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Immunohistochemical evaluation of epidermal growth factor expression in skin wound treated by capparis spinosa flavonoid extract in alloxan induced diabetes rats
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In diabetes, impaired wound healing and other tissue abnormalities are considered major concerns. Many factorsaffect the time and quality of wound healing. One of the purposes of medical sciences is wound healing in a short time withreduced side effects. The herbal products are more precious in both prophylaxis as well as curative in delayed diabetic woundhealing activity when compared to synthetic drugs.A wide range of evidence has shown that capers plant possesses differentbiological effects, including antioxidant, anticancer and antibacterial effects. Phytochemical analysis shows thatC. spinosahashigh quantities of bioactive constituents, including polyphenolic compounds, which are responsible for its health-promotingeffects. The healing response emerges subsequently to cells exposure to alarm signals once the skin barrier is disrupted. Thisresponse is ultimately commanded by growth factors (GFs), which act as soluble messengers, establishing a communicationnetwork among the different cells populations and with the extracellular matrix. EGF is produced by platelets, macrophages andfibroblasts and has a paracrine impact on keratinocytes. The expression of EGF at the wound site is highest during activeepithelialization and wound contraction and stimulates the development of granulation tissue.Assessment of immunohistochemicallocalization of EGFin skin wound treated byCapparis spinosa flavonoid extract in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.A total of 30healthy maleWistar rats weighing approximately 250-300 gm were used in this study. A surgical incisional wound with fullskin thickness of 1.5 cm length were done on facial skin of each rat, they were randomly divided into following groups: GroupA: (10 healthy rats) received daily local application of the plant extract. Group B: (10 alloxan-induced diabetic rats) receiveddaily local application of extract of the plant material. Group C: (10 alloxan –induced diabetic rats) where normal saline wasapplied locally instead of plant extract. Scarification of all animals was done for the healing periods (3 and 7 days), andspecimens were prepared for immunohistochemical analysis. The results revealed highest percentage of EGF stromal andepidermal expression noticed in groupA, and in group B respectively at day 7 withhighly significant differene between stromaand epiderms in groups B and C. Results obtained in this study showed that flavonoid rich extract ofCapparis spinosaenhanceswound healing process in diabetic rats (1) (PDF) IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR EXPRESSION IN SKIN WOUND TREATED BY CAPPARIS SPINOSA FLAVONOID EXTRACT IN ALLOXAN INDUCED DIABETES RATS. Available from: [accessed May 16 2023].

Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation of PVC composite using reinforced Iraqi Bentoniet clay as a filler & study their mechanical and thermal properties
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In this study , Iraqi Bentonite clay was used as a filler for polyvinyl chloride polymer. Bentonite clay was prepared as a powder for some certain particle size ,followed by calcinations process at (300,700,900) OC ,then milled and sieved. The selected sizes were D ~75 µm and D ~150. After that polyvinyl Al-Cohool solution prepared and used as a coated layer covered the Bentonite powder before applied as a filler ,followed by drying , milling and sieving for limited recommend sizes. polyvinyl chloride solutions were prepared and adding of modified Bentonite power at certain quantities were followed .Sheet of these variables on the mechanical and thermal properties of the prepared reinforced particular polyvinyl chloride composite

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation of Short Square Normal and Hybrid Fiber Reactive Powder Concrete Columns Subjected to Chloride Solution Attack
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In this research, the structural behavior of reinforced concrete columns made of normal and hybrid reactive powder concrete (hybrid by steel and polypropylene fibers) subjected to chloride salts with concentration was 8341.6 mg/l. The study consists of two parts, the first one is experimental study and the second one is theoretical analysis.  Three main variables were adopted in the experimental program; concrete type, curing type and loading arrangement. Twenty (120x120x1200) mm columns were cast and tested depending on these variables. The samples were reinforced using two different bars; Ø8 for ties and Ø12 with minimum longitudinal reinforcement (0.01Ag). The specimens were divided into two main groups based o

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Das Drama ( Minna von Barnhelm) von Lessing Eine analytische Studie Vorgelegt von The play of Minna von Barnhelm
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Zusammenfassung: Das Drama " Minna von Barnhelm von Lessing ist ein weltbekannts Drama, das in verschiedene Sprachen übersetzt wurde. Es beschreibt die Schwierigkeiten eines Offiziers, der bestraft wurde. Er verlor seinen Job und auch seine Ehre. Minna ist seine Verlobte, die ihn suchte und auch neben ihm stehen wollte. Trotzdem sie ihm in einem Hotel zufällig begegnete, hatten die beide immer noch Probleme. Am Ende des Dramas könnten sie alle ihrer Probleme lösen und hatten schönes Ende.


