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Estimation of the Effect of the Government Expenditure Growth Rate on the Rate of Inflation in the Iraqi Economy for the Period (1991- 2015)
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Government expenditure represents one of the controlling financial policies in the economic affairs and management of the economic cycle in order to achieve price stability, raise the rate of output growth and decrease the level of unemployment. The price stability represents one of the macroeconomic goals that all countries seek without exception, regardless of the economic philosophy adopted by each country; in addition to this is raising the productive capacity and reaching the actual output to the level of the expected output, that is, the level of output related to the natural unemployment rate or what is sometimes called the Non-inflationary unemployment rate. The restriction of government expenditure (G=T+∆B/iP+∆M/P) is one of the main indications of the transformation in government expenditure from an independent variable to a dependent variable of a set of basic variables in the national economy. The general nature of government expenditure in the Iraqi economy during the research period 1991- 2015, is consumer spending during two different periods in the economic direction of the Iraq state; it represented the first period 1991-2003, while the second period represented was 2004-2015, which deepened this consumption trend. The problem of inflation in the Iraqi economy is one of the most serious problems facing developed countries; so how is the situation in a developing country like Iraq?

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Ethics-Breaking Crimes: A Social Field Study in Baghdad City: حنين حسن عبد الله, و عدنان ياسين مصطفى
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Crime has become a phenomenon associated with human socialization.  Wherever human groups are found, a crime, which differs from one society to another, is found. It is one of the most dangerous social issues that undermines the solidarity of a given society. This is because it establishes a takeoff from community's norms, values, customs and traditions, and thus turns into a danger to the lives of people, groups and society that threatens its strength and security. The paper focuses on the crimes that violate the social law, like child rape, incest and electronic extortion, which are increasing in size, increasing as a result their repercussions on the human society. The study seeks several objectives, including: examining the natu

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
How geometric reverse engineering techniques can conserve our heritage; a case study in Iraq using 3D laser scanning
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Abstract<p>Laser scanning has become a popular technique for the acquisition of digital models in the field of cultural heritage conservation and restoration nowadays. Many archaeological sites were lost, damaged, or faded, rather than being passed on to future generations due to many natural or human risks. It is still a challenge to accurately produce the digital and physical model of the missing regions or parts of our cultural heritage objects and restore damaged artefacts. The typical manual restoration can become a tedious and error-prone process; also can cause secondary damage to the relics. Therefore, in this paper, the automatic digital application process of 3D laser modelling of arte</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 14 2024
Journal Name
The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal
PREX proteins level correlation with insulin resistance markers and lipid profile in obese and overweight non-diabetic patients
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Metabolic dysregulation and obesity are associated with many metabolic alterations, including impairment of insulin sensitivity and dyslipidemia. Recent studies highlight the key role of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate-dependent Rac exchange proteins (PREX proteins) in the pathogenesis of obesity, advocating further elucidation of their potential therapeutic implications. The present study aimed to estimate the serum level of PREX proteins and its potential association with insulin resistance markers and plasma lipids level in obese and overweight non-diabetic patients. The study included 30 persons classified as obese, 30 as overweight, and 30 healthy individuals of similar age and gender. The levels of PREX1 and PREX2 were

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 02 2023
Journal Name
Contemporary Trends And Issues In Science Education
Using Multi-faceted Rasch Models to Understand Middle School Students’ Argumentation Around Scenarios Grounded in Socio-scientific Issues
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 13 2019
Journal Name
J. Pharm. Sci. & Res.
Mandibular Degree II Furcation Defect Treatment With 1%Alendronate Gel Alone or In Combination with Platelet- Rich Fibrin
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Medical Research & Health Sciences
FLI1 Expression in Breast Cancer Cell Lines and Primary Breast Carcinomas is Correlated with ER, PR and HER2
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FLI1 is a member of ETS family of transcription factors that regulate a variety of normal biologic activities including cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. The expression of FLI1 and its correlation with well-known breast cancer prognostic markers (ER, PR and HER2) was determined in primary breast tumors as well as four breast cancer lines including: MCF-7, T47D, MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 using RT-qPCR with either 18S rRNA or ACTB (β-actin) for normalization of data. FLI1 mRNA level was decreased in the breast cancer cell lines under study compared to the normal breast tissue; however, Jurkat cells, which were used as a positive control, showed overexpression compared to the normal breast. Regarding primary breast carcinoma

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Serum And Bone Marrow Prostatic Spe iafic Antigen And Pliostatic Acid PbQs:pbatase Levels In Patient's With Prostatic Caueer
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Serum and hone marrow levels 0f ptostatic specific antigen a!ld prostatic

acid   phosphatase were-   analyzed   n .d q !antUI·ed  by    Glottble     antibody

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jndependently of the ta:st;s (p< .QO: O 1 ).. Np p·ath;nt ·willprqsta,ticancer

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Natural Convection in Annulus Between Two Concentric Cylinders Partially Filled with Metal Foam Distributed with New Suggested Design
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Abstract<p>The investigation of natural convection in an annular space between two concentric cylinders partially filled with metal foam is introduced numerically. The metal foam is inserted with a new suggested design that includes the distribution of metal foam in the annular space, not only in the redial direction, but also with the angular direction. Temperatures of inner and outer cylinders are maintained at constant value in which inner cylinder temperature is higher than the outer one. Naiver Stokes equation with Boussinesq approximation is used for fluid regime while Brinkman-Forchheimer Darcy model used for metal foam. In addition, the local thermal equilibrium condition in the energy e</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Blood donors appointment booking and managing system using PC and mobile web browsers in current pandemic (COVID-19)
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<span>Blood donation is the main source of blood resources in the blood banks which is required in the hospitals for everyday operations and blood compensation for the patients. In special cases, the patients require fresh blood for compensation such as in the case of major operations and similar situations. Moreover, plasma transfusions are vital in the current pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). In this paper, we have proposed a donation system that manages the appointments between the donors and the patient in the case of fresh blood donation is required. The website is designed using the Bootstrap technology to provide suitable access using the PC or the smart phones web browser. The website contains large database

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Aro-the Scientific Journal Of Koya University
Enhancing Upper Limb Prosthetic Control in Amputees Using Non-invasive EEG and EMG Signals with Machine Learning Techniques
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Amputation of the upper limb significantly hinders the ability of patients to perform activities of daily living. To address this challenge, this paper introduces a novel approach that combines non-invasive methods, specifically Electroencephalography (EEG) and Electromyography (EMG) signals, with advanced machine learning techniques to recognize upper limb movements. The objective is to improve the control and functionality of prosthetic upper limbs through effective pattern recognition. The proposed methodology involves the fusion of EMG and EEG signals, which are processed using time-frequency domain feature extraction techniques. This enables the classification of seven distinct hand and wrist movements. The experiments conducte

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