moon orbit and date A.Dand for long periods of time (100 years), we was design a computerprogram that calculates the period of synodic months, and thecoordinates of the moon at the moment of the new moon with highaccuracy. During the 100 year, there are 1236 period of synodicmonths.We found that the when New Moon occurs near perigee (meananomaly = 0°), the length of the synodic month at a minimum.Similarly, when New Moon occurs near apogee (mean anomaly =180°), the length of the synodic month reaches a maximum. Theshortest synodic month on 2053 /1/ 16 and lasted (29.27436) days.The longest synodic month began on 2008 /11/ 27 a

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The relationship between the family violence and variables
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the relationship between modernity and economic development Analysis of the relationship between modernity and economic development
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This research shows the problem of the economic development of underdeveloped countries in an unconventional way, as these papers explain the problems of the economic development. This research not only reviews the problems, but it illustrates them in a philosophical way, basis of the data of modernity, this mean it is a process of connecting between the absence of the modernity values and the failure of development in underdeveloped countries. The Search follows the descriptive approach to get to the goal of search by four main axes. The first axis includes clarifying  modernity and its principles, the second axis includes clarifying the economic development , the third axis includes the features of the mod

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