Mina von Barnhelm is a German play written by the author ( Lessing ) , it's a well-known comedy play that was translated into many languages including Arabic language .
This play is about a

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Orange Peel (Citrus sinensis) (L) extrcts and powder on confused flour beetle Tribolum confusum (Coleoptera: Teneberionidae)
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This study was carried out to determine the effect of extras of orange peel of (Citrus sinensis) in concentrations (1,5, 10) % as well as stomachic effect for the powder of the plant with doses of 5,10 , 15/gm on the biological activities of the adults of Tribolim confusum . The effect of powder from the adults has been evaluated using different concentrations of the orange peel. The results showed that the powder have significant effect on the mortality rates of adults. and caused reduction in number of adults after 3 days with 5,10,15/gm killed (30,40, 43.3)% respectively. The use of different doses of Citrus sinensis peels powder not impact significantly after just one day. The extract of essential oil also caused growth inhibition in

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Compound Sentences modification, functions and characteristics from an educational point of view: Umformungen- Funktion- Merkmale unter didaktischen Perspektiven
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This research deals with compound sentences in the German language and how to transform them and transfer them into a main sentence, touching on their functions and characteristics. Actual to nominative, which is a unique feature of the German language, with some diverse examples taken from various sources.
This case is distinguished, like other grammatical cases
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
A Study on the Stability of Different Frusemide Liquid Dosage Formulas: Oral Solution, Syrup, Elixir, Suspension and Emulsion
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The present study aim at preparing frusemide in liquid form suitable for oral use. This is achieved through preparing different liquid forms of frusemide. The frusemide liquid is prepared in the following forms: oral solution, syrup and elixir with intensity of 1, 0.4 and 0.8% weight /volume respectively and in combination with potassium carbonate, polysorbate 80, alcohol and phosphate buffer solution of pH8 to dissolve the frusemide in the above mentioned forms. The different forms of the prepared medicine have been stored in glass bottles that can provide protection against light and at 40, 50, 600C for four months. Besides the pH has been checked to decide the period of validity. The results show that the expiration date of

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Martin Crimp’s Piece “Advice to Iraqi Women”: عفراء عبد الحسين ناصر , سراب خليل
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Language is a vehicle for social values and ideologies that a man intends or attempts to express. Dramatic texts are one of the discursive practices that embody values and ideologies. What is expressed in dramatic text is deliberate because it is meant to affect other’s values, trends and ideologies in one way or another. Such ideologies and values are not explicit. To bring them out requires putting language under scrutiny to unveil what is implied. The present study attempts to analyze a dramatic script entitled Advice to Iraqi Women by the British playwright Martin Crimp in an attempt to unveil the intended political ideologies underlying the text. The title reflects a political aspect embedded in the word “Iraqi” that

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Efficiency of Poly Nicotine Amide as Anticorrosion Coating on Stainless Steel and Study Its Biological Activity
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Using an electrochemical polymerization technique at room temperature, poly nicotine amide (PNA) was produced from the monomer nicotine amide (NA) in aqueous solution. The structure of polymer layer generated on the stainless steel surface (316 L) (working electrode) is investigated by Fourier Transmission Infrared Region (FT-IR). The anti-corrosion activity of polymer coating on the stainless steel (SS 316 L) is investigated by electrochemical polarization in 0.20M solution of HCl at 293-323K. The graphene -modified polymer film-coated SS had greater protection efficiency (PE percent) when compared to Nano ZnO -modified polymer film-coated SS. For the corrosion process of SS 316 L, kinetic and thermo-dynamic parameters of activation are

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Mar 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Solvent -Free One -Pot Multicomponent, Synthesis, Characterization and Anti-bacterial activity, of some 2substituted-3-cyano-Pyridine Derivatives
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           Solvent- free thermal heating, one-pot condensation of acetophenone, ethyl cyanoacetate or malononitrle and substituted Aromatic aldehyde, ammonium acetate give, 2oxo-3-cyano-4-substituted Aryl-6-phenyl pyridine [I]a-h , or  2-amino-3-cyano-4-substituted Aryl-6-phenyl pyridine derivatives[II]a-f , respectively.              Treatment of compounds 2-oxo-3-cyano-4-substituted Aryl-6-phenyl pyridine with phosphorous penta sulphide (P2S5), give 2-thioxo-3-cyano-4-substituted Aryl-6-phenyl pyridine derivatives[III]a-c .             All prepared compounds

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Grain and Calcinations Kaolin Additives on Some Mechanical and Physical properties on Low Density Polyethylene Composites
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In this work, a composite material was prepared from Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) with different weight percent of grain and calcinations kaolin at temperature of (850oC) using single screw extruder and a mixing machine operated at a temperature between (190-200oC). Some of mechanical and physical properties such as tensile strength, tensile strength at break, Young modulus, and elongation at break, shore hardness and water absorption were determined at different weight fraction of filler (0, 2, 7, 10 and 15%). It was found that the addition of filler increases the modulus of elasticity, elongation at break, shore hardness and impact strength; on other hand, it decreases the tensile strength and tensile strength

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