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Epidemiological and prognostic single center study of anal carcinoma
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Abstract<p> Background Anorectal carcinoma includes the anal margin, the anal canal, and the lower rectum. The incidences of anal tumors represent 1.4 % of all gastrointestinal tumors.</p><p> Patients and methods Our study is retrospective and was conducted at Baghdad Medical City. Patient’s data were collected from the medical records through a predesigned sheet that included the following information: demographic data, medical history, past-history, presenting symptoms, pathological data, and treatment details.</p><p> Results The median age was 49 years. As regard tumor extension, 85.71 % of patients had anal disease, while anorectal cancer was encountered in 14.28 % of cases only. Male to female ratio was 1:3. Most of cases were SCC 78.57 %. Only 11 patients (39.28 %) were diagnosed as Stage I, whereas 12 patients (42.85 %) had Stage II-III disease. Moderate differentiated tumors are the most common. The tumor mass located between 5–10cm das a distance from anal verge in 12 (42.85 %) of patients. We found 6 (21.42 %) patients with positive virology tests with no specificity detected. APR was the mainstay for treatment of stage I disease. Neoadjuvant treatment followed by TME resection was the treatment found in locally advanced tumors. The mean Overall Survival (OS) for patients received neoadjuvant CRT in the study was 43.5 months, while, the mean OS was 45.73 months in the adjuvant setting. Univariate analysis for OS according to prognostic factors revealed that sites of cancer, grades and histopathology were significant independent prognostic factors for OS in this study. The anal canal tumor was associated with shorter OS (33.25) months in comparison to the anorectal cancer (OS = 47.22 months). Based on tumor grade, well and moderate differentiation have better OS (60.21 months) while, poorly grade was associated with shorter OS (43.07 months). On the concern of SCC, it was associated with shorter OS (37 months) in comparison to higher survival in patients with adenocarcinoma (46.13 months).</p><p> Conclusion Anal canal cancer has poorer prognosis than anorectal. The early-stage has a better OS that needs more effort for early diagnosis and treatment.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying the genotype of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Interacting Protein (AIP) Gene (rs641081C>A) in ‎Iraqi Samples with Acromegaly Pituitary Adenoma
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Pituitary adenomas are the anterior pituitary tumors. Patients with an Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Interacting Protein (AIP) mutation (AIP- mut) tend to have more aggressive tumors occurring at a younger age. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in many studies have been related to metabolic comorbidities in the general population. Study aims investigated the role of AIP gene SNPs with susceptibility to acromegaly pituitary- adenoma, with levels of LH, FSH, TSH, Testosterone, IGF1,GH, FT4 , Prolactin hormones and blood sugar levels.  The study ‎was conducted on a group of acromegaly patients, including 50 patients) both Genders( with ‎hyperplasia of the ends, and apparently healthy control group. Genotyping of

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Total Suspended Solids on the Electricity Generation in Microbial Fuel Cell Treating Actual Potato Chips Processing Wastewater
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This study aimed to investigate the effect of total suspended solids (TSS) on the performance of a continuously operated dual-chamber microbial fuel cell (MFC) proceeded by primary clarifier to treat actual potato chips processing wastewater. The system was also tested in the absence of the primary clarifier and the results demonstrated a significant effect of TSS on the polarization curve of the MFC which was obtained by operating the graphite anodic electrode against Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The maximum observed power and current densities were decreased form 102.42 mW/m2 and 447.26 mA/m2 to 80.16 mW/m2 and 299.10 mA/m2, respectively due to the adverse effect of TSS. Also

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Numerical Solutions for the Nonlinear PDEs of Fractional Order by Using a New Double Integral Transform with Variational Iteration Method
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This paper considers a new Double Integral transform called Double Sumudu-Elzaki transform DSET. The combining of the DSET with a semi-analytical method, namely the variational iteration method DSETVIM, to arrive numerical solution of nonlinear PDEs of Fractional Order derivatives. The proposed dual method property decreases the number of calculations required, so combining these two methods leads to calculating the solution's speed. The suggested technique is tested on four problems. The results demonstrated that solving these types of equations using the DSETVIM was more advantageous and efficient

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 06 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Impact of Osteocalcin Level on Vascular Calcification in Type 2 Diabetics in Relation to Fibroblast Growth Factor-23(FGF-23)
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The present study aimed to assess the potential impact of serum concentration of undercarboxylated osteocalcin (the active form of osteocalcin) and fibroblast growth factor-23 on the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in type 2 diabetics with carotid artery calcification and the possible association with metabolic changes in relation to glucose and minerals homeostasis.

