The best proximity point is a generalization of a fixed point that is beneficial when the contraction map is not a self-map. On other hand, best approximation theorems offer an approximate solution to the fixed point equation . It is used to solve the problem in order to come up with a good approximation. This paper's main purpose is to introduce new types of proximal contraction for nonself mappings in fuzzy normed space and then proved the best proximity point theorem for these mappings. At first, the definition of fuzzy normed space is given. Then the notions of the best proximity point and - proximal admissible in the context of fuzzy normed space are presented. The notion of α ̃–ψ ̃- proximal contractive mapping is introduced. After that, the best proximity point theorem for such type of mapping in a fuzzy normed space is state and prove. In addition, the idea of α ̃–ϕ ̃-proximal contractive mapping is presented in a fuzzy normed space and under specific conditions, the best proximity point theorem for such type of mappings is proved. Furthermore, some examples are offered to show the results' usefulness.
مشكلة البحث:
يبقى الفن ولا زال في جميع حالات التعاقب البشري ومراحل التطور الانساني الاكثر انطلاقة وتميزاً في التعبير عن واقع الانسان وعن مشاعره وانفعالاته وافكاره ذات الصلة بتأثيرات البيئة المحيطة به.
والفن ولاسيما (الرسم) يمثل وسيلة من وسائل التعبير الفني بل يكاد يكون الرسم وسيلة الانسان الاولى التي عبر فيها بخطوط مرئية عن مجالات حياته وعلاقته بالبيئة التي عاش فيها، ويقينا
... Show Moreهدفت الدراسة الى تحديد الكفايات التدريسية اللازمة للطالبات- المدرسات من وجهة نظرهن وذلك للتعرف على مدى حاجتهن لهذه الكفايات التدريسية التي ينبغي امتلاكها لتحقيق الاهداف المنشودة.أشتملت عينة البحث على(100) طالبة من جامعة بغداد/كلية التربية للبنات/قسم التاريخ.تم اعداد اداة البحث وهي أستبانة مكونة من (43) فقرة خماسية البدائل هي (موافقة بشدة، موافقة،مترددة،غير موافقة،غير موافقة بشدة) موزعة على
... Show MoreThe present study discusses the problem based learning in Iraqi classroom. This method aims to involve all learners in collaborative activities and it is learner-centered method. To fulfill the aims and verify the hypothesis which reads as follow” It is hypothesized that there is no statistically significant differences between the achievements of Experimental group and control group”. Thirty learners are selected to be the sample of present study.Mann-Whitney Test for two independent samples is used to analysis the results. The analysis shows that experimental group’s members who are taught according to problem based learning gets higher scores than the control group’s members who are taught according to traditional method. This
... Show MoreThe Andalusi did not leave any poetic art without expressing his psychological and sentimental emotions and the depth of emotions and it sincerity. We found Andalusian translated his emotions into poetry and in many different subjects. The Poetic images and the analogies were plentiful in their poetry.
لما كانت الوظيفة الأساسية للغة هي الوظيفة التواصلية ، أو التبادل الكلامي بين المخاطب والمستمع ، فكان لا بد لهذه الوظيفة من آليات – لغوية وبلاغية – يستعملها المتكلم أو المرسل للخطاب الأدبي لتوجيه ذهن السامع أو المخاطب نحو ما يطرحه من أفكار ، ورؤى ، واقناعه عن طريق التواصل ، بمضمون الخطاب واستلزام سرعة الانجاز ، وتأسيساً على ذلك جاء هذا البحث لبيان هذه الآليات في الخطاب القرآني متمثلاً في سور الطور
... Show Moreاستهدف البحث الكشف عن المكانة الاجتماعية لطفل الروضة بين أقرانه ، ودلالة الفروق في المكانة الاجتماعية لاطفال عينة البحث التي تعزي الى بعض المتغيرات من خلال الاجابة عن الاسئلة الاتية :
اولاً : ما المكانة الاجتماعية لدى اطفال الروضة بين اقرانهم ؟
ثانياً : ما علاقة المكانة الاجتماعية لدى اطفال الروضة ببعض المتغيرات و ذلك من خلال اختبار الفرضيات الصفرية الآتية :
Under major developments in the field of business environment, the use of traditional budgets do not fit into these developments and adversely affect the future performance of the enterprises, which requires the transition to modern systems in the preparation of the budgets of activity based budgeting ABB because they provide a more accurate and objective estimates based on scientific foundations and practical avoided arising from the use of traditional budgeting problems, Where ABB is working better allocation of resources based on the activities of an enterprise and this positively affects the performance of the administration for the purpose of evaluating their performance according to responsibility centers and decision-making govern
... Show MoreThe present study is considered the first on this sector of the Tigris River after 2003. It is designed for two aims, the first is to demonstrate the seasonal variations in physicochemical parameters of Tharthar-Tigris Canal and Tigris River; the second is to explain the possible effects of canal on some environmental properties in the Tigris River. Water samples were being collected monthly. Six sampling sites were selected, two on Tharthar Canal and four along the Tigris River, one before the confluence as a control site and the others downstream the confluence with the canal. For a period from January to December 2020, nineteen physicochemical parameters were investigated including air and water temperature, turbidity, electrical cond
... Show MoreIt takes a long time and a lot of money to choose and provide clothes. It is soothing
necessary to care of them in order to use it another time. There is no Disposable clothes
until now, like other things in the house which we used for once then we dropped, then we
can use new one without any time or effort can be mentioned like needles, nappy, tissues
and etc.
The clothes are different; people should take care of and clean them again in order to
use them again. The right care of clothes would make them last for a long time. So, there is
no need to buy a new one instead of them in a short time. This thing provides time and
effort for the people and the family, to affect positively on the family’s budget.
We s
يهدف البحث التعرف على اثر استراتيجية القوائم المركزة في تحصيل مادة الكيمياء عند طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط وتم استخدام المنهد التجريبي ذو الضبط الجزئي وكذلك تم اختيار مجامع البحث جميع طلاب المدارس الثانوية والمتوسطة التابعة لمديرية تربية كربلاء