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Limestone reserve calculation for engineering purposes for the Nfayil Formation (middle Miocene) in Bahr Al-Najaf Depression, Iraq
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Limestones have considerable commercial importance because they are used as building stones and are widely used for flooring and interior and exterior facings. On the other hand, the reserve calculation reveals the economic effectiveness of the investigation. This study aims to calculate the reserve of the middle Miocene limestone for engineering purposes. The limestone beds of the Nfayil Formation in Central Iraq have been studied over 15 outcrop sections. The Nfayil bed has an average thickness of about 1.64 m, while the overburden has an average of about 0.93 m. The average bulk density of limestone is 2.1 gm/cm3 . Kriging and triangulation method has been adopted and used in the calculation and assessment of reserve. The industrial layer was calculated based on the American classification, where the assessment is from the inferred reserve, which is according to the geological characteristics of the industrial layer, as well as the presence of a few wells obtained for the studied area (15 wells). The industrial bed's total reserve (tonnage) is 253,245,195 tons, which is acceptable for accuracy and reliability compared to the American system. These values are acceptable for the number of the studied wells

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.
Studying of different factors affected in production of amylase enzyme from a local isolate of B. Subtillis A4 bacteria
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The present study aims to detection optimal conditions of production of amylase enzyme from isolate of B. subtillis A4. Nine carbonic sources were represented by starch, maltose, fructose, sucrose, glucose, arabinose, xylose, sorbitol and mannitol) at concentration of 1% for each source. It was found that the best was represented by starch carbonic, which showed higher activity and qualitative activity of 7.647 Unit/ ml and 461.56 Unit/ mg. Ten nitrogen sources were selected, including yeast extract, peptone, trypton, gelatin, urea and meat extract as organic sources Ammonium sulphate, Sodium nitrate, Potassium nitrate and Ammonium chloride as inorganic sources. These sources were added at aconcentration of 0.5% to the production medium. Th

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Fabrication of Solid Random Gain Media in Visible Region From Rhodamine Dye Solutions Containing Highly-Pure Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles
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In this work, solid random gain media were fabricated from laser dye solutions containing nanoparticles as scattering centers. Two different rhodamine dyes (123 and 6G) were used to host the highly-pure titanium dioxide nanoparticles to form the random gain media. The spectroscopic characteristics (mainly fluorescence) of these media were determined and studied. These random gain media showed laser emission in the visible region of electromagnetic spectrum. Fluorescence characteristics can be controlled to few nanometers by adjusting the characteristics of the host and nanoparticles as well as the preparation conditions of the samples. Emission of narrow linewidth (3nm) and high intensity in the visible region (533-537nm) was obtained.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 16 2020
Journal Name
Int J Energy Res
Structural, electronic and optoelectronic properties of AB5C8 (A = Cu/Ag; B = In and C = S, Se and Te) compounds
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Ternary semiconductors AB5C8 (A = Cu/Ag, B = In and C = S, Se or Te) have been investigated. The CuIn5S8 and AgIn5S8 have been synthesize in cubic spinel structure with space group (Fd3m), whereas CuIn5Se8, AgIn5Se8, CuIn5Te8 and AgIn5Te8 have tetragonal structures with space group P-42m. The relaxed crystal geometry, electrical properties such as electronic band structure and optoelectronic properties are predicted by using full potential method in this work. For the determination of relaxed crystal geometry, the gradient approximation (PBE-GGA) is used. All the studied compounds are semiconductors based on their band structures in agreement with the experimental results, and their bulk moduli are in the range 35 to 69 GPa. Wide absorption

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Body Image and Its Relationship With Self–Confidence In Female College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences Students
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سها علي حسين, هويدة إسماعيل إبراهيم, Journal of Physical Education, 2017 - Cited by 1

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Study Impact of Some Factors on Daily Number of Hours Providing of Electricity in Baghdad City Using Path Analysis
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دُرِست العوامل المؤثرة في عدد ساعات تجهيز الكهرباء في مدينة بغداد، وتكونت عينة الدراسة من (365) مشاهدة يومية لعام 2018، وتمثلت بستة متغيرات استعملت في الدراسة. كان الهدف الرئيس هو دراسة العلاقة بين هذه المتغيرات، وتقدير تأثيرات المتغيرات التنبؤية في المتغير التابع (عدد ساعات تجهيز الكهرباء في مدينة بغداد). ولتحقيق ذلك استعملت نمذجة المعادلات الهيكلية/ تحليل المسار وبرنامج AMOS