This study included 52 men with carotid artery calcification type 2 diabetes mellitus. These patients were categorized; as follows: group A includes 30 patients who had cardiovascular disease and group B includes 22 patients who had no cardiovascular disease. These groups were compared with 25 apparently healthy control (Group C). 

It has been shown

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Skills of Intended Meaning behind the Context when Reading Poetry among Fifth Grade Students- Literary Branch from Teachers’ Perspectives
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        The current research aims to investigate the skills of the intended meaning beyond the context when reading poetry among fifth literary students. To achieve the aim of the research, the researcher has followed the descriptive approach and used two tools: an open questionnaire that includes an inquiry about the skills of the intended meaning beyond the poetic context, and a closed questionnaire that were examined by the juries, and modified accordingly. Besides, its validity and stability were examined by applying the study on an exploratory sample of (15) teachers to reach its final version and determine the time required to answer it. Then, the researcher applied it on the research sample of (9

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation for the Effect of Heat Stable Enterotoxin (a) Produced by Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli on Different Cancer Cells In Vitro
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This study was conducted for evaluating the cytotoxic effect of heat stable enterotoxin a (STa) produced by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli on the proliferation of primary cancer cell cultures, obtained from tumor samples that were collected from (13) cancer patients and as follows: (five colon cancer patients, two bladder cancer patients, two breast cancer patients, two stomach cancer patients and two lung cancer patients), and on normal cell line (rat embryonic fibroblast / REF) (in vitro) with the use of different concentrations starting from (1) mg/ml and ending with (0.0002) mg/ml by making two fold serial dilutions by using the 96- well microtiter plate, and in comparison with negative (PBS) and positive (MMC, at concentration

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Investigation on the Emission Characteristics of a Dual – Fuel Micro Gas Turbine by Injecting Ethanol into Compressor Inlet Air
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Pollutants generation is strongly dependant on the firing temperature and reaction rates of the gaseous reactants in the gas turbine combustion chamber. An experimental study is conducted on a two-shaft T200D micro-gas turbine engine in order to evaluate the impact of injecting ethanol directly into the compressor inlet air on the exhaust emissions. The study is carried out in constant speed and constant load engine tests. Generally, the results showed that when ethanol was added in a concentration of 20% by volume of fuel flow; NOx emission was reduced by the half, while CO and UHC emissions were almost doubled with respect to their levels when burning conventional LPG fuel alone.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of the reciprocal reading strategy in developing innovative reading skills for fifth-year secondary school students / scientific branch
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       This research aims to identify the impact of the reciprocal reading strategy on developing the innovative reading skills of fifth-grade secondary school students/ scientific branch. To achieve the goal of the research, an achievement test to measure the academic achievement of fifth-grade secondary school students in  Arabic language grammar was prepared,  a sample of (60) female students from the secondary school of Al- Bawaba Al-Sharkey for Girls in Baghdad were chosen for the academic year (2019-2020). For the purpose of applying the experiment, the test was applied on a pilot sample consisting of (30) students from the same research community. The researcher herself had taught the three

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Laser Irradiation Effect on The Optical Properties of CoO<sub>2</sub>Thin Films deposited via Semi-Computerized Spraying System
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Abstract<p>In this paper deals with the effect laser irradiation on the optical properties of cobalt oxide (CoO<sub>2</sub>) thin films and that was prepared using semi computerized spray pyrolysis technique. The films deposited on glass substrate using such as an ideal value concentration of (0.02)M with a total volume of 100 ml. With substrate temperature was (350 C), spray rate (15 ml/min).The XRD diffraction given polycrystalline nature with Crystal system trigonal (hexagonal axes). The obtained films were irradiated by continuous green laser (532.8 nm) with power 140 mW for different time periods is 10 min,20min and 30min. The result was that the optical properties of cobalt oxide thin films affe</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Assessment the Modulation effect of using Green synthesis ZnO NPs against Multidrug Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from respiratory tract infection
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Klebsiella pneumoniae is one of common hospital-acquired bacteria causing nosocomial pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and intra-abdominal infections. The aim of this study is investigating the Modulation effect of Zinc Oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) against multidrug resistant K. pneumonia which was isolated from Respiratory Tract Infections (RTIs). The results of isolation and characterization of bacterial specimens showed that 20.81% of RTIs were Klebsiella pneumoniae. The strongest isolate showed resistant for most usable antibiotics selected. Simultaneously, ZnO NPs were produced by an aqueous extract of Green Tea leaves as a reducing and stabilizer agent. The Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) spectrum was indicated a successful produc

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