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Evaluation of serum levels of Proinflammatory Cytokines IL-8, IL-17, and IL-22 in Helicobacter pylori infection and their association with the degree of gastritis histopathology in a sample of Iraqi patients

Gastritis can be defined as histological inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It can be classified according to the time course of the disease as acute or chronic, histological findings, anatomic location, and pathological mechanisms. The objective of this study was to evaluation of serum levels of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-8, IL-17 and IL-22 in Helicobacter pylori infection and their association with the degree of gastritis histopathology in a sample of Iraqi patients. The case-control prospective study consists of 60 patients who attended the Gastrointestinal Tract Center at Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital during the period from December 2019 to April 2020. In addition, the control group included 60 apparently healthy individuals. Biopsies from the gastric antrum and/or body mucosa were used to assess the severity of chronic inflammation, neutrophil infiltration, atrophy, intestinal metaplasia. Serum samples were obtained to determine H. pylori infection, circulating interleukin (IL)-8, IL-17, and IL-22. Results showed that the Patients’ ages with gastritis ranged from 18-75 years. The body mass index revealed that 33.33% of the patients were obese and 35% of them were overweight. Most of the patients with active chronic gastritis and superficial chronic gastritis had positive titers for anti-H. pylori IgG antibody (167.89 ± 3.18 IU/ml) and (150.74± 1.45 IU/ml) respectively, which was significantly different from the control group (4.36 ± 0.29 IU/ml) (P=0.0001). Histopathological analysis showed that all subjects experienced chronic inflammation, while neutrophil infiltration was found 36.66% and there was significant association between serum levels of IL-8, IL-17, and IL-22 with a degree of chronic inflammation and neutrophils infiltration. In conclusion, the most common cause of gastritis was H. pylori with histopathological lesions, showing neutrophils infiltration and chronic gastric mucosal inflammation associated with increased levels of IL-8, IL-17, and IL-22 in serum.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 15 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الـغـطـاء الـنـباتـي الـطـبـيـعـي في شـرق الـرافـديـن ( أقـالـيـم روافـد دجـلة)

يكون النبات أحد عناصر النظام البيئي Ecosystem  مع المناخ والتربة والطبوغرافية والموقع وعناصر الحياة الأخرى، والنبات الطبيعي الموجود حالياً, بغض النظر عن مدى تدخل الأنسان, هو في حالة " توازن بيئي" Climax مع

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
بدایات الفكر الجمھوري في العراق 1908 - 1921 دراسة تاريخية

The main target of this research is to follow the stages of the emergence of
the idea of republican form of government from its very beginning , yet there
were many elements from different estates thinker , educated , few of heads of
clans . This first opportunity for the mobilization of politically-minded people
with fundamental activity like najei shokat . hussain al-rahal notable poet maruf
al-rasafi those who formed what so called the political elite who believed in
constitutional , democratic parliamentary republic , one of them was al-rahal who
called for a constitutional republic even before the emergence of the
constitutional movement in Iran and ottoman empire (1908).
The holy najaf become cultural cen

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاجراءات المنهج الأدبي في كتاب "أدب الكتاب" للصولي (ت335هـ)

It is summarized that Abu-Baker Al-Soly is one of Arabic Muslim scientists who had special style in literary writing specifically in sciences and knowledge that had depended on the encyclopedia culture gained from various fields of science , this means that he was an individual who had participated to characterize features of Islamic –Arabic history enhanced the rules of it , this matter would encourage us to know the method and style of writing in the field of intellectual life in which the writer depended on the procedures direction of scientists that he lived in the Abbasid era .

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دراسة دراسة في أعلام بغداد الأب أنستانس الكرملي أنموذجا

The study of the Baghdad personalities is an important issue because the owners of these personalities usually belong to the elite, which play a distinct role in the development of any society in all political, economic, social and cultural fields. These include the study of the personal personality of Father Anastas Marie Carmeli to highlight many aspects of personality And his clear fingerprints on the movement of society in the field of culture and thought

    That Karamli's efforts in the field of language, literature and history made him one of the most prominent pioneers of Renaissance late in the history of modern Iraq

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
مجلة كلية بغداد للعلوم الاقتصادية الجامعة
دور استراتيجية الانتاج الانظف في حماية البيئة وتخفيض التكاليف

ان حماية البيئة وتخفيض التكاليف من األهداف التي تسعى الوحدات االقتصادية الى تحقيقها لكي تتماشى مع التوجه العالمي لحماية الموارد الطبيعية وإنتاج منتجات صديقة للبيئة وفي الوقت نفسه التخلص من االلتزامات التي تتحملها الوحدات االقتصادية من تكاليف بيئية وغر امات مما يؤدي الى ارتفاع كلف االنتاج ، يهدف البحث الى دراسة المرتكزات المعرفية الستراتيجية اإلنتاج األنظف وتحديد التكاليف التي يمكن تخفيضها خالل مراحل اا

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 22 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاستاذة الدكتورة سمسل محمد العاني وأثرها في التراث العراقي

تزخر ذاكرة بغداد ب سماء العديد من الشخصيا ث في الناشطة والبارزة والتردي
لهذا الاثر البارز والمثير في ميدان الابداع و

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
دراسة تاريخية في تطور القطاع الجزائري بعد الاستقلال1962-197


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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
انحراف الشخصية بحث ميداني في قضاء المدائن لمدينة بغداد

This search modest deviation personal than to doubt that the event was not guilty by nature or offenders of evil in origin but is arictim of misfortune that makes him grow or live in the center of the corruption, even if he could be in the middle of the blessing of good and virtue and reform lived living righteousness and honor it was  a useful member for himself and his community and must state and family community take hands mnhrfaite in order to prevent and provide then

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Der dass-Satz und Infinitivsatz im Deutschen und Arabischen

Bekanntlich hat jede Sprache ihre eigenen charakteristischen Besonderheiten. Davon ausgehend gibt es auch gewisse Unterschiede zwischen dem Arabischen und dem Deutschen. Zu den wichtigsten Gebieten der deutschen Grammatik gehören die zusammengesetzten Sätze, vor allem Satzgefüge mit den über- und untergeordneten Sätzen. Dazu gehören auch die Äquivalente der Nebensätze, besonders die Infinitiv- und Partizipialkonstruktionen.

Die vorliegende Recherche hat eine der grammatischen Strukturen des Arabischen und des Deutschen nämlich die dass-Sätze und Infintivsätze mit zu und deren Wiedergabemöglichkeiten in den beiden Sprachen zum Inhalt, weil die Infinitivsätze mit zu den Deutschlernenden beson

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الكفايات التدريسية اللازمة لمدرسي التربية الإسلامية في المرحلة الإعدادية

مشكلة البحث :

إن القرآن الكريم هو النور المبين والذكر الحكيم يحتوي على الغاية الأسمى التي تهدف اليها الإنسانية ، فهو روح التربية الإسلامية وهو المنهج القديم الذي تستمد منه فلسفتنا التربوية واتجاهاتها ،                                        (الزوبعي ، 1974: 18)

إن الدين الإسلامي هو نظام الهي

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