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 26 2022
Journal Name
Sport Tk-revista Euroamericana De Ciencias Del Deporte
Effect of physical exertion training on bio-kinetic abilities in weightlifting among students of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
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The objective of this research was to study the effect of physical exertion training on bio-kinetic abilities in weightlifting among students of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. The present study had a pre-posttest experimental design in which participants were recruited in two groups: experimental group and control group. A total of 30 students of Physical Education and Sports Sciences constituted the sample of the study. The sample selection was done by a comprehensive inventory method. Participants were equally allocated into two groups with n=15 in each group. Participants of experimental group were made to perform special physical exercises with three training units per week during eight weeks. The statisti

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of Adiponectin, Irisin, Vitamin D Levels and Their Relation in Iraqi Patients with Non alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of chronic liver and defines by fat accumulation ≥5% in liver which can progresses to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). NAFLD related to obesity as well as non obese individuals. Adiponectin is a cytokine secreted from adipose tissue involved NAFLD pathogenesis and liked with obesity. Irisin is a myokine, has a convenient effect against metabolic diseases such as obesity, disylipemia diabetes type 2 and reversed liver steatosis and may be related with NAFLD.

 Vitamin D is one of the fat soluble vitamins and more precisely as a pro-hormone through its metabolite (1,25(OH)2 cholecalciferol) the major steroid hormone. After the skin exposure to the light, vitamin D un

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Iraqi Press and its Role in Shaping Electoral Awareness (Iraqi Parliamentary Elections on 30 April, 2014 as a Model)
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The parliamentary election is one of the features of democratic systems that give individuals the right to participate in government and political election-making. Typically, the process of parliamentary elections received wide attention from media, as well as attention from large segments of the public because they understand the vast importance to assume political positions and associated fates of people and their destinies. Its importance comes from the fact that it allows citizens the right to participate in managing the public affairs by granting their confidence and voices to the elected president or his representatives in the parliamentary.
Media task is to emerge democratic societies, in particular, in the mission of urging p

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 04 2022
Journal Name
Azerbaijan Medical Journal
Ultrasonic fetal Doppler and growth indices and their relation to immediate neonatal outcomes in different severities of maternal anemia
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Doppler assessment may lead to intervention that reduces the risk of fetal brain damage. Aim of thestudy: to assess the relation between ultrasonic hemodynamic Doppler indices of middle cerebral and umbilical arteries (PI, RI), growth indices to immediate neonatal outcomes (weight, head & abdominal circumference, APGAR scores at 1 and 5 minutes and neonatal unit admission) in women with mild, moderate and severe anemia during pregnancy. Present study is a clinical prospective study carried out in Al-Elwiya Maternity Teaching Hospital during (January-Jun) 2019, all anemic pregnant women presented to Obstetrical wards in hospitals for emergency cesarean section were the study population. The final sample selected was 120 pregnant women. Ultra

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Isolation and Identification of Fungal Propagation in Stored Maize and detection of aflatoxin B1 Using TLC and ELISA Technique
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Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is a mycotoxin produced mainly by fungi Aspergillus flavus in food and animals feed. It is considered as a carcinogenic toxin for human and animals. The current study is designed to investigate the incidence of mycoflora in twenty four samples of local stored maize collected from Iraqi governorates; investigate the presence of aflatoxin B1 on these samples using TLC and ELISA techniques. The fungi recovered from maize samples were Aspergillus flavus (18.57 % ), Fusarium spp. (12.8 % ), A. ocraceus (9.96 % ) , A. terrus (9.07 % ), A. fumigatus (8.46 % ) , Alternaria spp. (6.40 % ) Rhizopus spp. (4.98 % ), A. niger spp., A. oryzae spp. (4.80 % ), Penicillium spp. (4.53 %) A. versicolor spp., Rhizoctonia spp. (4.27 %), A

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