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المشروع المشترك
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المشروع المشترك صورة من صور التعاون التي ألفها التعامل التجاري الدولي، الذي يرتبط بموجبهِ الأطراف لتحقيق غرض مشترك بينهم يتمثل بما يقوم بهِ المشروع من نشاط موحد، وتقوم فكرة هذا المشروع على أساس المشاركة المباشرة، التي يشترك بها عدد من الأطراف بقصد تنفيذ نشاط اقتصادي يعود بالنفع على الشركاء، ويأخذ المشروع المشترك أحد الصيغتين: الأولى المشروع المشترك التعاقدي: الذي هو عبارة عن عقد يُبرم بين طرفين أو أكثر لتنفيذ مشروع محدد، خلال مدة محددة، وليس له استقلال مالي أو إداري عن إرادة أطرافهِ، أما الصيغة الثانية فهي المشروع المشترك التنظيمي: هو ذلك النوع من المشاريع الذي يأخذ شكل شركة تتمتع باستقلال مالي وأداري ويتمتع بصفة الاستمرار. وبالنظر لافتقار التشريعات الوطنية للدول لتشريع خاص يُنظم هذا الموضوع، ولمعرفة القواعد القانونية التي تحكمه، فضلاً عن افتقار المكتبات القانونية في العراق لدراسة متخصصة فيهِ على الرغم من أن العراق لم يكن بعيد عن تطبيق مثل هكذا نوع من المشاريع، لذا آثرنا البحث في هذا الموضوع الموسوم "بالمشروع المشترك"

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Terrorist Project in Terms of the Agreement
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Terrorist crime is considered a serious act that outweighs all other crimes in terms of impact and result, because it has a wide range on societies, and it also contains a great thing of danger represented in its purpose, and here describing terrorism as a crime is a description that does not give the full right to this behavior or that it It abbreviates it and does not show its actual reality, given that terrorism contains several different crimes and the roles of its contributors, and these roles are necessary to reach the result or the end. In which each episode is complementary to the other, it is not a single act, but rather several joint and complex actions that in turn all lead to the result, and the agreement in the terrorist pro

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 26 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التباين بين مفهوم المشروع الإسلامي الحضاري والمشروع العولمي الغربي
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The Islamic civilizational project has become anurgent necessity when Muslims and Arabs faced in recent years, with serious of challenges and the dangers that surrounded them; Globalization is one of these challenges.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Select the optimal project by using two methods of analytic hierarchy and goal programming
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      The aim of this research is to solve a real problem in the Department of Economy and Investment in the Martyrs establishment, which is the selection of the optimal project through specific criteria by experts in the same department using a combined mathematical model for the two methods of analytic hierarchy process and goal programming, where a mathematical model for goal programming was built that takes into consideration the priorities of the goal criteria by the decision-maker to reach the best solution that meets all the objectives, whose importance was determined by the hierarchical analysis process. The most important result of this research is the selection of the second pro

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Time-Cost Trade-off to Manage A Project in a Fuzzy Environment
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In this research, the problem of ambiguity of the data for the project of establishing the typical reform complex in Basrah Governorate was eliminated. The blurry of the data represented by the time and cost of the activities was eliminated by using the Ranking function and converting them into normal numbers. Scheduling and managing the Project in the Critical Pathway (CPM) method to find the project completion time in normal conditions in the presence of non-traditional relationships between the activities and the existence of the lead and lag periods. The MS Project was used to find the critical path. The results showed that the project completion time (1309.5) dinars and the total cost has reached (33113017769) dinars and the

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
د.زينب ميثم علي
نقد البلاغة - دراسة في المشروع البلاغي للدكتور محمد العمري
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بينت النظريات والمناهج النقدية الحديثة بعد تفعيلها لوسائل قراءة النص وتحليل عناصره وبيان وسائل تماسكه وروابطه فضلا عن تمثيله لمضامين مركزية ودلالات فرعية ان النصوص التراثية بوصفها نصوصا كاملة لسمات النص المؤثر قابلة للحضور في مجال المعرفة وفق تصور حديث يختلف عن تصور منتجهامنهجيا كما اتضح مدى عمق هذه النظريات والاسس التي ارساها بلاغيو العرب التي كانت ولاتزال محط انظار كبار النقاد وباحثي البلاغة.

Publication Date
Tue Dec 27 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Verbal joint in the Holy Quran A descriptive analytical study
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The research paper talks about one of the topics that deals with one of the high-style styles in the Holy Qur’an that carries with it a high and influential style in directing the Qur’anic context, as the verses are singled out with certain words, each of which came out to other meanings, which is what was called in the past “what the wording agreed and the meaning differed Or the so-called “faces and analogues” and the meaning of analogues in the language and the Qur’an; To mention a word in a place and it means a meaning other than the other, and to interpret each word with a meaning other than the other meant by the faces, and accordingly the goal of the research is in the linguistic significance, in order to reveal the tr

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 26 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
العوامل المؤثرة على اختيار موقع المشروع الصناعي وأثر ذلك على تلوث البيئة
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There is no doubt though all endemic industrial must be accompanied by environmental contamination problem that is closely linked increased industrial activity on the one hand and increase the size of the problem put this industrial waste on the other, and therefore the risk to natural resources and ecosystems as a result of the presence of development projects (especially industrial ones) so it was There must be a sound footing for the sitting of industrial zones and see how their commitment to the appropriate conditions to preserve the environment and enact strict laws to achieve this and prepared well prepared to avoid the numerous errors at the social, economic and technical, environmental and health.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Frustrations of sectarian coexistence and mechanisms to activate peaceful coexistence: Iraq as a model
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Abstract The study aimed at demonstrating the reality of sectarian coexistence in Iraq, which was characterized by the tolerance and coercion caused by the successive government policies to govern Iraq and to this day. The study was based on the hypothesis that coexistence between Islamic sects in Iraq can be achieved as long as there are strong bonds linking its components, and these bonds can produce coexistence between the sects based on peace. The study concluded that the hypothesis is correct, in addition to drawing a set of observations aimed at identifying weaknesses for advancing them through the adoption of mechanisms that address these weaknesses to yield towards a genuine peaceful coexistence among Islamic sects in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Common Origin of Languages: A Comparative Study between the Holy Quran and the Heavenly Religions
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This research is a new reading of some of the words in the Holy Quran, which is very old. It is a human reading in which religions are intertwined by recognizing the relationship between man and his fellow man in the unity of existence and the unity of the source of religions and the unity of language. The importance of this research in comparing some of the Arabic words has been contained among books believed by followers that it is from the one God Sunday.

When words are spoken in one way in the form of one creature, from the beginning of creation to the present day, this indicates the single origin of the languages..

The research tools were books of heavenly religions, the Quran, dictionaries and interpretations.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Numerical Investigation, Error Analysis and Application of Joint Quadrature Scheme in Physical Sciences
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In this work, a joint quadrature for numerical solution of the double integral is presented. This method is based on combining two rules of the same precision level to form a higher level of precision. Numerical results of the present method with a lower level of precision are presented and compared with those performed by the existing high-precision Gauss-Legendre five-point rule in two variables, which has the same functional evaluation. The efficiency of the proposed method is justified with numerical examples. From an application point of view, the determination of the center of gravity is a special consideration for the present scheme. Convergence analysis is demonstrated to validate the current method.

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