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Segmentation moon images using different segmentation methods and isolate the lunar craters
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Segmentation is the process of partition digital images into different parts depending on texture, color, or intensity, and can be used in different fields in order to segment and isolate the area to be partitioned. In this work images of the Moon obtained through observations in Astronomy and space dep. College of science university of Baghdad by ( Toward space telescopes and widespread used of a CCD camera) . Different segmentation methods were used to segment lunar craters. Different celestial objects cause craters when they crash into the surface of the Moon like asteroids and meteorites. Thousands of craters appears on the Moon's surface with ranges in size from meter to many kilometers, it provide insights into the age and geology of a Moon's surface. Therefore, it is important to study them and determine their characteristics. So, several segmentations methods were used in this study these are: K-Means, Single Feed Forward Neural Network (SFFNN), and hybrid segmentation methods. K-Means method applied with different number of clusters (k), that were used to segment Moon images and isolate lunar craters, where k=1,2,3, and 4 were used. But, all of them did not identify the boundary of craters, only K=3 gave useful results. SFFNN was also used in this work, it trained by a novel method, where weights have been replaced by masks, that create depending on the images features and targets. Thirteen lunar craters were used, ten of them utilized in training process and the last three images were used to test the performance of network. But also this method did not segment lunar images and identify the boundaries of lunar craters clearly. So, in attempt to overcome this problem, the new hybrid method was proposed, that combine the concepts of KMeans and SFFNN methods. The main advantages of the proposed hybrid method is that it does not require much data in the training process as it is known in other networks, where the K-Means cluster segmentation method gave a shortcut to correlating masks with images, which led to giving perfect results in a short time. Then, results show the proposed hybrid segmentation method was succeed to segment lunar crater and identify the craters boundaries clearly.

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Pretreated Fishbone as Low Cost-Adsorbent for Cationic Dye Adsorption from Aqueous Solutions: Equilibrium, Optimization, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Study
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Abstract<p>The present study investigated the use of pretreated fish bone (PTFB) as a new surface, natural waste and low-cost adsorbent for the adsorption of Methyl green (MG, as model toxic basic dye) from aqueous solutions. The functional groups and surface morphology of the untreated fish bone (FB) and pretreated fish bone were characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), respectively. The effect of operating parameters including contact time, pH, adsorbent dose, temperature, and inorganic salt was evaluated. Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin adsorption isotherm models were studied and the results showe</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Influence of Distance and Argon Flow rate on Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteria Exposed to Non thermal Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure
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     In this research, a type of gram negative bacteria was exposed to non-thermal plasma at a distance of (2 and 3 cm) from the plasma flow nozzle, with the use of an alternating power supply (5KHz), where exposure was made at two different voltages (4.9 and 8 kV). A negative gram of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria was isolated and exposed to non-thermal plasma at different flow rates of argon gas whose value ranged from (1-5) liters/minute. The results showed that bacterial killing rate is directly proportional to distance while exposing the samples to non-thermal plasma, and the best factors by which a complete killing rate was obtained were at a distance of 2 cm with a voltage of 8 kV and a gas flow rate of 5 liters/min,

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences
Experimental Investigation of Bearing Capacity of Screw Piles and Excess Porewater Pressure in Soft Clay under Static Axial Loading
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In this study, the behavior of screw piles models with continuous helix was studied by conducting laboratory experimental tests on a single screw pile that has several aspect ratios (L/D) under the influence of static axial compression loads. The screw piles were inserted in a soft soil that has a unit weight of 18.72 kN/m3 and moisture content of 30.19%. Also, the soil has a liquid limit of 55% and a plasticity index of 32%. A physical laboratory model was designed to investigate the ultimate compression capacity of the screw pile and measure the generated porewater pressure during the loading process. The bedding soil was prepared according to the field unit weight and moisture content and the failure load was assumed correspondin

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Energy Storage
A hybrid solidification enhancement in a latent-heat storage system with nanoparticles, porous foam, and fin-aided foam strips
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Energy Procedia
Preparation and Physical Properties of Doped CdBa 2-x Sr x Ca 2 Cu 3 O 8+δ Compound
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Water Process Engineering
Removal kinetics of organic carbon from palm oil mill effluent by native duckweeds and its potential as a biofertilizer
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Knowledge, attitude and practice of Iraqi mothers towards Vitamin D supplementation to their infants in Baghdad Al -Rusafa 2016
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Background: Routine supplementation of vitamin D to infants is justifiable since vitamin D deficiency, and its consequences are highly prevalent not only in developing countries but worldwide. Maintaining a normal level of vitamin D is crucial in order to have a normal skeletal, as well as, extra-skeletal health. Knowledge of mothers regarding importance of vitamin D supplementation affect the health of their babies in a positive manner if accompanied by appropriate practice.

Objective: To determine the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of Iraqi mothers of under or equal 12 months old infants in Baghdad, AL-Rusafa, regarding vitamin D supplementation for their infants.


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Publication Date
Fri Nov 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
CDD Study of Charge Density Distributions and Elastic Electron Scattering Cross Sections for some Stable Nuclei: Charge Density Distributions
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact of Azadirachta indica Fruit Mucilage on particle size and swelling index in Central Composite Designed Acyclovir mucoadhesive microspheres
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The drive of this exploration is to investigate the mucoadhesive assets of A. indica (Azadirachta indica) fruit mucilage by incorporating it into mucoadhesive microspheres with Acyclovir (AVR) as a model drug. The study was performed to check the impact of the mucilage proportion on particle size and swelling index. Nine batches of AVR mucoadhesive microspheres were made with varying proportions of Polyacrylic acid 934P and A. indica fruit mucilage (AIFM). A central composite design with design expert software to check the impact of dependent variables (A. indica mucilage and Polyacrylic acid 934 P levels) on particle size and swelling index as a response. As part of congeniality studies, the batches w

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Open Access Macedonian Journal Of Medical Sciences
Current Sites of Infections and Types of Microorganisms in Patient with Febrile Neutropenia in Hematological Wards – Single Center Study
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BACKGROUND: Febrile neutropenia occurs in more than 80% of patients with hematological malignances specially after chemotherapy cycles and an infectious source is identified in approximately 20–30%. Various bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogen contribute to the development of neutropenic fever and without prompt antibiotic therapy mortality rate can be as high as 70%. AIM: The objective of the study was to document the current sites of infection in patients with febrile neutropenia in hematological ward in Baghdad Teaching Hospital, the microorganisms and antibiotic susceptibly in culture positive cases and mortality rate in 1 week and 4 weeks after episode of fever. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One hundred cases of febrile neutrop

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